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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^ I see you're praising yourself once again. Aren't you even slightly ashamed of repeatedly massaging your ego like that? If you genuinely can't understand what North is saying, then your IQ is that of a minor. I'll break it down for you, hopefully the penny might drop on this occasion... Over 1 million Brits protested against Blair's plans for Iraq war. It doesn't mean they hate their country or they are hypocrites. Just because US B52's take off from RAF bases it doesn't mean all Brits support the war. If Somaliland's administration has no qualms about Meles' army's murderous behaviour in Mogadishu, it doesn't mean all Somalilanders agree with it or have to. There IS a huge difference between a Yeyster cheerleading what the Ethio soldiers are doing in Mogadishu a Somalilander who is against them. Is that clear? Adeer even a 5-year-old can understand that so stop this silliness. Originally posted by me: 1. Who is Siyad Barrah 2. I like Yogi Berrah more 3. I live in the realm of the living, not the dead. First you claim not to know who he is. Then you go on to say that you not only like him less than Yogi, but also know that he's dead. This thread is almost long enough for you to hang yourself.
  2. if the SNM gang keep going and capture the whole Somali Republic because it is their right as much as it is Yey's right, they will become my heroes. Why would somebody fight for the upkeep of the Somali Republic and whey wouldn't? Are you nuts?
  3. ^^Interesting. Who are these "people in Europe"?
  4. ^ I don't consider Afnugal pro-Somaliland , do you? Fact is, most people in this section of SOL (including moi) refer to sites like Afnugal/Garowe when it suits their agenda, is that not so? On other occasions we're busy shooting the "messengers". It seems these "messengers" churn out articles that could be labelled FAO "Duke", "JB", "Abwaan", "Castro", "Che" etc etc
  5. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Peacefulman, People who fled the initial fear of a widespread fighting are now, according to a local source , coming back to their city. As security strengthens and local police start to work more people will return to their city.[/QB] Inshallah.
  6. Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina: ^Let my sijui self translate for you Ayoub... War jiro uma eko=the news is highly unlikely to exist..MMA is saying its fabricated news! Thank you.
  7. ^^ That's Garowe Online in disguise sxb. Nice try. That's only thing these boys can offer. Give slice of the UN aid. You're already complaining?
  8. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: War jiro uma eko. Is that Japanese?
  9. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: War jiro uma eko. Is that Japanese?
  10. Originally posted by nuune: My government has the best chance to liberate Tigreeys from the country. Am glad I have Oodweyne as the real Mujaahid to wipe out the Tigreys in my government! Like they say in Mississippi jinni ninkii keena lee saara noh . Bearing that in mind, I think you need few exorcist in that cabinet. What about Baashi for a "minister with no portfolio"? I'd even suggest you give Ali Nayruus the defence post. Remember the old theory; better have 'em inside the tent pissing out rather than outside pissing in" ? I know, that's the reason Yey & Co brought in the Meles' TPLF in the first place. I assure you, as long as you can keep an an eye on what Ali Nayruus is drinking, am sure he'll aim his barrel in the right direction.
  11. JB....Why, should we listen to Somalilaan then? Excuse moi Comrade Che, out of curiosity... who is the "we"? Btw - Apparently the deposed Cadde Muuse administration used to clean the city once a year(May to May).
  12. ^ He would've showed up by now if he was not embarrassed by the way he protested when his sincerity was questioned. The doubters have been proven right coz this appeal was bogus. Caamir Same old repetitive BS. The people gaining handsomely out of Mogadishu catastrophe are Yey's inside circle and the human traffickers of you know where. Get ma drift?
  13. Looks like Duke's "humanitarian" appeal has gone past its sell by date. You can fool some people sometime... Originally posted by Suldaaanka: Baadida ninbaa kula deydeyi daalna kaa badine Oon doonahayn inad heshana daa'in abidkaaye Dadkuna moodi duul wada dhashoon wax u dahsonayne Dalla malaha aakharo haddii loo kitaab dayo'e Exactly!
  14. Don't know happened to Duke Smith, he used to be such a caring guy...
  15. Originally posted by -: And for LA, Somaliland choose to incite war without any concern of th will or the welfare of the people that live there. That's all there is to it. Che, even pro-Puntland Garowe Online does not spin it like that. Who are you trying to mis-lead?
  16. ^^#4000! Faarax Brawn The long term objective should be peace in the Horn of Africa not hostilities. Some of the views expressed here can alienate many including the staunchest anti-Meles Ethiopians out there. Not all Ethiopians (especially the millions and millions of Muslims) are responsible for what's happening in Somalia. I know Meles' boys have to be kicked out of all occupied lands, but will there an end to the hostility after that? How? If and when Somalis make peace within themselves they'll be safe. (Not the traitorous Mbagathi kind of peace.) Somalis will be safer if they follow this by making peace with the neighbouring people. Xiin Care to remind me who the jihaad down south is being waged against.
  17. Originally posted by me: she is ugly, she barely has a forehead how can anyone find that attractive? Are you a bonafide forehead-man or is this part of the usual "soomalinimo" charade?
  18. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: War & victory over Ethiopia is the answer to a stable Somalia. To see a vibrant,strong and viable Somali state,then we must defeat(or distablize),the country that is solely responsible for our woes. That was Gen. Barre's intent when he armed several anti Mengistu movements including Meles' TPLF. I think it is fair to say Gen. Barre's investments were not total success. What guarantees your Ethio chickens won't come "home" to roost in the future?
  19. Dejavou allover again. Who's Basil and who are the Germans again? Basil: They're Germans. Don't mention the war. German Guest : Will you stop talking about the war? Basil : Me? You started it! German Guest : We did not start it. Basil : Yes, you did, you invaded Poland.
  20. Enough yaa North, stop it now. Don't be the one to blame if Mr. Angry goes home and does a "domestic". Xiin Your desparate buddies are logging on to Jidbaale.com only to find the picture of Mr. "Sleeping-no-Beauty".
  21. ^ Can't believe you chicken out of telling me where to go even after asking for it. No wonder you're not Adeero favourite mouthpiece. Btw- I know what my adeero claim but unlike you I take everything they say with a pinch of caution. This is some of what they claim... geyigaa la kala leeyahee guri san baan sheegtay Kaymaha Gulaanka leh, Saraar gumucyadaan sheegtay Gooddiga Darmaa leh iyo Nugaal Galaxyadaan sheegtay Geeddiga Hayaanka ah Xadkoo laga gudbaan sheegtay Ganuunaha Biyaha Ceelashoo godob la' baan sheegatay idaha guuna geel iyo lo' iyo gini casban sheegtay sengayaal gaadda weyn iyo Darmaan garabsataan sheegtay Daaraha Garoommada bannaan lagu gudbaan sheegtay Mishigaanka guuxa iyo Madfaca lagu gubtaan sheegtay Kumanyaal Garaad iyo Cuqaal gar u baxaan sheegtay Kumanyaal gadhle ah oo dagaalka is gurtaan sheegtay Gas-ku-jire gurbood soo socdoo gaban yaraan sheegtay Ooryaha la Gaatto iyo Hablaha gololadaan sheegtay Aqallada la goodey iyo Aroos laga gabyaan sheegtay Ninna kuma godboobine haddii Giinka lagu doodo Ninki aniga igu gaarayow gobo'di baan sheegtay Joking aside I really hope there won't be a conflict in Laascaanood. 'Im certainly no Mujaahid like you've suggested. You seem to have believed the little jibes i've throwing at some emotionally unstable folks in here. Every option must be considered to spare the people including Red's. Let me give you a hint, Puntland or Cadde's entity knows very well where thier tribal border lies on both fronts. Gaalkacyo is a good example! Some people in places like Baidoa and Mogadishu will disagree. Nice try though.