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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. me: magaca Soomaaliya wuu ka horeeyay gumeysigii Ingriisiga iyo Talyaaniga. Soomaaliya waxaa la yidhaahdaa arlada Soomaaliyeed oo dhan. Prove it. What evidence do you have to support your argument?
  2. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Oodweyne's work on SOL has been paid off. Taloow JB, adigana goormaa gobol laguugu magac darayaa? Leave SNM out this, will you? JB Whereas the source of that map?
  3. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Abu Salman, the request of being a gobol came from the people who live there ,,, it has been debated over this issue since the last 5 years or more. People are finally happy coz their request have been There no dabates but rumours of creation of one or two more regions. If there was, we couldn't have missed them because someone would posted them here. Whatever the pros and cons of the created regions, this is yet another abuse of "presidential decree". We now have elected parliament which is supposed to to decide things like this. I doubt there was a debate even in the cabinet. Actions of a man who desperately wants to hang on to power - if you ask me.
  4. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: This is a hitorical clip , as sad, cringing and lamentable as it is to watch. Wixii xiligaas bilowday meel la qabto la'dahay maanta. One cannot avoid but forced to notice how the so-called leaders in the clip are well-off and kuwa lasoo sirayna, the ignorant youths, bilaa micno u dagaalamaayena diifka, rafaadka iyo busta ka muuqato, especially at the end kuwa dhaawaca ah laga naxaayo aragooda iyo muuqaalka see yihiin. I just don't understand waxee ka dheefeen than waxaas, siiba kuwa isla quman ka muuqdo cajalka. Beri meeshaas loogu tagaa markee dhaawac noqdaan. Odey qabqable Soomaaliyeed ku daneystay in the name of so-called tolka's advancement. Sida loo plan gareynaayo, loo execute gareynaayo the war planning, it is so sad that it is almost too ridiculous to watch. Waxaaba moodaa cadow shisheeye in duulaan lagu yahay. Equally, the other side were doing their bloody share as well, as cruel as this clip is. Give, also, a closer look at the background too as well, how jano-like the deegaan was. That was Jubbooyinka. Key word is was . Today, waa kaas, geedahaas iyo dhirtaas la wada gubay maanta in order dhuxul la dhoofiyo laga sameeyo by maafiyo with fattened bellies and zero damiir Soomaaliyeed, dhulkaasna abaar nabaadguur ah ka dhigay. ^^ Hindsight bias or were you a "pacifist" back then? This edited clip just shows USC going after the remnants of the ******ist forces. Couldn't pick up all the chatter but that's what most the chaps interviewed said. The USC might be guilty of meticulous planning, but the allegation against the deceitful use of "wadaads" by their opponents is a serious one indeed.
  5. Thus they shouldn't spent time on a seperating from the rest of the country, they can use that to built a stronger country. So the right way forward for Awdal to stand up to its neighbor and reclaim there place in their country. Our forefathers fought for the flag, to free the land, and today separating in the way of the colonizer is the answer? I think thats an insult to all the great men and women who died for this country. Stand up to who exactly? First of all, whether Awdal is part Somali Republic or Republic of Somaliland; it would still have colonial borders with Djibouti and Ethiopia. The "colonial borders" argument is redundant especially in this instance. You can re-arrange the furniture as much as you want but the fact is; Somali Republic too had "colonial borders", did it not? This argument may be tiny bit credible if you were suggesting Awdal makes some sort of a political union with Djibouti. Remarkably, when the Europeans arrived in Zeila - then centre of the north in the 19th century, the town was governed by Sharmarke Cali Saalax whereas Mogadishu was ruled from Zanzibar by Siciid Barqash. It's an exaggeration if not a myth to claim self-rule is "the way colonisers". Some of the people who fought for Somaliland's independence from the Britain did not necessarily support the rushed and misjudged union with Somalia. One of the them is Awdal brightest star Xassan Sh. Mu'min. He was proven right and went on to write Somaliland's anthem in the 1990's. Even Yuusuf X Aadan - the man who wrote "Soomaaliyeey toosoo isku tiirsada" - was pro-union in the 60's became pro-Somaliland in the 90's after the failure of the union. Others - like Qaybe - were won over after they saw what Somaliland is really about. The Burco conference of 91- where Somaliland's abandonment of 1960 union was declared - was full of such men. Backing Somaliland can no way be construed as "insulting" these freedom fighters. Finally, the Somaliland you see was (xamdulilah) built by people who want her independence and not by fence-sitters or people just waiting for the south to sort itself out. The reconciliation and determination to rebuild was no accident, but propelled by the independence and the will to do things differently. Wether you like it or not, the "union" was a catastrophic failure. The 4.5 is not the formula for us. I'd rather my MPs were chosen like fore mentioned Ikraan X Daaud. That the right way forward for Somaliland. Aduun iyo aakhiro Joke did you say? Oki Btw, your name reminds me of someone whose catch-phrase used to be "aduuuun". Something horrible happens and he says "aduuuun". Nice lady walks by ... "aduuuun"
  6. ^^ Said it before, the fatwas by the likes of you are wasted on me. Go tell someone who pays attention to them.
  7. "Marxuumka alle ha u naxariistee wuxuu ahaa shakhsi xishood badan, ahlu diin ah cibaado badan, quraan rug ah oo carrabkiisa laga nabad galo. Wuxuu ahaa nin farxad badan, samo talis ah oo dadka oo dhan wanaag la jecel. Waxa lugu xasuustaa maalintii ay SNM ugu adkayd ee ay taagneyd in hubka laga ururiyo kaalintii cadayd ee uu iska taagay ee ahayd geeri amma gobanimo. Raggu maalinta adag ayuu kala baxaa maalintaa haddii aan isaga iyo mujaahidiinta kale aanay goaankaa adag iyo nafhuriddaa u badheedhin manta Soomaliland ma jirteen. " - Muj.Ahmmed Mire Mohamed
  8. ^^ You've got me slightly worried. Nice to meet you. Che You asked me how I remember THESE TOPICS. My answer I DON'T KNOW HOW. I just remember like other non-pot smoking folks. I went on to exblain how this particular topic rang a bell. I everything clear or are you still confused?
  9. ^^ Don't know how is the honest answer. I remember this one because I think so highly of the lady and the people who backed her. That's another tobic soo mahaa?
  10. ^^ Fair enough. The question still stands; What Is The Right Way Forward For Awdal /Somaliland? I think the likes of Ikraan X Daaud should be given the chance to govern. What say you?
  11. Originally posted by *Blessed: ^Hehehe. You silly Carab, dabar is sign of inner beauty in the Somali culture. lol@inner beauty Reminds me of one interviewer who asked the boxer Eubank about his looks to which he replied; "i'm beautiful inthide" Btw is it me or does this new hotel suffer from "dabar decay". Must be beautiful inside...
  12. Originally posted by Geel_jire: ^ I've hear dumaal in the sense i.e marrying your brothers,cousins widow and it does make sense. I have never encountered a man who married his uncles widow..... what dhaqan is that ? Stop arguing, even more blenty fish in the sea for you. Thanks to Hornafrique.
  13. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: AYOUB, awoowe I remember LST debunking "Egal sent a letter to Yahuuda" bogus editorial in the past. I even removed "Egal" threads after things got out of control with insults. My trade is to continually remind nomads about these "photo-shopped" pics, fake articles, etc. Fake is fake, and we must warn our "silent readers" who don't chip in their thoughts on these forums. I’ll be a hawk on "fake content" presented to deceive our readers. Ookiyaalaha madoow iska siib sheekha. Lol @ I’ll be a hawk on "fake content" Adeer stop taking this slapstick so seriously. It's on the same level as "George Bush chokes on salty pretzel." It's funny story whether it's true or not. I laughed not because W invaded Iraq, but because it's a humorous story. If some you don't see the funny side of the "slap", that ok as long as you don't suffocate the people who do with accusation, lectures and psycho-analysis. Anyways, it very reassuring to know the "hawk" is keeping an eye on SOL's "fake content" but I hope your silent readership doesn't find that patronising. Originally posted by Nephthys: Whilst I agree fully that offensive posts should be removed - I can not see for the life of me why a post/thread which is based on a politician/public figure should be removed. Bush gets publicly scrutinized all the time. Some of the politicians from the G8 countries get ridiculed, have pies thrown in their faces, humiliated if they tear their pants, slip on a banana peel, etc. Wasting time blasting Yeey, a Somali public figure, is all these people are doing in a forum. Why place more value on measly Yeey, than say, George W Bush? Anyone else have any thoughts on this, before this possibly gets removed? Thanks. Agree with your sentiments but I don't think anyone was seriously contemplating deleting this thread either. Here is the rule we're supposed to be guided by... “Attacking†personalities, warlords, rebel groups or any other hebel-created organization is legitimate and within the rules of SOL as long as the “vulgarity†rule is not broken. In our judgment, such an attack is not synonymous with a tribal attack. This rule has always been here and it will stay that way. Control your words. We don't care about your intentions. We leave that to Allah. †– that has been the slogan for the politics section. idi admin said so
  14. ^^ I suppose that's why they call it the land of poets and not photographers. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: don't you think this Barwaaqo is somehow too much for burco ?? No comment. At this rate, won't be long till Burco has more hotels than mental institution. *ducks from the budhs and dacas*
  15. After several attempts, I've finally read the whole article. What waste of time and energy. Rambling moaning globe-trotting scribble that's left me asking "and your point is?". Can anyone help? Lois Lane Since Somaliland government is so bad for Awdal, would it have been better served under TFG, TNG etc etc? Originally posted by Aduun iyo aakhiro: But Ngonge you are the one who is wrong. If you ridicule and dismiss these ideas as DREAMS let me remind you that dreams are infact the stuff that makes stars. Not the stars in the sky of course but the people who break off all the chains that society and pessimists put on them. Man couldnt fly for a very long time and thought that only birds could do that .. Aaah...that's sooo sweeeet.
  16. AYOUB


    Isku-af my cidhib!
  17. ^^ Good thing we never had one. You're just a snob who does not keep his staff satisfied.
  18. It was composed in the 1940s to entice Somalis to rise against the British and Italian colonialists. French and Ethiopians occupiers too... It is worth noting that both of the men credited with writing the song, the late Yusuf Haji Adan and Ali Mire Awale, are from Northern Somalia, sections of which seek to betray their legacy and break away from Somalia. Laughable and ignorant comment. Yuusuf X Aadan's (AUN) legacy is documented in this book no amateur scribbler can change it. Anyways, it's kinda progress (if we disregard the twisted intent of the whole piece) that the above scribbler gave the credit to the right person after years of people denying he was the writer of the original song.
  19. ^^ Why do I not believe you declined the offer?
  20. We've got so much things to say right now We've got so much things to say...
  21. Horn C'on now, filinka fahan. The plot is very simple. Someone's adeero got slapped. You felt bad about it but your blood didn't boil. As far as the "nephews" as concerned, that's a sign of hating their sub-clan. You failed the diig-kar test, hater.
  22. Originally posted by Northerner: LoL We dont have a house maid cos we dont see we need one right now. Maybe later. Read: Cannot be trusted with one right now...