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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Good news. Somaliland's lack of investors is/was one of the disadvantages of not being recognized and Berbera deserves this the most.
  2. ^ What is it now, are you baffled by your joke?
  3. Ngonge gacan baan ku taagey yaa sahbi. Qaar badan oo khabiiriin ismooda dhaantaa, let alone the likes of moi. As for your style? Well, it's cross between OG Girl and Salaan Carrabey (no pun) La'da xarafka laanka iyo ba'daan loyar ku ahaaye Nin awawgii loox ugu dhigoo liilgashaan ahaye Legjar Faranji niman baa akhriya laawis iyo beene Oo waliba laasima intay lib isku moodaane Pologies for derailing the topic.
  4. "He was shot in the neck and near the jaw," a security source told Reuters. "I think the gunman was aiming for the head. He wanted to eliminate him." A lesson to all warlord mouthpieces out there. Just when you think it's safe enough to get a pint of of milk.... bang! in the neck!
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: waxad leedahay this thread was informative! xago informative ka aha? THE THREAD I mean. In fact, I think it was offensive and insulting. mala meel an anigo wax ka arko adinko, being emotionally attached to the situation, kama aragtan! Waayahay, saaxib. Bal indhaha masax oo akhriso waxan kuu so qori dona (eleen adaa meesha ka admin): The NYT article was an informative article and was worth posting. However, Kashafa did NOT post the article, he only posted the juicy, sensational parts of it. Nothing wrong with that of course. But, he then went on to use all of the article and the sad situation in ****** as a stick to beat the TFG supporters with. This happened on the FIRST post, marka anoo san o arko, this thread markiisa hore ba mid qaloocsan bu ahaa oo meel xun bu ka so bilabmay! I don't for a minute think that Kashafa meant it in this way. But, as I told him time and time again, he's just an angry young man who lets his emotions get the better of him. I don't want to increase your burden here as I'm sure you've got enough on your plate but I still reckon you should have stepped in much earlier. After the first three posts on the thread (read them again if you like) even a blind man could see where things were heading. Wax informative, wax faido ku jirto ama wax dadka wax o khurdin laha, meeshan ku ma jiran. Try to suspend your hatred for the TFG and their supporters (of which I'm not one) long enough to see when threads attacking that group are just WRONG. arr badow yan la wada noqon, entaan edin la joogo ega faideesta nacal shaklak. lol@Ngonge I challenge you post in the "boredom" thread in Somali. Well, your Somali.
  6. What Faisal said might be open to interpretation and it seems the paranoid and the twisted have taken the full advantage. The author of the article made pathetic attempt to sling mud at Somaliland and Somalilanders with exaggerated claims and blatant lies. Faisal Waraabe comes across as an unstable character and his comments are inexcusable even though he later said they were aimed at Puntland militias not the peoples of eastern Sool and Sanaag. Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale: "Faysaloow, horta dad la xasuuqi maayo, xukuumaddana siyaasadeedu maaha inay xasuuqdo dad u dhashay dalkan, horta marka hore taas ku abshirso, siyaasadda xukuumadda Somaliland maaha inay xasuuqdo dad shacab ah oo u dhashay dalkan." Siilaanyo: "Horta marka hore erayga xasuuqa inaga daaya, dadkeena iyo dad kale toona ereyadaasi waa ereyada iska ba'an. " Even though that's the swift reactions Faisal got for his ill-judged comments during the debate, the author of the article posted by Nayruus claims: "What is worrisome, however, is the absolute mute response from the leadership and the masses of Somaliland." "Mr. Waraabe is most secure within the corridors of influence and power in the portals of Somaliland and he has not been asked yet to explain himself." Was this chap practising the usual tactic of not letting FACTS in the way anti-Somaliland propaganda or simple case lack of comprehension? If he stopped there I'd given him the benefit of the doubt. This quote should be taken as an insult to intelligence even by SOL resident village idi*ts: "In the dark alleyways of hate Mr. Waraabe’s call for genocide is not matched anywhere in past Somali history hindering the pursuit of peace in the entire Somali peninsula." Bleaase give me a break! Hundreds of thousands have perished already in the hands of genocidal Somali warlords who are the obstacles to peace. What happened in Mogadishu last few months is classic example of genocide in practice.
  7. Architectural, cultural gems imperilled JENNIFER PELTZ Associated Press June 6, 2007 at 2:06 PM EDT NEW YORK — Rising seas, spreading deserts, intensifying weather and other harbingers of climate change are threatening cultural landmarks from Canada to Antarctica, the World Monuments Fund said Wednesday releasing its latest list of the world's most endangered sites. This year's list is the first to add global warming to a roster of forces that the organization says are threatening humanity's architectural and cultural heritage. Other factors include political conflict, pollution, development and tourism pressures, and a thirst for modernity in buildings and lifestyles. "On this list, man is indeed the real enemy," Bonnie Burnham, the president of the New York-based fund, said in a statement. "But, just as we caused the damage in the first place, we have the power to repair it." The U.S. list includes sites as diverse as historic Route 66, the fabled east-west highway flanked by eccentric, deteriorating attractions; the New York State Pavilion, a rusting remnant of the 1964 World's Fair in Queens; and the historic neighbourhoods of New Orleans, where the Monuments Fund pointed to the destruction done by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the potential for more damage from future storms and rising waters. Internet Links World Monuments Fund New Orleans is among at least six historic places with futures clouded by a changing climate, it said. The fund's "100 Most Endangered Sites" list, issued every two years, is intended as a cultural clarion call, and the organization suggests it has been a successful one. More than three-quarters of the places listed in previous years are no longer imperilled, according to the organization, which has given more than $47-million to help save some 214 sites since 1996. This year's list includes sites in 59 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. The United States is home to more than any other country, with seven sites or types of sites — one entry is the "Main Street Modern"-style public buildings that symbolized progress after the Second World War. There are six sites each in Peru, and five each in India and Turkey. On Herschel Island, Canada, melting permafrost threatens ancient Inuit sites and a historic whaling town. In Chinguetti, Mauritania, the desert is encroaching on an ancient mosque. In Antarctica, a hut once used by British explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott has survived almost a century of freezing conditions but is now in danger of being engulfed by increasingly heavy snows. Other sites face different perils. Political conflicts are clouding the future of Iraq's cultural heritage sites and the remains of two ancient, giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan's province of Bamiyan, in the monuments fund's view. The statues were destroyed by the Taliban regime in 2001, but there have been some efforts to restore them. Growth pressures are being felt in places such as Ireland's Hill of Tara, an earthen fort where Celtic chieftains jockeyed for power and legend says St. Patrick confronted paganism. A planned highway, intended to ease commuting between Dublin and a northwestern suburb, would pass near the hill. Other places, such as Peru's famed Machu Picchu, are considered threatened because of their own popularity. A new bridge recently opened to cater to backpackers headed to Machu Picchu, although government cultural experts said it could bring too many tourists to the delicate Inca ruins. A group of experts chose the sites on the World Monuments Fund list from hundreds of nominations, submitted by governments, conservationists and others. The selections were based on the sites' importance and the urgency of the dangers to them, the organization said. World Monuments Fund's 100 Most Endangered Sites The names appear as listed by the organization. AFGHANISTAN Buddhist Remains of Bamiyan Murad Khane, Kabul Tepe Narenj, Kabul ALGERIA Medracen and el-Khroub Numidian Royal Mausolea, Constantine ANTARCTICA Scott's Hut and the Explorers' Heritage of Antarctica, Ross Island ARGENTINA Brener Synagogue, Moises Ville ARMENIA Kumayri District, Alexandrapol AUSTRALIA Dampier Rock Art Complex, Burrup Peninsula AZERBAIJAN Khinalyg Village BANGLADESH Sonargaon-Panam City BOSNIA/HERZEGOVINA Sarajevo City Hall BRAZIL Porangatu Historic District BULGARIA Novae Archaeological Site, Svishtov BURKINA FASO Loropeni Ruins CANADA Herschel Island, Yukon CHILE Montemar Institute of Marine Biology, Vina del Mar CHINA Modern Shanghai Xumishan Grottoes, Guyuan County CYPRUS Famagusta Walled City EGYPT Aqsunqur Mosque (Blue Mosque), Cairo Shunet el-Zebib, Abydos West Bank of the Nile, Luxor ERITREA Derbush Tomb, Massawa ETHIOPIA Mohammadali House, Addis Ababa FRANCE Epailly Chapel of the Order of the Temple, Courban GEORGIA Gelati Monastery and Academy, Kutaisi GHANA Wa Naas Palace, Wa GREECE Lesvos Historic Churches Pella Macedonian Tombs GUATEMALA Capitanes Generales Palace, Antiqua Guatemala Ceibal Archaeological Site, Sayaxche INDIA Amber Town, Rajasthan Chettinad, Chennai Jantar Mantar, Jaipur Leh Old Town, Ladakh Srinigar Heritage Zone INDONESIA Kotagede Heritage District IRAQ Cultural Heritage Sites of Iraq IRELAND Tara Hill Vernon Mount, Cork ITALY Transhumance Cultural Landscape, Molise Region Farnese Nymphaeum, Rome Fenestrelle Fortress, Turin Viscontian Bridge-Dam, Valleggio sul Mincio JAMAICA Falmouth Historic Town JORDAN Khirbet et-Tannur, Tafilah Qusayr Amra, al-Azraq JORDAN/ISRAEL Jordan River Cultural Landscape LIBYA Wadi Mathendous Rock Art, Fezzan MACEDONIA Mother of God Peribleptos Church, Ohrid MADAGASCAR Fianarantsoa Old City MALTA Fort St. Elmo, Valletta MAURITANIA Chinguetti Mosque MEXICO Huaca Historic Neighborhood, Veracruz Chihuahua Missions Monte Alban Archaeological Site, Oaxaca Teuchtitlan-Guachimontones Archaeological Zone MOROCCO Al-Azhar Mosque, Fez NIGERIA Ikom Monoliths of Cross River State PAKISTAN Shikarpoor Historic City Center PALESTINIAN Territories Church of the Holy Nativity, Bethlehem PERU Laraos Terraces Lima Historic City Center Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary Macusani-Corani Rock Art San Pedro Apostol de Andahuaylillas Church Santa Catalina Monastery, Arequipa RUSSIA Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign Church, Teplovo Mendeleev Tower, St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Historic Skyline SENEGAL Saint Louis Island SIERRA LEONE Freetown Historic Monuments SLOVAKIA BanskDa Stiavnica Calvary Complex SOMALILAND Las Geel Rock Art SPAIN Joan MirDo Foundation, Barcelona SRI LANKA Kandy Sacred City SWEDEN Ljungberg Hall, Borlange City SYRIA Cyrrhus (Nebi Houri), Azaz Old Damascus TANZANIA Kilwa Historic Sites TURKEY ECukur Han, Ankara Hasankeyf Istanbul Historic Walls Meryem Ana (Mother of God) Church, GJoreme, Cappadocia Red Church, GJuzelyurt, Sivrihisar, Cappadocia UKRAINE Pidhirtsi Castle UNITED KINGDOM Mavisbank House, Midlothian, Scotland Richhill House, Armagh City, Northern Ireland St. Peters College, Cardross, Scotland Wiltons Music Hall, London UNITED STATES Florida Southern Historic Campus, Lakeland, Fla. Historic Neighborhoods of New Orleans, La. Historic Route 66 Main Street Modern New York State Pavilion, Queens, N.Y. Salk Institute, San Diego, Calif. Tutuveni Petroglyph Site, Hopi Tribal Land, Ariz. UZBEKISTAN Ayaz Kala, Ellikala Madrasa Rashid, Bukhara ZIMBABWE Bumbusi National Monument, Matabeleland
  8. Don't agree with Anwar's bullshidh but Somalis need to distinguish between the ruling EPRDF and Ethiopians in general. Not all Ethiopians support what Meles and co are up to. In fact tens of millions of Ethiopians feel oppressed by Ethiopia's ruling elite and it makes no sense to make comments that offends the blameless majority.
  9. US official says Somali government jeopardized peace talks Print article Refer to a friend © AP 2007-06-06 20:00:52 - LONDON (AP) - Somalia's government has jeopardized talks on national reconciliation through the arrest of an opposition leader and closure of radio stations, a U.S. official said Wednesday after a London meeting of international diplomats. U.S. Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer, who joined a meeting of the International Contact Group on Somalia, said the Somali government's claims it would support peace talks were undermined by recent events. Abdi Iman _ a leading member of Mogadishu's dominant ****** clan _ was arrested Wednesday. Three radio stations have been closed by the government, which claimed the stations supported terrorism. «The U.S. government feels these actions risk undermining national reconciliation,» Frazer said. A national reconciliation congress comprising opposing factions in Somalia is due to start on June 14, said Britain's Lord Triesman, a legislator responsible for African affairs. He said talks should «include everybody that renounces violence.» Diplomats said in a statement after the meeting that there must be a credible political process of reconciliation in Somalia if there was to be an enduring peace. «It's only a political solution that in the final analysis will count,» said Triesman, who hosted the meeting. He said that if the discussions were not all-encompassing, then it was unlikely a resolution would be reached, after 15 years of violence and anarchy. Violence in the Somali capital of Mogadishu has undermined the government's claims to have defeated Islamic insurgents who have promised an Iraq-style guerrilla war. On Sunday, the country's prime minister emerged unscathed after a suicide bomber drove through a roadblock guarding the his home and rammed his car into a wall, killing seven people. Ethiopia, the region's military powerhouse, was vital in helping the Somali government drive out Islamic radicals who ruled much of the country for six months last year. But many in predominantly Muslim Somalia resent having troops from Ethiopia, which has a large Christian population. They have said they would leave once a replacement force could be found. But the African Union, which had been expected to provide around 8,000 troops, so far has managed to send only 1,500 Ugandans. Triesman called on the African Union to secure the country so the reconciliation discussions could take place, adding that it would be necessary for the United Nations to bring the peacekeeping operation under its umbrella. Frazer singled out Eritrea for supporting extremists in Somalia, but said other foreign individuals and terrorist organizations had infiltrated the country, amid fears that the country's Islamic insurgency was being supported from overseas. «This is too serious to be tolerant about wreckers, about spoilers,» Triesman said. «We can do without anybody fighting their proxy wars on Somalian territory.» web page
  10. UK Study Faults Islam Teaching Methods IslamOnline.net & Newspapers CAIRO — A wide-ranging government-commissioned study is faulting the syllabuses on Islam being taught in universities across the UK especially over failure to engage the Muslims as well as the lack of support for Muslim students on campus, The Times reported on Monday, June 4. The teaching of Islam in higher education has been conducted "in isolation and probably in complete ignorance of the Muslim community and their patterns of belief and practice," concluded Ataullah Siddiqui, a senior government adviser and director of the Markfield Institute of Higher Education. The review, entitled "Islam at Universities in England," said Islam studies and academic research in Britain fail to reflect the "realities" of Muslim life in multi-cultural Britain. Siddiqui found that the old-fashioned studies are generally "irrelevant" to modern society and fall short of presenting Islam as a faith that can co-exist with other religions. Focusing too narrowly on Arab and Middle Eastern perspectives, the courses often cater for white British students wanting to enter the Foreign Office, he added. The expert recommended that courses should be more job-related and that departments should link up with religious schools and have more qualified staff. He suggested that Muslim students should be able to learn parts of the syllabus from Islamic scholars. There are nearly 90,000 Muslim students studying in higher education institutions across Britain, home to a sizable Muslim minority of nearly 2.0 million. The majority of the multi-ethnic minority has Indian, Pakistani and Bengali backgrounds. Others have Arab, Mideast or African origins. No Support The comprehensive review also criticized the lack of support offered for Muslim students on campuses. Of the 100 or so universities in England, only 30 had a Muslim adviser, it found. Only one was paid for his services, four were part-time and the rest were volunteers. Even the few advisors available had no formal training in counseling or communication. As a result, many vulnerable students turn to their peer groups for help and the risk is that they can fall into the hands of extremists, Siddiqui cautioned. The study also showed that not all universities had a guide tackling crucial issues for everyday life of Muslim students like Friday prayers, Ramadan and halal food. It recommended that universities employ more Muslim chaplains or advisers and join forces with Islamic schools to bridge gaps between British society and its Muslims. The study also called for more recognition of the importance of campus Islamic societies and more prayer facilities. Responding to the report, Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell declared that Islamic studies at degree level will be designated "a Strategic subject". "Dr Siddiqui’s review provides a thoughtful and helpful contribution to a particularly complex and sensitive subject," Rammell said. "The effective and accurate delivery of Islamic studies within our universities is important for a multitude of reasons including wider community cohesion and preventing violent extremism in the name of Islam." The report comes a week after a unanimous vote by Britain's largest association for academics, the University and College Union (UCU), not to spy on Muslim students. A report by the umbrella Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) warned in February that British schools are failing to take into account sensitivities of the 400.000 Muslim school students in regard to religious assemblies, sex education and changing rooms. islamonline
  11. ^ His source is Somalitalk and this is the picture they posted. " Daahir Riyaale oo is-gaabinaya si uu ula sinmo Meles Zenawi uu si qummaati ah u taagan iyagoo isa salaamaya" Matter of opinion.
  12. "Even if that means our deaths, we will not stand idly by and suffer from this occupation. Islam exhorts us to die with dignity rather than live in shame." "I am an Iraqi, I am a Muslim, I am free and I reject all forms of occupation. I want to help the Iraqi people. This is everything the Americans hate." He's talking the talk.
  13. "Even if that means our deaths, we will not stand idly by and suffer from this occupation. Islam exhorts us to die with dignity rather than live in shame." "I am an Iraqi, I am a Muslim, I am free and I reject all forms of occupation. I want to help the Iraqi people. This is everything the Americans hate." He's talking the talk.
  14. "Even if that means our deaths, we will not stand idly by and suffer from this occupation. Islam exhorts us to die with dignity rather than live in shame." "I am an Iraqi, I am a Muslim, I am free and I reject all forms of occupation. I want to help the Iraqi people. This is everything the Americans hate." He's talking the talk.
  15. ^^ He sure sounds like a typical native to me. "waxaa dhinica bada laga helaa khayraad aad u fara badan sida kaluun cadka, kaluun madoowga,aragostada, shilibiska, sadafka, *** badeedka, lohodka, libaax badeedka,iwm waxay dagmooyinkasu leeyihiin marsooyin loo isticmalo sidii dakado oo kale oo aad u tiro badan waxana ka mida marsada xaabbo , marsada murcanyo, marsada bareeda marsada caluula , dhanka bargaal , marsada fagoolle marsada bargaal, marsada washitoon, marsada lafa goray, waxa kaloo ay leeyihiin madaaro calamiya oo garaya 4 madaar"
  16. Xiin no need to rant mate. You're a Puntland supporter, are you not? Not only a Puntland supporter, till just before the recent ICU take-over of Mogadishu, you were a TFG supporter. You're, to borrow a football phrase, an anything-but-Somaliland fan. If Ayaan Xirsi declares war on our flag you wouldn't hesitate to join her malitia. All in the name of UNITY you say. You talk of UNITY but can genuinely say places like Ceerigaabo, Hargeisa and Boorama lack it compared to places like Gaalkacyu, Xamar and Kismaayo. We're not perfect and got a lot to learn but not from you, brother. Think about it. Do you disagree?
  17. Come off it Xiin, you're a Puntland supporter.
  18. Mmmmh So it's not what i'm saying but where. OK. Fair enough. My support will remain verbal as long as they behave as they do. It's not long ago since their last selective arson, but this is not the place for topic , right? HornAfrique If YOU paid attention, you'd know my question was not WHY but WHAT ABOUT? I know WHY and now everyone does. Now go back to defending the occupation of Kililka 6aad coz I'm off to bed. Nite doctor.
  19. I don't think you get what I meant Xiin.. My argument is Yey has done far worse to harm the ONLF's campaign yet they have RIGHTLY not resorted to this low form of criminal behaviour against "your trucks". What's the difference between you and me? If my conclusions wrong, please correct me. Is it not fair to say, then, that superficial concerns about yesterday’s violent reactions against Riyaale’s treacherous policy against ONLF fighters and its politicians in the futile hope of solidifying his admin’s relationship with Ethiopia are quite phony yaa Ayoub! Let get this straight, the ONLF actions were criminal actions taken against innocent civilians, not Riyaale.
  20. ^^lol@lynch mob. Arsonists you mean. Xiin for the 3rd time: I don't care what they choose to call themselves. I'm cool with it. Do I need to say it again? I support their fight for self-determination. Is that clear? I infact appreciate how gutsy it is. Having said that, what I'm supposed to make of my trucks being burned because of Riyaale's actions while yours don't despite of Yey's? HornAfrique For a man who is defending the Ethio occupation of Kililka 6aad in another thread, I can't even force myself to take your concerns for the ONLF seriously.
  21. Ladif Riyaale threatened to send ONLF boys arrested to Ethiopia. Yey did send ONLF boys and others to Ethiopia. Let me ask you one more time: how do you justify the selective criminal actions of the ONLF? For the record, I condemn the threats, arrests, ill-treatment of the ONLF boys. No if or buts.
  22. ^^ No. I'm not worried. I repeat: I don't care what they call themselves. Is that clear?
  23. ^^ Oh really? Are you saying heavily-armed ONLF men don't ask travellers in the region to generously donate to the cause? The truck-burning, however you try to justify it, is nothing but jealousy-driven criminal arson of property belonging to innocent civilians.
  24. ^^ Don't care what name they call themselves, what about the criminals activities like extortion and truck-burning?