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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Socod_badne: Now, c'mon guys, don't you think you're taking this a tad bit too far? This is bordering on the homo. Going too far? Bordering? Lordy lord! I think we've found someone wise enough to settle the SL/PL boundary issue.
  2. ^^ Adeer looks like you want war. For once in your SOL life, come clean.
  3. What's was he thinking? He wasn't and that's the problem. He should've been sacked for this but his boss can't afford to lose anyone these days. The least he can do is force him to apologise. Didn't like this "dibjir" from day one, but maybe it's me judging people from their looks.
  4. ^^ Adeer the SNM ceased to exist in Burco 91 hence the likes of Fuad Aadan Cadde leading Somaliland today. The man lost his brother among others to the SNM but he kept his word and integrity. You can't play "clan bond", "islamic court", "somalinimo" depending what arguments you're trying to win. SNM is no more, what are the likes of Xiin gonna ditch? The Point The above response was meant for Xiin not you. Dukhsi ha noqon waa ku sidee sxb? Anyways, let me ask you this, Somali flag has 5-edged stars symbolic of Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti NFD and KILIL5 right? Are you saying you believe the self-determination of people the rest of these lands and not Somaliland? May be you're saying KILIL5 and NFD should be split according to clannish sentiments too? You can't keep shifting goal posts. If the majority of Somalilanders were pro unity with the south none of you would give a second thought about my views nor reer Saylac clannish bonds with Djibouti, would you? As for Puntland superseding what the Lascaanod elders signed in Burco in 1991, how? Somaliland joined the union as a whole and came out as a whole with the approval of all the clans that reside in it, did it not? The blame for what's going on in Lascaanod lies squarely on those double-dealing elders dishonouring what they've signed and no-one else. laters inshallah ..
  5. *edited And I am not making this up adeer. The bond this community has with Boosaaso clans is quite natural, and, with the absence of Somali state, constitutes the default political arrangement in that region. Xiin, Sool, Sanaag, Togdheer etc are multy clan as any part of Somaliland. Some people in there might have - you put it - a "clan bond" with Boosaaso while others don't. Bear that in mind. Some natives of this region have "clan bond" with Diridawa. Some Somalilanders have "clan bond" with Cali Sabhiix in Djibouti. Lascaanod is not special in this respect. As much as I appreciate your honesty, it's still kinda ironic to see you're using the "bond" reasons that caused dismantling of Rep of Somalia in the first place as excuse for keeping me out of Lascaanod. If you ask me, the Colonels and Generals from your neck of woods use this "clan bond" to send their malitiamen to Lascaanod and other "excuses" to send the same malitias to Baidoa, Xamar, Kismaayo etc etc. It's never their fault and they always come up with defending themselves when people resist them. BTW - Any attempt on Q #1?
  6. ^^ Is that all you can contribute yaa Xiin? Please try again, it's only 2 Q's... Even on that illegal and immoral action (if true that is), Cadde Muuse and Yey are bigger culprits. You're not claiming Puntland is not guilty of this, are you? Which returns us back to square one; what apart from clannish pride?
  7. Interesting, very interesting.... Let me ask one or two Q's.. 1. Do the signatures of Lascaanod elders who took part in the Burco Conference of 1991 mean anything? That's what ended the civil war in that part of the world as far as I can remember. Which means the reer Sool who still honour what they signed as men of integrity not traitors. 2. As far as you guys are concerned, what's the argument against Somaliland for reer Lascaanod apart from... you've guessed it H-ism? I didn't see this much wailing when Cadde Muuse and Yey brought Ethio troops to Gaalkacyo. I didn't see this much wailing when US bombers were dropping bombs in Bari on behalf of the above no so gentle men? Toxic waste dumping? Deforestation? Apart from clannish pride, what the argument against Somaliland? Lascaanod will (inshallah) be ruled by elected local officials under Somaliland just Borama or any other town.
  8. Che Just telling it the way I see it. Disagree if you must, but that's my pespective. I've read your "brethren" talk in the other thread so I know the angle at which you're approaching this issue. Johnny Thanx for the offer.
  9. Originally posted by me: As widhwidh reported the Ethiopian Foreign Minister Mesfin stated: " Aniaga aqoon fiican ayaan u leeyahay dadka deegaanka sool sanaag iyo cayn waa dad taariikh dheer leh marka loo eego dad somaliyeed" This history that Mesfin is talking about is a history of Somalinimo and thats one of the reasons that the people of the SSC are being targeted. loooool that dhareer was funny.
  10. Che please spare me that kind of talk. It didn't work for Baashi nor Xiin. The Somaliland forces were hundreds of km away when forces from Garowe took control of Lascaanod natives in humiliating way. That was the the day the peace and security of this town was disturbed. A little bit of honesty wouldn't hurt. If you believe that LA is part and parcel of Somaliland (regardless of the opinions of some of its inhabitants) then be true to your convictions and say so without the sub-duke spin. Point taken and accepted Mr. Ngonge. I've never denied the existence of some anti-SL sentiments in LA. To the contrary, it's the Dukes & Co who have denied the existence of SL supporters in LA. Is it 50:50, 40:60 15:85 or ...? What's the solution? One man/woman one vote? Caano Geel This is not about me. Filinka la soco.
  11. Che What would you call it if not LIBERATION? The invading malitias have run back to Garowe where they came from and the people of Lascaanod can once again run their affairs.
  12. Originally posted by Dabshid: Ayoub, celebrate while it lasts! "Booto" and similar terms do not exist in my dictionary. What else have got to offer?
  13. Gudoomiyaha gobolka sool iyo taliyaha Bilayka ee gobolkaas oo la hadlay dadweynaha saaka (G udoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali sandule) hadhwanaag 2007-10-15 (Hadhwanaagnews) Laascaanood(HWN) Gudomiyaha gobolka sool Cali sandule ayaa maanta dadweynaha kula hadlay fagaaraha kheyriyada ee magaalada laascaanood. Cali sandule waxa uu ugu baaqay dadweynaha ku dhaqan gobolka sool in ay ilaaliyaan nabadgelyda isla markaasna ay dhawraa amniga magaalada . Sidoo kale waxa isna halkaasi ka hadlay Taliyaha bilayska ee gobolka sool Xuseen Taarwaaale Mr Taarwaale waxa uu ugu baaqay dadweynahi halkaasi iskugu yimi in aan dub danbe aanay jiri doonin kooto laydinku haystaa ee dadku ay ku noolaan doonaan horumar iyo bashbash barwaaqo . Xaalada guud ee magaalada laascaanood ayaa degen iyadoo iyadoo ay magaalada dhaafeen ciidamdaa somaliland qiyaasti ilaa 15 kilo meter dhinaca bari Cabdisalan ilkacae Hadhwanaagnews ilkacase1@hotmail.com (Taliyaha bilayska iyo Gudoomiha goboka oo wada taagan) (masuulintia goboka o wada taagan) Submited By hadhwanaag : 2007-10-15
  14. Ciidanka Somaliland ayaa Guud ahaanba la wareegay Magaaladda Laascanood waxayna sidoo kale 15km koonayaasha ka dhaafen Magaaladda Laascanood iyago hada ku sugan meel ka shisheysa Laascanood waxana ay gacanta ku dhigeen maxabiis badan iyo Tikniko. Ciidanka Somaliland ayaa Guud ahaanba la wareegay Magaaladda Laascanood waxayna sidoo kale 15km koonayaasha ka dhaafen Magaaladda Laascanood iyago hada ku sugan meel ka shisheysa Laascanood waxana ay gacanta ku dhigeen maxabiis badan iyo Tikniko. Telfoonada Shirkadaha oo markii hore hawada laga saaray ayaa hada markii Ciidanka Somaliland galeen dib u soo noqday waxan hada sii toos ah Taliyayasha ciidanka Somaliland uga soo hadlaya Magaaladda Laascanood Sidoo kale wararka hada nasoo gaadhaya ayaa sheegaya in 40 maxbuus oo ah Ciidanka Puntland la qabtay isla markaan 7 tikniko ah laga qabsaday Ciidanka Puntland Wariye Kayse Axmed Digaale ayaa hada sii socda kuna sii jeeda Deeganka Sool waxan uu sii socda Magaaladda Oog ee taliska Ciidanka isagoo goordhaw si toos ah wararka inooga soo tabin doona Magaaladda Laascanood hadba wixii soo kordha kala soco Togdheer News Togdheer News Siciid Maxamed x CIsmaan cismaan20@hotmail.com War Deg Deg ah: Ciidanka Somaliland oo 15KM dhaafay Laascanood isla markan Qabtay Maxabiiis badan iyo gadiid dagaal
  15. LAASCAANOOD : Calanka S/land oo inta badan ka babanaya Laaska Posted to the Web Oct 15, 07:36 Laascaanood:-Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee warsidaha Puntlandpost ka soo gaaraya magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxay ku waramayaan in magaalada inteeda badan uu ka babanayo Calanka S/land. Warku , wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa in iminka magaalada ay si buuxda gacanta ugu hayaan Ciidamo-beeleed ka soo jeeda gobolka oo taageersan S/land. , ku waa soo gaaf-wareegaya gudaha magaalada. http://www.puntlandpost.com/newspage.php?articleid=49
  16. Originally posted by NGONGE: Liberated? Are you trying to annoy Duke or do you believe your own rubbish, saaxib? Neither. Lascaanod was "de-militarized" before the malitias from Garowe decided to sneak in there and they're finally ousted. Free at last, free at last!!
  17. War Deg Deg: Wariye Axmed Cabdi Laahi iyo wararkii udanbeeyey dagaalada Laascaanood Warkii 15-Oct-2007 iyo Qormadii: Axmed Cabdi Laahi Sida uu hada khadka telefonka Lind line ka ah ee magaalada laascaanood noogu xaqiijiyey wariyaha Shabakada Afnugaal ee Laascaanood Axmed Cabdi laahi ayaa kusoo waramaya in ciidamada Somaliland ay dhaafeen magaalada laascaanood iyagoo sii haya wadada laamiga ah ee dhanka garowe uga baxda laascaanood ............... Sidoo kale waxaa uu wariye Axmed cabdi laahi xaqiijiyey in maagaalada ay hada u gacan gashay ciidamada Somaliland , waxaa kaloo uu intaasi ku daray in magaalada gudaheeda aysan ku jirin ciidamada Somaliland ee ka yimid dhanka waqooyiga balse ay hada magaalada gudaheeda ku jiraan ciidamo beeleedyada taageersan Somaliland halka ciidamadii Somaliland ee adhi-cadeeye fadhi jiray ee saaka soo galay laascaanood ay toos uqaadeen wadada laamiga ah ee garoowe aada iyagoo ku daba jira ciidamada puntland oo saaka dib ugurasho sameeyey. Waxaa jirta gawaadhi lakala qabsaday ,dhimasho iyo dhaawac ka dhashay dagaalada walooow aan la xaqiijin karin qiimaynta dhabta ah ee khasaaraha xaalada oo wali adag. Wariya Axmed Cabdi laahi oo hada ku sugan meel wax yar u jirta kaantaroolka bariga ee magaalada ayaa intaasi ku daray in hada uu dagaalku ka socdo agagaarka buundada maraaga leh oo 7 km dhanka garoowe ka xigta magaalada Laascaanood Waxaa iyana hawada ka maqan ka telefoonada gacanta ee Mobile ka marka laga reebo kuwa guryaha la dhigto Ha Mogaan warar xaqiiqda ku sulaysan ee Afnugaal iyo saacadaha soo socsa Axmed Cabdi laahi Afnugaal.com Laascaanood Somalia Binow1@hotmail.com Info@afnugaal.com
  18. Somaliland oo gudaha usoo gashay Laascaanood 5 sano kadib iyo Puntland oo isaga baxday. Warkii 15-Oct-2007 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal Saaka aroortii hore ayaa ciidamada maamulka Somaliland weerar kadis ah ku soo qaadeen magaalada laascaanood weerarkaas oo ahaa mid lama filaana ayay u suura gashay ciidamada Somaliland inay gudaha u soo galaan magaalada laascaanood 5 sano oo dagaalo faraha looga gubtay dhaceen. Waxaa jira khasaare badan oo labada dhinac ah iyadoo ay hada magaalada dhex joogaan ciidamada Somaliland halka kuwa Puntland na ay dib u gurasho sameeyeen , waxaa aad u adag wararka xaqiiqda ah ee ka jira gudaha magaalaada isgaadhsiinta oo xidhan awgeed balse dad aan la xidhiidhnay oo looga qaateena oo u dhashay Laascaanood, oo kala jooga Hargaysa iyo Garoowe ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in Ciidamada Somaliland hada ku sugan yihiin gudaha Laascanood, kuwa Puntland na ay dib u gurasho usameeyeen dhanka garoowe Wararka danbe la soco Afnugaal oo si toosa idiin ku soo tabinaysa wararka laascaanood. Info@afnugaal.com. afnugaal.com
  19. ^^ Did you know that true love asks for nothing Her acceptance is the way we pay As ~ Stevie Wonder
  20. ^ Turue say. Clan we all get along? - Rooble King