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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^ Caano-boodhe diarrhoea again. I don't expect you to bite the hand that used to provide the rations. The SNM mujaahids cleared out your counterparts (Barre armed thugs) that came under the guise of Soomaali-abbo. He (Barre) was the first man to bring the likes of Meles to Somalia not to mention the American bases at Berbera. Your "Caano-boodhe memoirs" are good a insight into second-rate Afweyniste mind and nothing more.
  2. ^^ If used to survive on Caano-boodhe provided by Siyaad's you would be thinking just like him (Mr. ME).
  3. In brief, the administration have shot themselves in the foot. I don't think they expected uproar, resignations and protests caused by their foolish action. They've given Qaran more publicity than they could've dreamt of. Udub have damaged little chance they had to retain power. No wonder Faisal Waraabe back-tracked and started to sing a different tune. [ August 08, 2007, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: AYOUB ]
  4. Originally posted by Nephthys: She really looks like the Jane next door. I like the greasy natural look. She's absolutely stunning in a unique sort of way. Kudos to her! I think she look ok too. Her stories are more believable with that "rough look".
  5. ^^ He's an SNM veteran. Probably the only that was still a senior member of the government. We wait to see what he says coz he never minces his words.
  6. I sort of expected Mj. Cabdillahi to quit after the recent blunders by the administration. What a loss!
  7. ^^ It's not just about the release, the trend of wrongful arrests has to stop. When Suldaan Cismaan Madar was arrested, the story was "if he's interested in politics he should form an Islamic party". Now the story is forming a fourth party is "illegal and unconstitutional". They can't have their cake and eat it.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I agree with all of you but I have to insist that our Islamweyn is sunni and salafi. If you don't agree with me I'm afraid I'll have to to breakaway and create my own Islamland. Something tells me that my words will be misread Sectarian propaganda!!! Akhi you'll end up with 72 powerless squabbling sects and Satan will take advantage of you. Salam Alaikum.
  9. Yeah right! Iraq must be on a highway to tranquillity as far as Capt. Anakunda is concerned. Biggest joke since Fat Muuse was given "good governance" award.
  10. ^^ What a disgrace! “Kur-sigan waxa lagu yimi, oo aad adigu [Rayaale] ku timi oo aan anigu ku imi doorasho, sidii taliskii Maxamed Siyaad Bare ku maad qabsan In-qilaab, hadaad in-qilaab ku qabsato waxaanu odhan lahayn Walaahi inqilaab ayuu ku qabsaday, xoog ayuu ku qabsaday kuu rabo ha tuujiyo, kuu rabo ha xidho kuu rabo ha ka riixo” “Waxaan u maleynayaa [Rayaale] inaan anigu dad kuugu daranay Maadaama aan ku idhi Kel-madaasi” - Xildhinaan Ikraan Xaaji Daa’uud Warsame web page
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh. That's what I'm talking about. You should have taken photos of random people, saaxib. Ok, fine. At least tell me you did better than our former burco envoy (what does she call herself these days?) and took photos of different animals. She did well with the goats, remember! Ahaaa! You just want to see pictures of snakes and lizards that have freaked the onions out you, don't ya? Flippin carab! North Enjoy your trip bro. Gaadhsii salaan gebi ahaantood ba...
  12. Well, it's matter of opinion but i'm on SF side on this one against the likes of Riyaale Waraabe, Goth and JB. Don't know about you. If find SF to be a voice of reason in most cases. As for Qaran, most people believe it was created to split "anti-Kulmiye" votes. So it's not clear whether they've done their job yet, is it?
  13. ^ Arrest everybody, right? If you think these arrests were wrong , why the hell do you support them? This government knows it's unpopular and that's why they're resorting to this kind of behaviour. Now they will be there until the court finishes its hearing then they will be either charged or released ........... that is the system and it is the same thing they would do if they are the government ......... Adeer this administration keeps finding people "guilty till proven innocent". THAT IS NOT THE SYSTEM !!! Cabdi Gaboobe, Maxamed Gaboose, Maxamed Xashi and Jamaal Caydiid are people who worked hard to get where we're. They're behind the struggle for justice and spirit of foreignness that exists in Somaliland. The government is important but as important are the opposition, media, human groups , religious/traditional leaders etc.. How many of these have been victimised by this administration? This administration is dragging us back to the old days of political detentions and it's time to stop it. The least you can do is call for end to this kind of behaviour and demand the immediate release of the Qaran leadership. I'll leave you with the wise words of Mr Arabay: “Hadaba la-taliyaasha la talinaayow Madaxweyne Rayaalow waxaan idin leeyahay taariikhdu way is qoreysa oo way idin sheegi, raggaasi maamaha rag la xidho oo waa rag mudakara oo ragg in badan duurka ku jiray oo ku dhalmo daayey, oo ku aduunyo daayey waa rag in-jirtu ku gashay oo wixii ay keeneena waa taa maanta la hadhsanayo Kuwii shalayto la dagaalamayey ay iyagii xidh-xidhayaan Waa nasiib-darro
  14. ^^ Adeer this administration thinks it's above the law. The Haatuf journalists were jailed WITHOUT TRIAL because they questioned Riyaale and his family's financial dealings. Is that not correct? Was Muj. Xashi not sacked from his ministerial post for questioning this administration's financial dealing and the annual budget? If anyone thinks they are above the law then it is Riyaale, Udub and its apparatus. I'll say it again; the people this administration keeps trying to intimidate are not the "enemy of Somaliland " but individuals who've been loyal and with best interest of the people. Enough is enough. We've reached the stage where the President and his party are reminded that power was handed to them by the people.
  15. ^^ Get real and don't be so naïve, will yaa? The ministers have followed up on their threats and it will be one of their costliest mistakes. I remember you being in denial mode too when the Haatuf journalists were jailed.
  16. Whether one agrees with them or not, it is utterly unacceptable for citizens who are seeking to exercise their constitutional rights in a peaceful manner, to be told in writing by a Minister who belongs to one of the three parties that they are criminals, and then to be sent to jail. The Chairman and the two Deputy Chairman of Qaran association, Dr. Mohamed Abdi Gaboose, Mr Mohamed Hashi and Mr Jamal Aideed, have been sent to Mandhera Jail on 28/7/2007, and will, no doubt, feel that they have now become Somaliland's first political prisoners. Riyaale and his party have no option but back down on this. How many people are they prepared to jail for political reasons? The people of Somaliland have so far tolerated their rule because they know they'll get a chance to express their feelings in the up-coming elections. Riyaale, Udub and their supporters know Qaran party will erode their support so much to ensure a Kulmiye victory. If the people start feeling that the Riyaale's administration is denying them the peaceful means of removing them from power, then trouble is around the corner. (Suldaan Sulub Nuur War-same iyo Maxamed Cabdi Arabay) hadhwanaag 2007-07-30 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Odayaasha Beesha Galbeedka Hargeysa Suldaan Sulub Nuur War-same oo ka mid Salaadiinta Beesha Galbeedka Hargeysa iyo Maxamed Cabdi Arabay oo ka mid ah odayaasha beeshaasi ayaa canbaareeyey xadhiga hogaamiyaasha Urur Siyaasadeedka Qaran, isla markaana ku-la taliyey Xukuumada Rayaale inay xoriyadoodi si degdega ugu soo celiso. Waxay oyaashu sidaa ku sheegeen shirjaraa’id oo ay Geed hoostii ku qabteen Maanta, kadib markii ay Huteel Xaraf ay loo diiday inay ku qabsadaan. Maxamed Cabdi Arabay oo ka mid ah odyaasha reer Hargeysa ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay ka hadlayaan Xadhiga Masuuliyiinta Urur Siyaasadeedka Qaran, isla markana waxa uu ku tilmaamay mid Cadaalad daro ah “Waxaanu ka hadlaynaa Sadexdan Nin ee xidhan, horta dadku birmo-geydo ayuu leeyahay ninbaa Gabyey oo waxa uu yidhi “Dadku birmo-geydiyo lama guhaashaan ayuu leeyahay, sadexdan nin [Dr. Gaboose, Maxamed Xaashi iyo Jamaal Caydiid] ee mujaahidiinta ee soo halgamay ee maanta midhahoodii la daaqayo ee Cadaalad darada lagu xidhay ayaanu ka soo hor-jeednaa Xadhigoodaas” “Inkasta oo aanu ina Rayaale dhag u dhigayn wixii la yidhaahdo ilaa sidii Af-weyne ka lugeeyo, laakin waxaanu leenahay Sadexdaa nin ha loo soo celiyo xoriyadoodii haddii aanu nahay odayaashi” ayuu yidhi Maxamed Cabdi Arabay. Maxamed Arabay waxa uu ku dooday haddii muwaadiniinta reer Somaliland si sharci-darro ah la iskaga xidh-xidho inay nabadgelyada wax yeeli karto. “Halka ay reerka ************ ka yidhaahdeen haddaanu nahay reerka ************ anagu waxaanu leenahay hadaynu nahay reer ***** haddii maalin-walba rag laynaga xidh-xidho hadhowto nabadgelyadu way Xumaandoontaa oo gacanteena ayey ka bixi-doonta oo dhibaato ayey inoo geysandoontaa” ayuu yidhi. “Ina Rayaale iyo Dawladiisu waxay inagu wadaan inay mar-danbe dhibaato badan inoo geysato” ayuu yidhi Arabey. Md. Maxamed Arabay oo la hadlayey Shacbiga reer Somaliland waxa uu sheegay inay ka gar-naqaan xadhiga Masuuliyiinta Urur Siyaasadeedka qaran oo ay wax ka sheegaan, isaga oo arrintaa ka hadlayana waxa uu yidhi. “Shicibka Waxaan leeyahay waa inaad markhaatiga furtaan cidda gar-daran iyo cidda garta leh, -Af-weyna markii Xamar laga saaray raggi la talin-jiray ee uu kow ka ahaa Cabdiraxmaan Budhuq-budhuq ayaa waxa uu yidhi dadka ayaa xun Af-weyne ayaa dhir-baaxay waxa uu yidhi “dadku inuu Xumaa waan ogaayee idinka ayaa igu hayey beri hore ayaan isaga tagi lahaa”, hadaba waxaan leeyahay meel-walba Cabdirax-maan Budhuq-budhuq uu jiraa, hadaba waxa jira kuwo dadka madaxda ah haday toosan yihiin qaloociya, haday qaloocan yihiina sii qaloociya” “Hadaba la-taliyaasha la talinaayow Madaxweyne Rayaalow waxaan idin leeyahay taariikhdu way is qoreysa oo way idin sheegi, raggaasi maamaha rag la xidho oo waa rag mudakara oo ragg in badan duurka ku jiray oo ku dhalmo daayey, oo ku aduunyo daayey waa rag in-jirtu ku gashay oo wixii ay keeneena waa taa maanta la hadhsanayo Kuwii shalayto la dagaalamayey ay iyagii xidh-xidhayaan Waa nasiib-darro” ayuu yidhi Arebay isla markaana waxa uu nasiibdaro ku tilmaamay ragii wixii ay u soo dagaalamayeen in iyagana lagu xidh-xidho Arabay waxa uu Xukuummada Madaxweyne Rayaale ku eedeyey inaanay imika uunn Cadaalad darada bilaabin ee ay hore u bilowday, waxaanu yidhi “Dawlada Ina Rayaale maanta oo kaliya may bilaabin Cadaalad darrada, waxay bilowday markii Baarlamaankii xorta ahaa ee la soo doortay iyo Guurtidii ay isku dirtay, shicibkuna uu taagan yahay ee uu leeyahay nabad-gelyada ha la ilaaliyo, markii labaadna waxay ahayd markii shaqadii ay heshay Xaaska Mujaahidka Axmed Siilaanyo [Aamina Waris] ay u diideen ee ay dadkuna arrintaa ka hadli-waayeen, markaana uu ku sii dhiiraday, Markii Gudoomiyaha Wargeyska Haatuf Yuusuf Cabdi Gaboobe iyo labadii nin ee kale [Tafatiraha Haatuf Cali Cabdi Diini iyo Maxamed Cumar] ay xaqdarada ku xidhay way ka sii dartay ma dhameyn karo cadaalad darrada ay sameynayso” Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu intaa raaciyey ooo uu yidhi. “Maantana waxay xidhay Sadex Mujaahid[Dr. Gaboose, Maxamwed Xaashi iyo jamaal Caydiid] oo wadanka qiimo ku leh oo xalaal ah” “Hadaba waxaan leeyahay ina Rayaalow adeer waa inaad naga tagtaa dhac ! weli malaha dhac laguma odhan hadaba aniga [Maxamed Arabay] ayaa ku yidhi naga dhac waxba noomaad dhiibanin waanu kugu khatamanay oo naga tag ilaahayna deg deg ha ku rido waayo imika ayaanu yag-leel danbe ku jirnaa” Suldaan Sacad Muuse Sulub Nuur War-same oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in laga duceysto dawlada xun, isla markaana waxa uu carabka ku dhuftay in halgan dheer la soo maray. “Waxaan leeyahay Madaxda imika Dawlada haysaa talaabooyinka ay qaadayso ha ka joogto, ninku haddu denbi galo dawgu waxa uu yahay inta aan meel kale loo kaxayn oo aan la af-duubin halkan gartiisa lagu qaado oo la eego inuu danbiile yahay iyo inaanu danbiile ahayn” ayuu yidhi Suldaanka Sacad Muuse Suldaan Sulub Nuur Warsame. isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu intaa raaciyey oo uu yidhi: "Anigu waxaan leeyahay sida ha la bedelo, haddii aanay dawladu sidaa bedelin si xun oo ka weyn ayaa dhici." Mustafe Abdi Maxamed [Mustafe-Janaale] Reporter Hadhwanaagnews.com/Hargeysa E-mail, janaale94@yahoo.com
  17. ^^ Let's not be unfair to Yey, everyone is guilty of that.
  18. Like everywhere else, Lascaanod welcome Somalilands' leadership. The trouble-makers are always out-siders. The shit-stirers who use hold the people hostage are now embroiled in chaotic Mogadishu.
  19. Originally posted by Jabhad: Dadka Muqdisho iyaga ayaa is dilay, mana aha dad wax isu ogol, anagana wax inoo ogol, si kastaba haddii aanu yeelnay oo xitaa hub dunida ka mamnuuc ah in la adeegsado aan u adeegsanay, weli rabshadaha ma deyinin, magaaladiina way qasan tahay, marka Puntland inay sidaas oo kale noqoto ma doonayo, waana ka damqanayaa waxa ka dhacay, tallaabo adag ayaana laga qaadi doonaa wixii sababay in dadweynuhu qayliyaan.............................. Dhiig islaan ma qarsoomo baa la yidhi! No matter how he or his shameful mouthpieces try to hide the crimes of this mass murderer, the dumb SoB always slip up. It was days ago when his Ethio handlers were accused of using WHITE PHOSPHORUS bombs on Mogadishu residents and now Col Yey is boasting of using banned weapons. Not only did he amazingly admit the people Mogadishu do not want him, he also concedes the capital is in chaos. What a shambles! Ethiopia is accused of killing civilians with white phosphorus bombs
  20. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^I am British like 60 million others, He he he You had a choice, unlike most of 60 million, didn't you? BTW what's making you forget Yey claims to be partly British too? Herbs? :confused: Like nephew like Adeero!
  21. Duke Smithy What makes you forget you pledged your allegiance to that queen, Indhacadde's herbs?
  22. Originally posted by Qudhac: oh dear oh dear our local clown does seem to be i bit of bother these days isnt he it must be confusing when you are constantly contrdicting your self and doing the merry go-around 24/7, when then again its not easy job concorting reality and inventing manufacturing half truths, but it does make good comedy. ETHOPIANS, WHAT ETHOPIANS, THERES NO ETHOPIANS, YOU ARE ALL TERRORIST. lol Maybe someone has discovered Sheikh Indhacade's alleged marijuana plantations.
  23. But Qaran seem to be more active and more influencing ....... others announced the parties and didn't do any activities so far. [/QB] Believe it or not, being influential and active are positive characteristic for a political party. Like I said before , Mj. Xashi was a member of this administration as an "independent" was sacked for his honesty. How can he be denied to form something that suits his vision?
  24. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: It is a norman process ...... those politicians should learn and obey the constitution or this is the punishment. You can't pick and choose when to follow the constitution. Udub never consulted or respected the constitution in the past, why now? Politicians like (Muj. Xashi and lady Adna) tried to serve their country within the constraints of existing political parties as "independent" candidates but Riyaale didn't like their honesty and integrity and sacked them. What is someone like Muj. Xashi supposed to do, retire from politics? We're not talking about the arrests of people who are "enemies of the state and religion", are we? Far from it. The shameful thing about this episode is, while the likes of Dr. Gaboose are been hounded, the leadership of other new party (Badbaado) openly boast of meeting Riyaale. This is unacceptable. Time the smart ones within Udub to stop the rot.