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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Maxuu dhiigu la karaa dadka qaarkood marka la yiraa Yaay dharbaaxaa loogu mahad naqay? Don't know what's funnier; the reported "incident" or the nephews' reactions. I've never seen LST work so hard to extinguish a story. Xiin wants to "philosophise" what happen. Che cinjirkii baa ka boodday...fudhug!! Damn it's just a slap!
  2. It's 3 years since the old man passed away (AUN) and this book (a bio by his daughter) has some of the wonderful poetry he left behind and what inspired them. This one was intended for young Somali men in 1950s Cardif but it's even more appropriate for the young guns of today. Dhallinyaro Dhalinyaro intaad taa aduun dhaqasho yeeshaaye Marhaday cirradu kugu dhigto oo madaxa dhoobayso Oo dhabarku duubmo oo xaglaha socodku dhiiceeyo Oo ay ilkuhu kaa dhacaan xooggu dhaqayawye Dhaxdin hadaad ku tahay meel habeen dhoof u saro jooga Dantaadaa la dhawrtaaye wax kale looma dheelmado e Dhaaxe e sidii la ii warramay waad is dhigateene Dhamacadaa dabka ah iyo shooladaha dhiiga kala hoorsha Dhibta lacagta lagu soo helee dhiigga lagu daadshay Waa dhoy la’aan maanta ood dumar u dhiibtaane Waar waa dhuuni doon naagahaa idin dhaweeyaaye Hadba jeebku tuu dhiman yahaa timid dhexdiinaase Afka dhiig la moodiyo wajiga dheeha lagu duugay Dhab kama aha"my darling" iyo dhoosha qaawaniye Hadba dhaxanta waxa kaa cesha iyo dharabka mooyaane Dharkan qaaliga ahi maanta waa idinku dheeraade Dhaxalkiina siday leeyihiin dhace aduunkiiye Dhashiina iyo xoogii marbay wada dhamaysteene Dhullkiinii ilawdiyo dadkii aad ka dhalateene Waar waa laydin dhawrayaa sidii dhamac kaliileede Dhabaday istaagaan sidii dhaan la raagsadaye. Dhallinyaro ~ 1951 Yuusuf X Aadan Cilmi Qabille
  3. edited Isseh Congratulations. You've passed the test. Oodweyne Was it not Cadde Muuse who said the wax-garad of "maakhiris" are all pro-Hargeisa? Isseh is a wax-garad playing hard to get.
  4. ^^ Euros or Dollars? What's your preference? Surely not Sterlings? By now you must know how worthless the counterfeit papers that come from the eastern frontier are.
  5. ^^ Telling people to leave the forum just because one disagrees with their politics is wrong especially for a "moderator". Admitting deliberately "flaming" is a breach of one the rules he is supposed to enforce. When the Blessed lady questions his behaviour he calls her "childish". If such are the priests, God bless the congregation!
  6. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: U kaadi, u kaadi. If my words ku gubay, well, waa loogu tala galay in dad xaasidnimada iyo naceyba Soomaaliya u qabaan, including its capital, ku raagtay lagu gubo. Mida koowaad, no body ka xigsanaayo anybody on this site. Wax xigsasho la yiraahdo ma jirto. I am not the site's spokesperson. I am a member who is just volunteering his time to moderate, nothing more or less. What I am writing on here is purely my own personal opinion, not SOL's stance. Dude you can't have your muufo and eat it. Next time you feel the urge to switch from being "moderator" to Col. Shaatibuluug the least you can do is have the decency of adding a disclaimer.
  7. Originally posted by me: ^You don't get much and thats why I will leave this to the readers. Verabschieden. Ibtisam Not worth the effort. Let this jolly character be. Dad musbaar dhegaha kaga jiraan, maqal ka tuugaaye. ~ "Qaasim"
  8. ^^ The only lie in here is your sorry attempt of "german-english translation". I still don't get what you dispute about JB's article and what your article proves, pls enlightened me..
  9. Waar ilayn Indho Adayg waa kanoo kele ,,,,,, show xataa in yar oo qajilaad ah ma lihid. lool lordy lord! He must be joking.
  10. ^^ Paranoia... At least Xiif Cali Taar (AUN) walked the walk unlike so many "saraakiil" who send boys to battlefields and watch them waste from a distance.
  11. ^^ 1-year-old article proves what? I can't believe you decided to show your "German" face in this thread again...
  12. Originally posted by Isseh: I guess happy slapping has only caught on in Somalia now This story reminds me of the old lady who accused her so in-law of slapping her. The judge ruled that the mother in-law should not have been in the slapping distance of the son in-law in the first place.
  13. ^^ Nice try. I'd rather rely on Google Translate rough version than someone fails to honour a simple bet. Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news ...
  14. 4. The leadership of the SSC wants to be friends with Ethiopia (this scene is repeated in all regions of Somalia). You still haven't explained why in you blame SL for the so-called elders' trip.
  15. Deafening silence from the clannish wailers.
  16. Originally posted by me: This is yet another sad day in the history of Somalia, take a moment and think about it. No amount of loooolz will make it less sad. Laughter is the best medicine and you're a comedian. Please come back and explain how SL made these chiefs go to Meles. Go on, be a good sport...
  17. Originally posted by me: OK, I am serving a ban after I lost the football bet. But Not to worry. You only made a deal that you couldn't live up to just like the deceitful Garaads.
  18. ^ I want Cameroon to win coz this village needs its idi*ts, especially the paranoid ones.
  19. He is. Kolo Toure = Qolo Tuurleh.
  20. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Dear Mr. Me , I'll have you know, that "Character" as a Somalilanders , is what made us standing tall all these years, whilst others have gave up the ghost of their destiny; and ended up, either as a cheaply hired rent boys of history for the Ethiopia agenda ( such as the case of the clans in Puntland who supports the said TFG ) – in the hope of amounting to what they could not do it by the sheer effort of their manly means. Or altogether decided perhaps to do bit of "Pilfering Warlord-ism" at it's worst as a communal vocation ( in their neck-of-the-wood ); or "Jihadism-on-the-cheap" in the Horn-Of-Africa as a whole, at best...... As for the "Perseverance" bit, one could only say to you in here, dear lad, that we would not have being conversing on this issue (i.e., Somaliland's Independence ) after all this years, if the notion of persevering for our cause was an alien concept to us, in the first place. Nicely put. Originally posted by Nayruus: I tell you God, common sense and the Somali people will not allow the destruction of the Somali State. Who put a "stop payment" on your reality check?