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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^ You're not one of those Muj. Cabdiraxmaan aw Cali believes supported SL because of Riyaale, are you? You seem to confuse the man and the country. Let me remind you that the movement you now support has some very shady characters in important position. Riyaale was not an Ethio appointee nor does he need their protection. His political future will soon be decided by the people (inshallah). That's the difference. Btw - Are you saying you were given the "mininka mininkaaga waaye" welcome and you stepped in it? At least Oodweyne is standing up to fight his corner whereas some chose to cling on to your last wagon to Asmara with one hand and Cadde Muuse's tekniko with the other. One can't adorn the Muqaawama red scarf in one thread and walk like bare feet Maryacalaster in another. May Afweyne and Caydiid burn in Jahanam for eternity. Why?
  2. Meeshuu geeliinu daaqo joog dee , hadii lagugu qabsadona difaaco. Xiin are you making things up as you go or have you no courage to say what's really on your mind. The grazing lands of Hawd know no clans nor international borders. Always thought this is common knowledge to everyone including those from Kismaayo (ahem! ahem! ) . Do you see how absurd the your clannish claims for Sanaag, Sool and Buuhoodle are? I advise you to think twice next time before throwing the above primitive phrases about.
  3. As for your q, the answer is ridiculously simple. SL will withdraw to its political constituents, the clans it comprises. Stop being illusive and vague and tell me where you want SL to withdraw to Mr. Xiin. Are you embarrassed by your clannish land claims? Don't want to make assumptions so could you please name the places you're claiming (produce a map if you have to) and show us what's on your mind. Let SOL know what it will take for you to have peaceful sleep like Cadde Muuse's infamous Mogadishu slumber. You're clearly not satisfied with Red's suggestion, what is it that you want?
  4. Xiin Since you've clearly brought nothing to the table, let ask you this...where do you want SL to withdraw to? Red's call is a wise and mature one indeed. Most Somalilanders seem to learn from their experiences. There's always room for compromise but it's just a shame you chose to throw cheap shots and rabbit punches at him. No surprises there... laters IA
  5. Xiin What are you bringing to the table my brother? Have you got anything other than the usual "Sool, Sanaag and Buuhootle belong to H"? If not, you know where I stand.
  6. ^^ Stop saying that, Ngonge might report me to the authorities. I'm not ready for a holiday in Kuuba. Btw, I wonder which response Castro appreciates more. Was it you throwing everything including the kitchen sink at him or hypocrital thumbs up he got from some Puntlanders? As for the topic itself, where do Gen. Barre (1977) and Gen. Caydiid (Black Hawk down) fit in?
  7. North Abologies for the late resbonse akhi. I did pop in on Friday evening and I thought it was ok 7/10 I say. Cabdi Qays was there but the evening was mainly featured Gaariye. Xudaydi's charisma and personality almost stole the show even though he was seating in the audience. The room was slightly over-crowded but i'm not complaining - in fact thanks to everyone involved in organising this festival for the opportunity. The highlight of the evening for me was Gaariye's reciting of his Kabo Caseeye from his just published book Hagarlaawe. This was one the poems that was translated by Martin Orwin. Kabo Caseeye is about a street-boy in Mogadishu 1979 which was supposed to be the "year of the children". Street children were being rounded up by force so that they won't be seen by international delegates invited to celebrate the "the year of the children". Gaariye dedicated this one to one of the victims of this ironic policy ... Waa curub abaadday; Waa laan cusayb ah Oo ciiro fuushay; Curdin weeye qaadhay; Waa cudur jidh yeeshay; Waa baahi cago leh; Waa ciil dad-weyne Canug laga sameeyey.... page 28 Hagarlaawe. At the Q's time, Gaariye was asked whether it was true that his initiation of Deelley chains of poems was prompted by a request from none other the late Gen. Barre. His reply was somehow intriguing. The poet explained that the late 70's was when the SSDF took up arms against military regime. The clannish poems of Khaliif Sheikh Maxamuud VS Dharbaaxojin & co was in full swing. He was first approached by his "tol" who asked him to drop "nuclear" at Khaliif. According to Gaariye, Khaliif was a hero who did not only try to wake up all the clans but also a man who died for what he believed in. Gaariye asked his "tol" what if I turns out they don't like what he has to say on the subject matter? Not long after he was among a handful of men called in by Gen. Barre to do their bit in his effort to renew the "Kacaan" . That's was the background to Deelley which disappointed both his "tol" and the then ruling regime. It was good to see Cabdi Qays but he was not in great shape and Cali Seenyo recited one of his poems. The other billed artist including Xassan Sh Muu'min were nowhere to be seen and no explanation offered. There also very was little if any merchandising which somewhat surprised me. Why wasn't even the "Somali Week" t-shirt worn by stewardess available for sale? All in all, it was a enjoyable short evening...
  8. What's this...Somalinimo-on-viagra? Originally posted by -Nomadique-: quote: Originally posted by Nayruus: I just want to ask you to agree that I peacefully marry one of your women. Not a tall one even, for thirty thousand US dollars in cold cash. I always knew Somali men were much more romantic then we thought.The chap has no even nomadic decency to use camels instead of dollars and the term "girls" instead of "women".
  9. Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka ``Waxaa ilaalo naga haya Itoobiya, waxeyna amar ku siiyeen cid kasta in aanan loo soo dhaafi karin 2 kili mitir`` Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya oo ka gaabsaday magaciisa, sababo la xiriira ammaankiisa, ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Itoobiya in ay ilaalo ka hayaan fadhiyada baarlamaanka, ayna ku war geliyeen cid kasta in aysan u soo dhaafi karin meel ay calaamadeeysaan oo 2 kilo mitir u jirta halka baarlamaanku ku shirayo, wuxuuna sheegay in taasi ay muujineyso in dowladda federaalka ay ``Dadka qaar baa waxey dhihi jireen Soomaaliya waxaa lala doonayaa in ay noqoto kililka 6-aad, tii baa hadda muuqata, waayo ma jirto ihaano ka weyn in qof sheeganaya dowlad ay ilaalo ka hayaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah" ayuu yiri xildhibaankaasi, wuxuuna sheegay in Itoobiyaanku ay haystaan dalka, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay C/llaahi Yuusuf in uusan aheyn madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed, balse uu la mid yahay madaxweynaha kililka 6-aad "Annaga oo dhan isku mid baan nahay, cid ka tirsan dowladda federaalka oo uu maanta hadal u egyahay ma jiraan, qofkii sharaf leh waa kan uu maanta ILLAAHEY ka dhex bixiyo ilxumada halkan Baydhabo taal, waxaan arkeynaa dadka sheeganaya masuuliyada dowladda oo u kala dhuumanaya sarkaal Itoobiyaan ah, haddana sheeganaya dowladnimo" ayuu yiri xildhibaankaasi, wuxuuna intaasi raaciyey in Soomaaliduu hore ay ahaayeen dad wanaagsan balse ilmihii ay dhaleen ay noqdeen dad aan damiir laheyn oo dano gaar ah ku kala xiran, Qaranimadii & dowladnimadii ay u soo halgameen aabayaasheen & awoowayaasheenna ku tuntay. Xafiiska wararka ee , Qaahira Masar dayniilecom@hotmail.com
  10. ^^ Shocking innit? Originally posted by rudy: ^lol...wazzup with side change duke! u know uncle aint gonna be happy with that..lol. or have u been captured in that lil neighborhood fight and is under torture!! wazzup?? speak up! ^lol If he gets captured we'll sell him to Alle-Ubahne for half-price. I'll tell you what happened, according to the word on the street that is... There was close-door meeting and it was agreed Duke and Juje both have makeover. They also unanimously agreed on the use of the tag "cult". Some of the members who felt they let the team down handed their resignations while others decided to make "ghost" appearances only in the future . Watch this space..
  11. ^^^ Her Royal Niceness might've popped in to take the mickey, but the maxaabis of this section are droolin... Shirar kala gedisan oo ka socda magaalada Laascaanood iyo wafdiyo ku soo qulqulaya. Warkii 19-Oct-2007 iyo Qormadii: Axmed C/laahi Binow Waxaa magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool ka socda shirar kala gedisan oo ay wadaan masuuliyiinta maamulka Somaliland ay usoo magacowday Gobolka Sool iyo waliba masuuliyiinta Golaha xukuumada iyo Baarlamaanka Somaliland. Shirarkan ayaa waxaa looga wada hadlayaa sidoo maamulka Somaliland uu uga dhaqaajin lahaa maamul magaalada Laascaanood ee Gobolka Sool oo uu hadda gacanta ku hayo kaasoo horseedi kara inay soo noqoto amnigii iyo kala danbayntii. Sidoo kale shirarkan ayaa waxa barbar socda kuwo ay la lee yihiin Odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha Gobolka Sool iyo masuuliyiinta Somaliland kuwaas oo ay kala hadlayaan sidii loo taageeri lahaa maamulka hadda gacanta ku haya magalaada si wada jir ahna loola shaqayn lahaa. Waxaa magaalada Laascaanood kusoo qulqulaya wafuud fara badan oo ka imanaya dhanka iyo Hargeisa kuwaas oo ay qaarna soo gaadheen kuwa kalena la filayo inay yimaadaan maalinka barri ah oo ay dadku sugayaan waxa ay la imaan doonaan. Shacabka magalaada Laascaanood ayaa hadda waxa uu umuuqdaa mid lasoo qabsanaya maamulka hadda gacanta ku haya magaalada Laascaanood oo ay maalmihii hore kala hor yimaadeen banaanbaxyo iyo waliba taageero la’aan loo muujiyay taas oo hadda la moodo mid meesha kasii baxaysa. Dadwyanaha reer Laascaanood ayaa markii hore waxa ay taageero ka filayeen maamulka Puntland ee meesha ka baxay kaas oo ay dad badani naawilayeen in uu soo celinayo dagaal rogaal celin ah inkasta oo ay hadda dadku arinkaasi ka niyad jabeen oo ay arkeen xaalada dhabta ah ee dhextaal Puntland haddana ay aniyadoodii caadi kusoo laabatay. Dhanka kale maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxa uu wadaa shirar kala gedisan iyo kasbasho fara badan oo uu doonayo in uu ku hanto shacab waynaha magaalada Laascaanood si ay ula shaqeeyaan maamulka uuna noqdo mid hawlgala oo shaqeeya taas oo ay umarayaan Odayaal dhaqameedka Gobolka. Axmed C/laahi Binow Binow1@hotmail.com info@afnugaal.com
  12. ^^ Sxb I have no qualms to be part of Somali Republic if that's what the majority of Somalilanders want. None whatsoever. No ifs no buts.
  13. ^^ What did that so-called "foreign minister" of Waqooyi adminstration say?
  14. Originally posted by Juje: wish you could apply the same logic to 'how can the creation of S/land nullify the stetehood of Somalia'? And no, S/land was never the same as the other '3' cause it has already merged with 1 other than the 3 to form Somalia hence the retreat from this union requires the presence of all parties that signed and mutually contended. However untill at a time when such scenario emerges those who pacify their corner can continue with self-governance and declare anything under the sun though its validity will entirely depend on the others. That's progress. First of all Salaams wa Raxmas. We've hardly crossed paths, have? Every cloud has ... Like I said, there' room for compromise instead of war. If Somalia remains "a failed State", and not ready for settlement then Somaliland with it's borders should be left alone. You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't be too sick to work and be fit enough to be the boss at the same time. BTW - At the risk of being Duke-like repetitive, Somaliland has the right of self-determination just like KILIL5 and NFD if they choose to go alone. I'll only ask your permission if I want to us unite. The 60 union failed with Somali Republic you can't deny that. Xiin Confused? Moi? I think you're now getting carried away with your psycho-analysing. I'm just enjoying a discussion with people who bother to listen.
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Originally posted by xiinfaniin: With that forceful interjection of yours, you are proving to be more militant than I imagined you would be Ayoubow Could it be you're lil bit more sensitive than usual these days? Anyways, I'll take your word for it and take a chill pill. Thanks for the free psycho-analysis.
  16. Garaads and Caaqil of Sool did sign up when Somaliland was declared. The same way all Somalilanders signed up for union 1960. That's how I see it. How can creation of Puntland nullify Somaliland? Remember 5nta Soomaali? I see Somaliland equal to the other 4. Puntland is meant for and by one sub-clan, whereas Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer are multi-clan. That's the difference between SNM and Somaliland too. Everyone signed up and can be/is represented in Somaliland. Somaliland is lead by Riyaale and founder-member of SNM like Mj. Maxamed Xaashi is his prisoner. How can you say SNM is Somaliland? Somaliland is not perfect, far from it. But the alternative (TFG/Puntland?) for Laascaanood is even worse. There's room for compromise instead of war but it starts with the acknowledgement of Somaliland. Originally posted by Oodweyne: And therefore, if I ever found myself needed any helping hand, I am sure of it that, Mr. Ayoub-Sheikh will bring his "Malcaamad Quraan's beating Stick" , to the task in hand; which is, the need of his "Patriotic Education" and it will be good for him in the larger sense. And he - i.e., Mr. Ayoub - shall see to it, to trash him (i.e., Mr. Ngonge ) for good measure, whilst I proceed or at least attempt to hold his slippery girt to the ground( ). Regards, Oodweyne. Lol you remind me of Muj. Maxamed Casayr kicking lumps out of his rudeboy students in his malcaamd. I propose a softly softly approach on the cousin Ngonge's fence-sitting. I'll start with a few sessions of me reciting relevant verses into his ears. Make him drink my special blend of water from toghiidheeraa. I hope this works, always does. Just in case it doesn't, I propose "the Woolwich boys" pay him a visit. All we have to do is show them what he's been saying about the motherland. If North chickens out of giving the location of this bassal-eater, I'm certain one of the good sisters of the SOL's Women's Section will gladly assist us.. time is running out tick tock tick.. Gediid Thanx but the bleasure woz all mine.
  17. Originally posted by -:Ok, I will bite, let's hear it! Thanks Che..where do I start? What about by reminding you that Sool as a province was created by Gen. Barre. It did exist as a territory - in the traditional Somali way - but , it's the old soldier who declared it an administration region with Laascaanood as its headquarters. It's seemed like progressive idea at the time, but like the rest of that region; there was not a lot to shout about after that. When the uprising against Gen. Barre's rule was under way, he somehow convinced certain men from parts of Sool to back him in what was dubbed MOD alliance. To cut a long story short, the war that ensued up north was ended with the agreement that was signed in Burco in 1991. The "who is who" of Sool did take part and Somaliland was declared. In 1998 Puntland was formed - unlike Somaliland - on the basis H-clan alliance claiming it was in the absence of central government. This new "maamul goboleed" chose to ignore 2 things: 1. Somaliland authorities were in charge and there was some kind of governance in Sool already. 2. Sool is as multi-clan as Togdheer. Puntlanders call the Togdheer area they claim "Cayn" whereas "Sool is just Sool". Where does this leave the agreements signed in Burco '91, I keep asking... Puntland is not a temporary thing created in the absence of central government - as Xiins and Baashis claim - it's meant to be part of future Federal Government being created by Yey & co. The "SSC" clannish division are meant to stay, which means the populace of Sool that does not belong to puntland's H-clans are supposed to be passengers in a bus that they have no say which route nor destination it takes. Cadde Muuse has already declared the clanish malitiamen as part of TFG forces. More importantly, where does it leave the H-clan members who do not support clannish Puntland? How comes there's no "inciting tribal war" outcry from the likes of you when Afqudhac talks like this??? I'm a realist who accept the multi-clan nature of every region in Somaliland. One Man One Vote. It gives the people the chance to elect local and parliamentary representatives. It works in other parts from Borama to Ceerigaabo, why not Laascaanood? No Generals no Colonels but governors and mps. No clannish divisions like north/south Gaalkacyo. Our opponents preach "unity" and "somalinimo" but where do they practice it? Gaalkacyo? Mogadishu? Kismaayo? I sincerely believe Laascaanood will prosper under Somaliland than Puntland ( inshallah ). ....and then there is Sanaag!
  18. ^^ lol This is a different one. They even resemble one another.
  19. ^^ That's not foreign enough to make you sit on the fence for that long. *tollow waa maxay?*
  20. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Xattaa Boosaaso yaa Jamaacah? Are we sure this not Oodweyne's army? You're beginning to sound like Nayruus. If you don't get a grip and contain yourself, the "paranoid trio" will become a quartet.
  21. ^^ You're not suggesting Ngonge's married to a foreigner, are you? :eek: And what's even more astounding is apart from you who's takes detached view of everything Somali, and the girls who see little value in encouraging what's essentially a pissing contest between men, everyone else in these threads hailing from the North Western Somalia are in agreement when it comes to the current situation in Las Anod. It is reasonable to assume this is the making of cult considering how similar everybody's views are. Negative comrade Che negative!! Let me remind you Nayruus and the artist known as "me" are from Hargeisa. What about Rudy? Gediid? *Who i'm I forgeting?* Ngonge! that's who! Adeer I think the skirmishes in LA have been minor - if you put them in context of what's going on in that part of the world. The outpouring of emotional reaction comes across as OTT and almost comical. I appreciate the DNA ( *reminds me of Castro, I wonder if I add his name to the cult list? * ) is of paramount importance but let's put things in perspective, shall we? The latest incidents were sparked by Afqudhac's actions not SL. What did you expect the other the to do, turn the other chick? I know the "Sool Issue" goes way deeper than that, I could give you my take but I'm not sure you want to hear it.... *cult? Maybe it's time to get me a new avatar and go underground*
  22. Caamir You've doctored the article to spread anti-Somaliland propaganda not to highlight the plight of the suffering people of Og*den. There's no "somaliland" in the article before your special nip n tuck job. Shameless opportunism indeed! I'm not that surprised though, because you're becoming predictably full of cheap shots and this kind of diabolical behaviour, aren't you? Don't wanna comment on the excuses your making for the Ethio occupation of Mogadishu. What are you gonna come up with next? Dahia al Kahina: Are we still yet in position to argue who is and who isn’t the best of friends with Ethiopia? Too much brain cells for this section, you're disqualified.