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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^ "an independant secessionist entity" ? All that instead of Somaliland? You remind me of MMA using a long phrase just to avoid saying Jumatatu. I personally don't like Meles & Co (note I did not say Ethipians or Xabash). I think the people in charge like Cawil see doing business with them as necessary evil. It's easy for us who are in the "West" to criticise, isn't it?
  2. ^^ All the characters he mentioned are in Mogadishu and are today's Meles' loyal bum-licking stooges. Che The Ethios intentions is one thing. What we have is here is an allegation Somalis went out of their way to plan the invasion. This is before the Courts that some blame or use as a pretext. It all sems just too accurate.
  3. ^^ Horta ma Maakhir baa mise Makhiir, Maqiir mise Maaqir? Them Ausie asset stripers must be more baffled!
  4. When this chap came forward in 2005 to warn about impending invasion Mogadishu and the south of Somalia by thousands Ethios and their cahoots, it sounded like scare mongering to some of us. Did he really have the master-plan or was what happened just a coincidence?
  5. North I think you're just making excuses. Do you really expect us to believe Sheikh told you it's ok to take photos back of heads not the faces? C'mon! I don't think taking pictures of some geezers' back of the head was your biggest sin you committed on your adventures either. More beautiful scenery ... Allaybaday (and its surrounds) is a place I find very appealing. Is it the name? Greenery? Allaybaday and "allaybaday dam" farms and schools and more
  6. Baashi Don't know about Oodweyne, but, do I hold you in high regard or do I hold you in high regard? I'm also an admirer of your ability of juggling several political potatoes, but, a simpleton like I can only focus on the one labelled N. On insurgency. Again it won't be effective if the folks who are waging it are from part of HG clans only. Bring Durriyada, Baidowa, Puntland, Hiiraan, Geddo, and Juba clans into the game and you will see Habasha taking a cover. ... If only you called for that last winter instead of the "neutrality" you came up with. I admit, it was wrong for the battlefield to be in Bay when the leadership of protagonists were not natives, but, the Court had little choice. War was declared on them by hoodlums that were US/Ethio-backed. Where does "reconciliation" you're backing fit in all this anyway?
  7. Marxuum Axmed Xassan Libaan (Guhaad) wuxuu ku geeriyooday Hargeysa.() hadhwanaag 2007-08-16 (Hadhwanaagnews) Djibouti (HWN) - Halyay weyn oo siyaasadda Djibouti magac ku lehaa ayaa shalay ku geeriyooday magaalada Hargeysa. Marxuum Axmed Xassan Liibaan (Guhaad) ayaa wuxuu in badan ka tirsanaa dawladda Dhijouti horena u soo qabtay jagooyin fara badan kana mid ahaa hormuuddadii ka qayb qaatay xornimada Jamhuuriyadda Djibouti. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Djibouti Mudane Ismacil Cumar Geelle ayaa dalkiisa ka tacsiyadeeyey geerida marxuum Guhaad. Madaxweyne Geelle wuxuu tacsi sidoo kale gaadhsiiyay ehaldii iyo qoydkii marxuum Guhaad. Marxuum Axmed Xassan Libaan oo loo yaqaanay Guhaad wuxuu ku dhashay sannadkii 1925 magaalada DJibouti. Wuxuu ciidamada polis-ka ku biiray sannadkii 1950-kii. 1957 dawlad goboleedkii la smaeeyey ee uu madaxda u ahaa Maxamuud Xarbi wuxuu Guhad noqday Wasiirka wasaaradda Arrima Gudaha. Guhaad wuxuu ka qayqaatay gobonimo u diririkii Djibouti. Iyadoo la xidhaty laguna xukumay bishii August 1958-kii shan sanaddood oo xadhig ah. 1966 waxa Guhad la xidhay sannad kale oo xadhig ah. Markaas oo ku beegnayd xilli uu Jeneral De Goulle soo booqanayay Djibouti. 1973-kii Guhad wuxuu noqday mudane barlamaan. 1976-kii wuxuu noqday wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ee Djibouti. Markii xornimada la qaatay 1977-kii wuxuu marar kala duwan noqday Wasiirka Wasaaradaha, Hawlaha Guud iyo Caafimaadka iyo Beeraha. 1982 - 1997 kii wuxuu ahaa mudane barlamaanka qaranka, isagoo xubin joogta ah ka ahaa xisbiga RPP ee talada haya. Haddaba Mudane Marxuum Guhaad oo taariikh dheer kaga tegay shacbiga reer Djbiouti ayaa waxa shalay lagu aasay Ceel Berdaale, oo ka tirsan degmada Gabilay, ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Waxana aaskiisii ka soo qaybgalay madax ka tirsan labada dawladood ee Djibouti iyo Somailand, dadweyneha reer jibouti ee dalka ku sugan dalka iyo dad badan oo kale oo u dhashay Somaliland. Alle ha u naxariistee Marxuum Guhaad waxa tacsi qaran dadka reer Djibouti iyo reerkiisiiba u diray Madaxweyne Geelle. Sidoo kale Dawladda Somaliland ayaa tacsi gaadhsiisay eheladii marxuumka iyo dadweynaha reer Djibouti. Waxa iyana tacsi na soo gaadhsiiyay dad badan oo reer Somaliland. Bahda Hadhwanaagnews waxay tacsi u dirayaan dadweynaha walaaheen ee reer Djibouti, iyo qoyskii Marxuum Axmed Xassan Liibaan (Guhaad). Ilaahay jannadii haka waraabiyo dhammaanteenna samir iyo iimaanha innaga siiyo. ammiin aamiin aamiin. Hadhwanaagnews Djibouti, Rep. of Djibouti More togdheernews http://djiboutination.com
  8. More lovely scenery... Socdaalkaygii Burco ilaa Wajaale Warbixin..... Wariye Siciid
  9. Nothing is free except cheese in a mousetrap ~ Russian Saying
  10. Positive vibration yeah! Positive Inshallah they'll get jobs they deserve. edit: JAAMACADDA BURCO OO MAANTA GUDOOMIYE CUSUB XILKII JAAMACADDA LA WAREEGAY (daawo Sawirada)
  11. On Duke. The man does a helluva spinning. He is good at it. But he does it with style. I beg to differ. I won't show you the evidence because waa la i caayay waa ceeb. The chap goes even beyond your "in-law jokes". When he's not doing that, he's copying and pasting utter trash. Rest of the time he's doing a good job of contradicting himself. But as they say, beauty is the eyes of the beer-holder. I don't support Inna Yey. Never did. Diin ku taageeri mayo. Oo caadilnimo ku taageerimayo. Nin maareyn iyo maamul yaqaan oo technocrat ah ku taageeri mayo. Oo tolnimo ku taageerimayo oo 20 years olds uu dabka saarayo for his sake baan aad iyo aad uga damqanayaa. Well is that so? What then balanced the scales to make you jump into the "Neutral Corner" wise guy? You can't sing all that jazz, declare "neutrality" and accused everyone else of not resisting the occupation! An explanation is well overdue. Baashi is the most intriguing one. If I had to guess I'd say his perfect choice would be Abdullahi Yusuf with a beard. lol @ Ngonge. I think it's a case of "a beard would be nice".
  12. Talk about stating the obvious and preaching to the converted Sir Baashi. Insults and name-calling is inappropriate and bad manners to put it mildly. The point is, you ignore Duke's repetitive bad-mouthing of everyone who opposes the Mbagathi faction (in and out of SOL), while lecturing Oodweyne for chucking back at him. How do we explain that wise guy? Man don’t you se!. Every clan runs to Addis except the winners who sat on the loot in Benadir. Secessionists did it in the middle of national war. SSDF started it all. Aideed thanks his success to finally topple the junta to Mengistu’s understanding and support. SPM went to Addis house to get some toys so it too can take part of the undoing of the Somali state. RRA won the golden cub with Tigrean gifts. The rebels did seek foreign assistance that's no secret but so did the military junta they were fighting. In fact it went beyond what the likes of SNM and used foreigners in the desperate attempt to hold on to power including Oromos fighters and South African mercenaries. Did it not beg, borrow from every corner of the globe to stay alive. When all that failed, did Gen. Barre not sign a "treaty" that surrendered KILIL5 to Mengistu? Apples for apples Baashi. There's a HUGE difference between Hikmatyar who used US assistance to win the war and an foreign-imposed stooge like Karzai, is there not? You guess who is whom in the Somali context. However you try to portray the SNM, we know likes of Muj. Siilaanyo that were forced to seek foreign help against the military junta is now an open critic of the Ethio occupation and massacres committed in Somalia with the help of the collaborating-TFG, and rightly so. If it was all about clan power what stopped him running off to Meles warlord-style when after the last SL elections? (Hikmatyar not Karzai. ) Even Meles - who was once Mogadishu - based anti Mengistu rebel leader knows the difference, does he not? I still would've given your emotional out-burst the benefit of the doubt if I never witnessed the acrobatic jump into the "neutral corner" in the critical sixth-round bout between The Courts and The Stooges. Maybe next time...
  13. ^^ What's your broblem? Would you rather this thread disappears so that no-one can read your embarrassing "Caano-boodhe Memoirs ". May all good Mujaahids of ours be remembered.
  14. Cabdilaahi Askar isagoo hadalkiisa sii watay waxa uu yidhi “Hawl-galkii Birjeex waxa uu can ku yahay xeeladii iyo geesinimadii mujaahidiintii meesha igala baxday”. Hear hear! "Operation Birjeex" was an amazing feat that shook and embarrassed the oppressive military regime. The junta panicked and introduced measures that not only exacerbated the situation but in the end led to its collapse. Muj. Cabdilaahi Askar is still alive by the grace of the Almighty. Taking into account what he went though before and after his heroic rescue, he's a helluva an example of "if it's not your day..." Birjeex deedankeedii Laga diday kulkeediyo Degsan baan ku dhaabtay Lixle damacyadiisii Diric Ina Saleebaan Duxan baan ku dhaabtay Ifku Xaamud daariyo Khaliif doorrankiisiyo Digan baan ku dhaabtay Hurre doonnantiisii Gurey Ina Dawaarriyo Dar kalaan ku dhaabtay Islow dara-digiisii Danab Aadan Shiiniyo Dadban baan ku dhaabtay Karuur duur-xulkiisii Iyo damalki Koosaar Dedan baan ku dhaabtay... ..... ze rest is history
  15. Originally posted by The Duke: The funniest thing is they compare Somalia to Iraq. It's a very poor man's Iraq. Where else would you find "green zone", "occupation", "stooges", "war on terror" etc, etc.. There's even you - the "poor man's comical Ali". Originally posted by Kashafa: ^If they can dish'em out, they can also take'em. Maybe SOL is part of the "green zone"
  16. AYOUB

    SOL subliminals?

    ^^ Someone's baranoia is getting out of control and needs shrink.
  17. Man go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly fingers. If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by. ~ Chinese Proverbs
  18. Science was not my sbeciality but here we go Sir MMA: 1. Wareega dhulku wuxuu sababaaa: - (B) Xiliyada - (T) Maalinta iyo habeenka - (J) B iyo T 2. Gudbiyaha ugu fiican walxahani waa: - (B) Gobol yar oo xaashiga - (T) Musbaar - (J) Caag 3. Sadexda weji ee biyuhu waa: - (B) Adke - (T) Hoor - (J)Neef - (X) Dhanaan North I'm surprised you forgot to mention Price Naseem is reer Shefield.
  19. Allahumma salli calaa sayyidina Muxammad wa calaa ahli sayyidina Muxammad wa baarik wa sallim. Where was that graffiti North?
  20. Originally posted by rudy: its not about the looks....its about being true to your soul. unfortunately, she aint got none. getting an award from this kinda of ppl is like saying in af somali maxaa iga shan iyo toban aha. I beg to differ. I think the look tells the frechman: "you may be suited n booted but I ain't bothred". Like MMA said, how hard is it to congratulate her for her anti-FGM work? It's worthy cause to say the least.