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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Koora-Tuunshe: Abwaan Xassan Shiikh Muumin wuxuu ka mid ahaa abwaanadii waaweynaa oo ka qeyb qaatey qoristii afsoomaliga ... He will also be remembered as a freedom figher, teacher, broadcaster, poet, playright, researcher, historian, activist, fund-raiser, etc etc A tribute to Hassan Sheikh Mumin By: Bashir Goth Taariikhda qarada weyn, Afkeenii ka qatanaa. Qaayaha u leeyahay, Dunida ka qarsoonaa. Qorraxbaa u soo baxdoo, Mugdigii ku qoofalnaa, Daahii ka qaaddee. Qumaati uga bogoo Afkii qalaad ha moodin Carrabku qaldi maayee Sidii caanaa qudhqudhiya - - - - - - - - - - Maamulka hoygan, (hoygasuugaanta.com)wuxuu halkan tacsi uga diraynaa eheladii, asxaabtii, iyo dhammaan ummadda Soomaaliyeedba, geeridii ku timi Abwaan Xasan Sh Muumin. Eebbe ha u naxariisto. Aamiin, Aamiin, Aamiin, Aamiin. Geeri'eey xishoodlaay Xejiyaay fogeeyaay Xaasha'e aftahannimo Hadii uu xabaal galay Xeel-dheereheedii Abwaankii xiddigin jiray Murtidii xag loo dayo Xulashada ahayd iyo Xarragada higaadii Ayaa xarafkii hoos dhebi? ..........Gaarriye "In Africa, When an old man dies, it is like a library burning to the ground" - Leopold Senghor Xasan Sh. Mumin (AUN) was one great library.
  2. Impressive iyo half. JZK Allah khayr to the people behind this project. Beautiful weather, girls and surroudings. How I envy the boys in that school.
  3. Quus waa gabay duco iyo sagootis iskugu jira oo Marxuum Xasan Sh.Muumin munaasibada Aaskiisa ku beegan Jan-26-2008 : kana hadlaya qiimaha uu Abwaanku umada soomaaliyeed ku dhex lahaa iyo sida loogu boholyoobi doono suugaantiisii qaniga ahayd. Wuxu yidhi Qabribaa la geeyey naftii, qaadan laadahaye Qalinbaa murtida sii qorqori, amase sii qeexi Ama qalad'la'aan loo qorshayn, oo lawada quudi Ama qoran haween qiimaheed ,qadaf la'aan sheegi Ama qaranka soomaaliyeed, calanka loo qaadi Ama diinta qiimaha lihiyo, qaayo lagu sheegi Ama dibida beeraha qodiyo, qoodi lagu beeri Ama qaylo dhaantiyo ergadu, erayo sii qaybi Ama qaaci cuudkiyo la tumi heelo qalabaysan Ama qiiro taariikh la qoray, ubadka loo sheegi Ama hooyo qaydkii ilmaha, dhinicu qaylaamey Hal-abuur qiyaastii u tumi, qaafadiyo luuqda Nimaan quus ahayn baa sugiyo, qaafiloo kale e Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Sida geed quwaaxoo guntiyo, baarku qolafaystey Qarnigii la joogaba ninbaa ,qaayo loo taga e Maantana abwaan qiimaleh, ayaa qaw ka sii dhacaye Qalalaase mooyee dadkii way qabdhamayaane Qorshohoodiibaa lumay qorfaha waakuwaa galaye Qaadanwaa ayaa nagu dhacay ,waa qisiyo yaabe Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin) Suugaanta qaayaha lahayd ,ee la wada quudo Murti qaniya qaamuus la qoray ,oo qam lagu siiyey Qurubaa ka hadhay faaraxow ,sida qiyaastiiye Qarkii kale qabuurbay gashiyo ,ciid qabow badane Qaxii ugu darnaa baa ku dhacay, qoomamiyo hooge Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Qanjiidhada intaa sii hadhaan ,qeexi tamartey e Qaynuunka suugaanta iyo, qalinka loo qaato Deelqaafka sugaan gashaa ,qiimaheed dhacaye Qushigeeda baa dilay ,murtidii qarada weynayde Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Iga qabo markay gaadhay ee, heeso lagu qaaday Ee qoobciyaar ay gashaan ,quustey caliyowe Ragii sida quraan ruugi jiray ,way qawadayaane Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin) Qamarkeedii wuu fuuraraa ,oo qalwuu galaye Hayeeshee wixii kaa qaldamay ,waa la qariyaaye Ninka gabayga qooqiisu helay, aanse qalad eegin Qarnigani aan joogniyo wakhtigu ,haw qaw tiriyeene Maxay qaylo dhaantari qabriga, qawlad lagu oodye Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Inkastuu dadwada qayliyey, qaaradaha joogi Qaxwahaagu goortii uu go'o ,qaadirkaa garane Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin) Qawlkii Alleen kuu akhriyey ,qooqarkiyo qoortu Wali way qadhqadhayaan sidaan, qoyey cir,roobaade Qadaadkay maroorsamay qalbigu qawshaduu wadaye Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Qoyskii intii kaa hadhiyo, anigan quus jooga Qaraabada wixii sheegta iyo, ruux qareen socoda Iyo qowmka soo wada kacee, qaaradaha jooga Qudradiisa Eebaa hayoon, cidi ku qoolayne Inuu qayb janada kaa dejay ,quudarayn waliye Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Anaguna qaneecaad Alliyo, samirka qaybtiisa Inuu quud Ilaah nooga dhigo ,quusashaa tidhiye Qormadii farshaxankiyo hidaha, qarada loo yeelay Ee qaadir uu kugu galaday ,way qalootamiye Qanci maayo bay tidhi walee ,quusna kaba dheere Sideen ugu qarsheegaa ,taladan qaadi kariwaaye??? Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Dugsiyada quraankiyo cilmiga,qowlka laga doonto Sheekooyinkaagi qudhii baratey waw quuse Dhalaankii qisay raadiyaan qaranjab weeyaane Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin Ninjacaly la qoolaabay wuxuu ,qariyey soo tuurye Qufac iyo jacayl lama qarshoo, qayrkibuu helaye Markuu qalanjadii uu jeclaa ,qiro wanaageeda Isha qalacsigeediyo ,markuu quudo arageeda Waa inuu qufaa hadalka, uu qabax ka siiyaaye Waa inuu qaraamida yidhaa erayo qaarkoode Sida qaanso robeed haduu ,qorin amaanteeda Qushuuc waa ka xaraan inuu, qadaw la aadaaye Isagana qaleelbaa ku dhacay, wuu qandhanayaaye Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin) Qarankani gumaysigu qoqobay ,ee midiba qaw joogo Anoon qolana sheegayn hadana qawdu wada gaadhay Ee magaca qaarkii ka tagay qaybta yari raacday Iyo kuwa ragii qiilka waday ,qoorta laga gooyey Haween qaawisbaa dhacay axmaar qooqaybaa yimide Qadoodiga dhalaankii qabriga ,lala duljoogaaye Intii kale qaxootey tageen ,qawlad lagu oodye Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin) Qoyskii intii kaa hadhiyo, anigan quus jooga Qaraabada wixii sheegta iyo, ruux qareen socoda Iyo qowmka soo wada kacee, qaaradaha jooga Qudradiisa Eebaa hayoon, cidi ku qoolayne Inuu qayb janada kaa dejay ,quudarayn waliye Qudha laguma waaree qabriga ,nuur hakuu galo e (Amiin) Abwaan: Mohamoud Abdilahi Roble salac.com saylacnews@yahoo.com Last Updated ( Jan 31, 2008 at 12:14 AM
  4. Originally posted by Baashi: What has Inna Yussuf got to do with Kismayo? He is not from there and he doesn’t belong there. So are Morgan and Af Gudud. The reason they are involved in the matter is because we are still in conflict. Naturally they are siding with their fellow clan members who happen to call Juba area their home. In other words they're only defending the likes of you. If that not making excuses for the warlords, I don't know what is. It's blatantly clear to everyone that the Yey militiamen (lead by Afguduud) that invaded LasAnod in 04 are the same militiamen that accompanied Ethios all the way to Kismaayo last year. These militiamen are in Baidoa because ...? In Mogadishu because ..? Some things are common knowledge even to people who do not follow these events closely. The excuses you give for Yey's involvement is disingenuous and undermines your position even further. If you really believe what your saying, then things are worse than I thought. Yey has been warmongering for decades and still does. The catastrophe in Mogadishu is fruit of the Zenawi-masterminded "reconciliation process" in Kenya. Last years' grand "elders conference" in occupied Xamar was yet another complete failure. What makes you think doing the same insincere "reconciliation" thingi will give you a different results this time round? Originally posted by Baashi: Ask my fellow hommie BOB and he will tell you that residents who populated there prior the conflict are indeed natives. [/QB] Classic line. (That's the reason I asked that question, Mr Hornafrique.) We have Muslims...then we have "Double Muslims" (Kashafas). We have natives...then we have "Double Natives" (Baashis). Apologies to all Richard Pryor fans out there. I won't elaborate on the "Double Muslims" for obvious reasons. The "Double Natives" are clannish individuals who claim to be "natives" of certain town as because of ancestral reasons while claiming other towns because they lived there before the "civil war". When the likes of Baashi are displaced to Qardho, they're automatically "natives" because of clannish nature of Puntland order of things. In Kismaayo he is a "natives" because he lived there "prior the conflict". Beware of Double Native! When a Baajuni is displaced from Kismaayo to Qardho, he is an IDP. Mhhhhh.... Che You're being silenced because Baashi can't use their so-called "reconciliation" (read surrendering) sales pitch on you. They can't use their simplistic and lousy "you're only against reconciliation because your clan is afraid of giving up ....". Filinka fahan. The likes of him don't want to address the reasons given against the fallacies of the calls for reconciliation while Yey and other stooges are warmongering. If that was not enough, he admits that he UNDERSTANDS TFG cheerleaders' reasons for supporting the massacres in Mugadishu - even though the likes of Qaybdiid are at the centre of it. Since there are no clannish accusation they can think of to throw at you, he is now reduced to trying to silence or ridicule you. All in the name of ..."reconciliation".
  5. Baashi Reconciliation as a concept is a noble thing. But, there is a difference between Gen. Ariel Sharon's calls for "reconciliation" and F W de Klerk's. Not that i'm suggesting there's similarities between you and either of those gents. You're more like the "peace-maker settler" while the hawk is killing the "natives" Lecturing others while Col. Yey is behaving like Gen. Sharon is what I can't never understand. Charity begins at home brother. Nothing to do with not being a specific fan of any group. As for Kismaayo I thought you might be able to give some pointers how the reconciliation could resolve the Zimbabwe-like "settlers v natives" situation down there...that's all. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: That's a cheap dig yaa Ayoub! Please do one thing for SOL audience! Produce one supporting evidence of Xiin being supportive, much less euphoric, about Yey’s selection. Just one will do. And that’s a challenge. Audience did you say? What a showman! Adeer I can't be bothered to dig up a 4-year old gudaafad. Be my guest did them up and show your "audience" what kind of debut you made that eventful October of 2004.
  6. Originally posted by underdog: If I'm not a Somalilander, will I be refused to partake? From past experience, reer Djibouti used to be welcomed with open arms in similar tournaments.
  7. Girl's done good. Sites like these deserve researching. I bet other people's careers might lie in ruins too if the young lady decides to focus on forensic archaeology.
  8. Abwaan Xasan Sh Muumin Alle ha u naxariistee Oo Maanta magaalada Boorama aas qaran loogu sameeyay Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye Axmed Siilaanyo ayaa isna shakhsiyadii abwaanka sidan uga faalooday "Inaa lilaah wa inaa ilyhi raajucuun abwaanka Alle ha u naxariistee waxa uu ahaa shakhsiyad aad u balaadhan oo magac iyo qadarin umadiisa ka kasbaday reer Awdal uun maaha, reer soomaaliland oo kaliyana maaha ee umada soomaalida oo dhan waxa kale oo uu ahaa hal abuur fikirkiisu dheeraa oo wax badan inooga tagay oo aan odhan karo macalin umadeed buu ahaa, waydinkaa arkaya jinaasadiisii in meel walba looga yimid min Jabuuti ilaa gobolada dalkeena, dibadaha iyo meel walba taas oo cabiraysa miisaankii shakhsiyadiisa" Abwaan Xasan Sh Muumin Alle ha u naxariistee Oo Maanta magaalada Boorama aas qaran loogu sameeyay Sawirada aas qaran loo sameeyay Abwaan Xasan Sh Muumin
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Kismayo (as painful as its current experience is) is a minor issue in comparison to the big picture that’s failed Somalia. Criminal gangs that hold it do so not because they hate certain groups but because that’s the only way they came to know during civil war years to survive. The reconciliation we are talking about here would have far greater impact on Somalia as a whole not only on Kismayo. If it succeeds it would do away Ethiopian presence in the south, it would bring your region into the fold, and it would create an environment where individual clans would not find necessary to organize their own militia to defend their perceived clannish interest! Buzzwords and promises but no substance. Bread today, jam tomorrow. Remember the rhetoric when warlords in Kenya chose Yey way back in 2004? You must, coz you made your euphoric SOL debut hours after Yey's crowning. After even more killings and destruction, we're back to square one. Calls for more "reconciliation". In the mean time, Yey declared war on every wadaad-run institutions out there. I know it's cool to be for "reconciliation" rather than "conflict". "Unity" rather than "division". "Marriage" rather than "divorce". What "reconciliation" "unity" "marriage"? As for Kismaayo, you seem to have misunderstood me. What I wanted to know is; what will you (and the likes of Baashi and Hornafrique) offer the marginalised natives of that city if they do turn up at the "negotiation dirrin" ? This needs to be more than turning back the clock to 1991. The injustices of pre '91 need correcting too, you know. Those without AK47 or websites can't swept under the dirrin . If the supposed future federal government gives your sub-clan exclusive power in Puntland, what do the natives of Kismaayo and its surrounds get? What are you and the rest of the settlers prepared to offer? Please show your generosity in the name "reconciliation", Kismaayo is your favourite subject after all.
  10. ^ Amiin. He was invited to the Somali Week event last year but didn't make. He worked hard to improve the lives of people back home to the very end. May Allah reward him for everything good and forgive his errors. Will be greatly missed.
  11. MMA As long as the Mods and Admins have learned from this fiasco and change their attitude then everything is fine. Good luck coz I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Isseh Some of us remember when you used to be a SOL Faq*sh Ain't Karma a *****? I just find it funny that someone deleted a piece that contained the lines: Yo admin, isn’t this your site? Calling Yeey evil can’t be right!
  12. A 14-year old article being recycled without mentioning that the man at the centre of it has retracted his initial misjudged views and served as Somaliland's speaker so admirably that the same web-site hailed him to have delivered for Somaliland.. Sir Qaybe's memoirs are worth reading for those interested in learning the man's eventful life. The rest of the clannish wailers can continue recycling same old junk they've infamous for...
  13. Xiin and Baashi You talk the reconciliation talk but can you guys walk it? What are you guys bringing to the so called dirrin ? Talk is cheap brothers. Road map, peace process, reconciliation durrin and other buzzwords aside, what else? Are you, for example, prepared to hand back Kismaayo to the rightful (and almost ethnic-cleansed owners?) It's easy for one to claim to be a "peace-maker" and "for reconciliation" but what's there to show that you are genuinely prepared to address others' "clan grievances"? The conflict is just one aspect that needs addressing, there are unarmed people who suffered decades if not centuries of injustices that are not involved in it. I know what we have here are cyber "peace-makers" with little - if any - impact on events back home, but the least you can do is show what you have to offer and prepared to "sacrifice" for the sake of the illusive peace.
  14. Originally posted by Nayruus: Taliye kuxigeenka Ciidamada daraawiishta Dowlad goboleedka puntland ahna taliyaha qaybta Daraawiishta ee Gobolka Cayn Col: Dayr Iskatoos ayaa haatan ku sugan Deegaanka Bali-Hadhac... Is this the chap who enjoys eating his healthy porridge in a Burco jail these days?
  15. Not just a pretty face...who needs a doc with no tools when Lul's around? Well done to her and her team.
  16. Originally posted by me: Somalia is not ready for a referendum today. There has to be a period of peace before the people can make their choice. The people are not ready to make an informed choice today. All sides should get the chance to present their case inform of the Somali nation before such a referendum can be held. This referendum has to be a nationwide referendum, since all Somalis in the republic are stakeholders in this issue. We have to wait for peace and stability in all of Somalia before such a referendum can be held. Looks like the insignificant naysayers minority need time to reproduce themselves.
  17. Originally posted by ThePoint: I wonder if RO is a secessionist Originally posted by ThePoint: It's always foolish to project I say. Better to do due diligence rather than a rush to simplistic labels. Irony deficiency.
  18. ^^ Above Somalia even better. We do not have Afar, Turkanas, Swahilis nor Oromos among us. If anyone needs changing their name it's not us.
  19. Originally posted by Emperor:The TFG forces are strong and unshakable, informidable in all the sense of the word .... You said it...
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote: Interim President of Somalia Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed says Somaliland troops must leave the Somali territories they have captured. Recognition at last. This Col. Yey is one thick warlord. You wouldn't think a man who handed Somali institutions to Ethipians troops has the nerve to talk like that. Yet they still cheerlead this thicko. Suldaanka Nayruus does not know which adeero to cheerlead, he has so many.
  21. Qabyannimada qoraalka af soomaaliga Posted on Thursday, December 13 @ 21:11:55 CST by redsea Qoraalkani ma aha baadhitaan dhammays ah wuxuuse ku kooban yahay waayo’aragnimo toban sano jir ah, waanan hubaa in ay tahay tabasho uu ila qabo qof walba oo af soomaaliga wax ku qoraa. Qabyannimada qoraalka af soomaaliga marka aynu ka hadlayno ugu horraynba eedda waxaynu dhabarka u saaraynaa far soomaalida oo aan maalintii la hirgeliyey ka dib wax horumarin ah, wax turxaanbixin ah iyo wax cilmibaadhis ah lagu samayn, hawlahaas oo haddii la qaban lahaa dhaliilo badan oo maanta jira lagu fardaamin lahaa. Eeddaas waxaa kale oo qayb ka ah iyada oo aanay maanta jirin hay’ad iyo cid aqoonsi ummadeed haysata oo u xilsaaran xallinta dhibaatooyinka jira. Haddaba dhibaatooyinkaas waxaynu ku koobi karraa saddex kala ah: 1) af soomaaliga eraydiisa oo aan la isla wada aqoon mar haddii aan qaamuus lagu koobin; 2) kala duwanaanta dhawaaqyada af soomaaliga oo aan qoristooda xeer laga dejin; 3) farta loo doortay in wax lagu qoro oo haddana adeegsigeeda lagu kala duwan yahay mar haddii aanay lahayn halbeeg lagu .... Ibraahin Yuusuf Axmed “Hawd” Qorista af Soomaaliga ma aha qabyo Waxaan qormadan ku lafagurayaa dood ku saabsan qabyonimada af Soomaaliga oo qoraaga Ibraahin Yuusf Axmed (Ibraahin Hawd) ku soo bandhigay mareegta halkan ka eeg. Ibraahin wuxuu rumeysan yahay in “qabyannimada qoraalka af soomaaliga marka aynu ka hadlayno ugu horraynba eedda waxaynu dhabarka u saaraynaa far soomaalida oo aan maalintii la hirgeliyey ka dib wax horumarin ah, wax turxaanbixin ah iyo wax cilmibaadhis ah lagu samayn, hawlahaas oo haddii la qaban lahaa dhaliilo badan oo maanta jira lagu fardaamin lahaa.” Cilmi baaris badan ayaa lagu sameeyey dhinacyo kala duwan oo af Soomaaliga ku saabsan. Waxa jira buug lagu soo ururiyey tixraaca cilmi baarista af Soomaaliga; waxa la soo saaray buuggaa muddo hadda laga joogo dhowr iyo toban sano. In maanta lagu dhiirrado in af Soomaaliga la baro shisheeyaha waxa kaalin weyn ku leh macallin Guush ( B. W. Andrzejewski), Joon Ibraahim Saciid iyo cilmi baareyaal kale. Waxa cilmi baareyaal afeed oo macallin Guush ka mid yahay qireen in af Soomaaligu muddo yar ku gaaray horumar afafka kale ku qaatay dhowr qarni. Taa loolama jeedo in af Soomaaliga dhammaystiran yahay. Ibraahin wuxuu xusay in dhibaatooyinka af Soomaaliga soo foodsaaray ka mid yihiin.... Liibaan Axmad Ma Af Soomaaliga ayaa Qabyo ah Mise Far Soomaaliga? Waxaan ku arkay qoraalka uu Ibraahim ku lafo guray kala dhinaanshaha qorista afka Soomaaliga is waafaqsanaan la’aan farabadan oo ka muuqatay qoraalkiisa, masheegi karo in qoruhu u badheedhay oo uu uga jeeday in uu muujiyo in aan farta Soomaaligu xasilin weli iyo in kale. Guud ahaan qoraalka Ibraahim waxa uu ka koobnaa saxed qaybood oo waawayn oo kala ahaa: 1) af soomaaliga eraydiisa oo aan la isla wada aqoon mar haddii aan qaamuus lagu koobin; 2) kala duwanaanta dhawaaqyada af soomaaliga oo aan qoristooda xeer laga dejin; 3) farta loo doortay in wax lagu qoro oo haddana adeegsigeeda lagu kala duwan yahay mar haddii aanay lahayn halbeeg lagu wada khasban yahay. Dhammaan sadexdan qayboodba waa meelo lagama maarmaan ah in la cadeeyo sida ay qabyada u yihiin. Waxaa jira sharciyo iyo qawaaniin wax qoriseed oo ay wadaagaan afafka wax lagu qoraa kuwaas oo aan inta badan muran dhalin oo deggan, sida xarafka magacayada ugu horeeya oo la ..... Mustafe Aadan Nuur Af Soomaali: Qabyannimo, Xasilloonidarro Iyo Aqoondarro Intaba Maqaalkii aan cisho dhowayd faafiyey ee cinwaankiisu ahaa “Qabyannimada qoraalka af soomaaliga” wuxuu dhaliyey dood dheer oo kollay aniga qiimo badan ii lahayd. Fikradaha dooddaas lagu soo bandhigay in aan xirfaddayda qoraannimo wax uga kororsaday ka sokow, waxaan ku diirsaday in ay abuurtay, abuurina karto, aqoon iyo aragti isdhaafsi mawduucan ku saabsan. Ma jiro heer kaas ka sarreeya oo uu maqaal gaadhi karaa: in uu yeesho xiiso dhaliya dood iyo baraarug. Haddaba afarta qoraal ee ilaa imika maqaalkaygii laga dhiibtay oo aan jawaabtan uga duulayaa waxay kala yihiin: Ibraahin Yuusf Axmed "Hawd"
  22. ^^ You can attend this fund raising event for victims of the war to be held on Sat 29 December. more info
  23. MMA - I know your new stance. Fact remains, you were the most vocal anti-Islamic Courts of all SOLers. War was declared on the Wadaads by the US/Ethio-backed "Satan Alliance" warlords. Indhacadde was as "lesser evil" then as he is today. The easy option for Indhacadde was to join the "Satan Alliance" like the Qayb-diids but to his credit, he saw the big picture. Like the Hijra, the people who were fighting against the "Satan Alliance" had diverse motives as the the people resisting the occupation today. The point i'm struggling to make is, it made sense to support the people fighting (in self-defence) against the "Satan Alliance" rather than criticising them. But that was that. As for your "hypocrisy" comments, I know where they were aimed at. You seem to demand others to agree with your new stance without putting things in perspective. When the Ethios were creating the TFG, you were for it. When the finished article consisting most of the criminals whom are pro-occupation today was presented, you welcomed it. We (Landers) were the bad guys then. In your eyes, today were guilty of a lot of ridiculous of accusations. All in the name of much publicised Soomalinimo and Islaanimo. In my eyes Landers are the least responsible of all Somalis for what's happening in Xamar today. We don't have to agree on anything, but maybe, just maybe a little self-reflection is needed.
  24. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Some say the musical composition is based on Caraweelo's original, historical musical folk. I don't believe this crap, since I don't even believe Caraweelo existed iskaba dhaaf wax muusiga loo garaacee. You had, however, just given me an idea: To download and save it as a ringtone. The cell phone's usual ringtone is the beautifully composed . The theme was probably written by a non-Soomaali, though solely intended for Biibiisii Soomaali. It is also a theme that instantly conjures up a recognition by the vast majority of Soomaalis. It also evokes out some childhood memories, men galab casariya ah shaah cabaayo, just before maqrib, waiting to listen Biibiisii at countless biibatooyin in Soomaaliya. Correction and Clarification. The old theme music for BBC Somali Service called Socodkii Arraweelo belongs to Cabdillahi "Qarshe"(AUN). Maybe the name Qarshe chose for the song might be the source of some confusion, but your suggestion it was not done by a Somali is absolutely dumbfounding. Btw, and while i'm it, I bet you don't know who penned words to the original version of Soomaaliyeey Toosoo. I'll give one clue; it was NOT written by an Italian Fascist as claimed by some contributors to SOL. Barnaamajka 1993kii lagaga duubay Telefishanka Jabuuti ee RTD-da, ayaa Cabdillaahi Qarshe lagu weydiiyay Miyuusigga furitaanka ee BBC-da oo uu curintiisa lahaa, waxaanu yidhi: “Aad baan u jeclahay in aan fikraddaa dadka gaadhsiiyo. Markii BBC-da la samaynayay 1957kii waxaan anigu ka shaqaynayay Radio Hargeysa. Waxaan ahaa ‘Broad-caster, musician’ iyo heesaa. Markaa waxay BBC-du na soo weydiisatay in aanu u soo samayno codad ay Idaacadda iyo barnaamajyada ku furaan. Markaa kolley shucuur waddaninnimana waa ay ku jirtay, markaa heestaas oo midho lahayd ayaan u geeyay. Markaa haddaan midhihii raaciyo ma ay qaateen, sidaa daraaddeed ayaan ugu bixiyay codkan ‘Socodkii Arraweelo’; heestaasina waxay ahayd: “Dadkaan dhawaaqayaa, Dhulkooda doonayaa, Hadday u dhiidhiyeen, Allahayow u dhiib,” source Laga bilaabo heesta ardayda dugsiyadu qaadaan ilaa muusigga ay ku soo gasho Laanta Af-Soomaaliga ee BBC London. Intaba, Cabdullaahi Qarshe wuxuu ahaa qof ku dhex nool. Xataa wuxuu joogay oo wax ka dabaaldegay xafladdii Kasmo, 3 Abriil 2007. Fanaanka weyn, Axmed Naaji Sacad, wuxuu munaasabaddii dabaaldegga Abaalmarinta Wargeyska Kasmo, ka dhex qaaday hees Cabdullaahi Qarshe tiriyo tii ugu dambeysay; waa heesta ‘Gumownayeey’ ka soo qoray maalmo ka hor geeridiisa. Markii Axmed Naaji heeskaas qaaday, dadkii xafladda dabaaldegga joogay, sidii in Cabdullaahi Qarshe soo galay goobta, ayaa xushmeynta iyo weyniintiisa loo wada joogsaday, waxaana dadka qaarkood indhahooda ku hubaa in ay ‘lmo’ ka soo qubatay. Qarshe, qofka dadnimadaas leh, markii iigu horreysey iyo halkii aan ku bartay toona ma xusuusto. Waxaanse xusuustaa galab aan soo galay ‘Aqalka BBC-da ee Bush House’. Halkan waxaa Laanta Af-Soomaaligu ku soo gaba-gabeyneysey barnaamij ay ku xusaysey 40-Guurada ka soo wareegtay markii iyada la aasaasay. BBC-du, 40kaas sanoba waxay ku gaardinaysey socodka Arraweeladii la sheegay in ay xilliyo hore ka talin jirtay dalka maanta lagu magacaabo Soomaaliya. Taas oo dib noogu soo noolaatay markii Cabdullaahi Qarshe laxan iyo muusig ugu sameeyey habkii ay u socon jirtay boqoraddu! Ingiriisku ‘colaadda’ uu u qabo Soomaali, malaha, waxaa looga tilmaan qaadan karaa Laanta Afka Soomaaliga oo yeersata ‘turubada’ socodkii Arraweelo, oo eelkii rag iyo dumar ay kala gelisay ilaa maanta taagan yahay. Arrintani waxay dib inoogu celinaysaa, Sanadkii 1988, markii aan Cabdullaahi Qarshe kula kulmay qado loogu sameeyey magaalada Nairobi, Aqalka Danjirihii Soomaaliya u fadhiyey Kenya, Axmed Sheekh. Waxay ahayd qado maamuuska iyo weynenta Qarshe, darteed loo sameeyey. Waxaa sharaf ii ahayd in martiqaadkaas la igu casuumay, waxaana markii la qadeeyey, aan Cabdullaahi Qarshe warsaday, bal haddii uu na maqashiin karo miraha heesta ay muusikadeeda ku soo gasho Laanta Af-Soomaaliga ee BBC London. Markuu soo kala rogtay Gamankii uu caanka ku ahaa, ayaan Qarshe warsaday waqtigii iyo munaasabadii heesta la curiyey? Jawaabtii Qarshe sidan ayey ahayd: “Waxay ahayd magaalada Hargeysa, xilligii Britain gumeysaneysey Waqooyiga Soomaaliya. Markaas gumeysigu wuxuu caburin jiray Gumeysi-diidka Soomaalida. Heesta: ‘Dadkaan dhawaaqaya, Dulkooda doonaya, Hadday u dhiidhiyeen, Allahayow u dhiib’. Sharqanta heestaas markii Ingiriisku maqlay, wuxuu u yeeray Abwaanka oo uu caddayn ka warsaday waxa heestu ku saabsan tahay? Wuxuu ugu jawaabay: “Waa Socodkii Arraweelo ‘Arrawelo March!” . Socodkaas oo ay ilaa maanta ku jirto. Hase ahaatee, BBC-du in ay xuquuqda alifidda u ogolaatay Cabdullaahi Qarshe iyo in ay booli ku haysato oo ay wax ka soo bililiqaysatay maskaxda Soomaalida, markii Ingiriisku wax ka gumeysanayey; mid ay tahayba baaritaan kuma aanan sameyn. Haddiise Cabdullaahi Qarshe helay faa’iidada allifaha, markaas Abwaanku wuxuu noqon lahaa qof ka mid ah kuwa ugu hodansan Fanaaniinta Qaaradda Afrika. source “Aqoon la’aani waa iftiin la’aane, waa aqal iyo Ilays la’aane, ogaada ogaada dugsiyada ogaada” ~ Qarshe 1924 - 1997
  25. MMA Hypocrisy is in the eyes of the beer-holder. SOL archives have the record of what you have said about the Islamic Courts fighters. Cut the BS mate.