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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. If the allegation that Muuse Naasoole has leased Lasqorey to Ethios is true, then more conflict is around the corner. Paragon What are the borders of the suggested Danwanaag (nice name btw). What assurance it won't bring even disputes more rather than solve them?
  2. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: IT IS REALLY SHAME MARKA AAD MEELNABA WAX KA WAYDO ,,, CANDHO DHEXE UUN BAAD KU DHACAYSAA Wax badso wax beel bay leedahay. I agree with Jaylaani, let's not hang our Johnnie C Buubaa. Some sort of "Community Service" would be more suitable. Two years polishing army boots I say. Any other suggestion?
  3. Lordy lord! Explains why this moron is deputy defence minister in the puppet warlord regime.
  4. ^^ Let me guess... you own the copyrights for "jihaad". What's this "human language" anyway?
  5. ^^ Muj. Ibraahim Cabdillaahi Xuseen. What's the prize?
  6. ^^lol@busy double posting. Johnnie Cochrane Buubaa is one the few individuals in Almighty's world who are safer in Mogadishu than Hargeisa.
  7. ^^ Anyone got the faintest idea what this chap is yapping about?
  8. Many Western diplomats have expressed hope that this transitional government, Somalia’s 14th, will end the seemingly interminable chaos that has enveloped the country since the central government collapsed in 1991. But so far, the government has failed to deliver the same level of stability that an Islamist administration brought during its brief reign last year. It was overthrown by Ethiopian-led forces, with covert American help. That's the biggest tragedy of them all. The people who brought peace and stability for the first time in 15 years were removed by foreign forces (and their stooges) who as predicted brought back chaos and misery. The leaders of the Islamic Courts used walk and mingle with the residents of the capital when they were in charge whereas the hoodlums who wish to replace them need thousands of foreign troops to cower under. The failure of this puppet warlord regime is nothing short of catastrophic. Hundreds of civilians killed, countless injured and tens of thousands homeless/displaced - and that's within the last few weeks. It's about time these warlords and their thugs were stopped and made to pay for crimes once and for all.
  9. Would it make the Ethios rethink if certain targets inside Ethiopia were hit? Just a thought.
  10. GABOOSE IYO INA XAASH OO XISBI CUSUB KU DHAWAAQAY Labada Siyaasi ee Caanka ah Dr Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose iyo Eng. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi ayaa Xisib Siyaasadded Cusub oo ay kamid yihiin maanta kaga Dhawaaqay magaaladda Hargeysa Xisbigan oo lagu Magaacaabo QARAN ahna ((Ururka Nabada iyo Horumarinta Somaliland) Eng. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi, Dr Gaboose iyo Xubin kale full article
  11. Norf Why don't you cut the middleman and start a debate with house Ethios directly. I know SomaliFriend claims to be one, are there any others? What's cyber collaborator's opinion worth to you?
  12. Condemning this indiscriminate shelling of residential areas is the least any person with an ounce of decency can do.
  13. ^ If someone is bad, then they should be kicked out of office as well. The jailing of journalists is the straw that broke camel's back. If he's willing and prepared to take this kind of action today, what would Riyaale try when re-elected?
  14. As Somalis, we were clans---and still are. At times we were warring clans. Today’s clannish hatred though is a function of the said political attitude. Ethiopia fuels the fire, but does not create the conditions. The political attitude does. Do you see my point adeer? Agree with this 100% Sir Xiin. The problem is Somalis don't live in "an ideal Somali world". Never mind clan hatred, what about simple suspicion? Fact is, some of the elders that were so determined to unite Somalis (in the 1950/60s) ultimately had to cross the borders (in the 1970/80s). That says it all. Can anyone dare criticise the people of Bay/Bakool/etc for crossing over? Bad experiences and events can change "political attitude" in a very dramatic way. The fine line, which if crossed turns a fellow Somali to the biggest enemy is not the eastern border but cruelty and injustice. You and I are where we are because we had to make CHOICES not because of "political attitude". Islam or geniune Muslims is "the ideal Somali world". That is what to aim for. I don't think we'll reach it in my lifetime, but, as they say: "aim for the stars and reach the sky". The "sky" or the "not so ideal Somali world" is a more just and fairer society than today's. "Any ideas as to how to lift the siege and halt our tragic Fall? " I was excited high had hopes when some elders up north showed willingness to change and reform. These elders and their declarations should've been supported and encouraged to spread their ideas further. Rather than shun the traditional/clan elders, "sheekhs" should've devised a programme to educate and spread the word. The fact is, the political leaders (MPs, ministers, etc) get votes mainly from the backing of these elders. If they were even more versed in Islam and had good relations with "wadaads/sheekhs", then they'll back the "ideal people" for office . These "ideal people" will in turn start the "ideal education/schools/curriculum". With the blessing of the Almighty the future students will cured of this hatred and suspicion. If these happens, the mistrust that exist between Somalis and their neighbours (swahili,afar,oromo etc) will be a thing of the past too. Lots of ifs and easier said than done but that's my way out of it.
  15. XOX What the people want is more important than who controls them.
  16. ^^ Even better change the search to Thesaurus and it throws up sophist What's a "whited sepulche"? Suldaanka They come in all shapes and sizes. Aren't they all such fun?
  17. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: ^^^ Well done to the brother - Masha Allah - Norf - Could we say he could be the Future Vieira of Somaliland?? Wouldn't that be great. Unlikely though coz he plays for Norway's under-17's at the momemt.
  18. Magool you expect us to believe that? Have you been threatened? Have they bribed you? Go on, you can tell me by PM coz their secret is safe with me.
  19. Originally posted by Sophist: Dumb? a word I am sure you are very well versed with. Yep. Dumb. One more time...it is dumb, my sophisticated brother. PS: the cloth says it all. There you go again. I knew you're using this opportunity to address the usual complex and insecurities. That's why you ignored Togane and Duke's contributions. Bashir's "sophisticated" clanish comments might be news to someone like yourself but I know what he used to write about the clans he said supported the SNM in 80's. I'm not going to ask you to condemn those views because that would be .....