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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^Now you've changed tunes, because now what you are saying is "he has a lot at stake in Somalia" then what was the original issue then? :confused: Exactly. Talk about much a do about f all! What a waste of space? What did we learn apart from the shocking news that Che is from the Somali Republic. Anyways, the long weekend is here and by next week "Republic Stakeholder" Che will be cheerleading the ONLF against the Kilil5 president Abdillahi Lugbur. Emperor Af daboolan waa dahab, so close sesame
  2. In Warlords Next Door, Dispatches reveals how key politicians at the heart of the vicious fighting in Somalia - described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis - enjoy incredibly close links to Britain.They have British or EU passports, their families live here and they commute between Somalia and homes in English cities. British taxpayersare financing them in the name of democracy - yet in Somalia they arelinked to allegations of mass murder, torture, extortion and corruption. Reminds me of one SOL warlords cheerleader boasting of being "British". About time Dispatches puts faces to the shameless! :cool:
  3. ^^ I accept it with a pinch of milix. Just like Che's distancing himself from Puntland, let's see how long it lasts....
  4. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: P.S. I'm from Puntland in the Qabiil sense that Ayoub understands,but otherwise my family is from every where. Hehe! There's only one way to be "from Puntland". Btw, have you just recognised SL?
  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^^ shirku wuu soconayyaa indeed! No conclusions huh? I thought THIS one is supposed to be different.
  6. Che Ma wakhtigii Buntland la iska fogeeyn jiree baa la gaadhay ? I've got lots of points... As a reer Puntland - allow me to use your analogy - Are you a Palestinian or an Israeli in this conflict down south? If Somalilanders are not stake holders neither do Ethios, Ugandans, Gringos Djiboutians etc etc
  7. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Northerner...It is not matter of you wishing us ill. It is just that you have no real stake in Somalia and your interests are not at risk and definately it is not your cities that are being blown to bits while your people are at each other throats with the enemy taking advantage of your disunity. At the end of the night, you can sleep clamly knowing Somalis are in dire situation. And that doesn't reflect negatively on you. I could always walk to a Palestinian and tell him that I feel his pain, but really do I?. My intentions are good, but it's nothing more than lip service. And I could strike a conversation about their political climate,and put in my cents by concluding any deal between Hamas and Abbas would just be gimmick or PR stunt therefore reducing their hope to little more than chit chat about their people's misfortunes. I'm your intentions are well Saaxib, but they just don't reflect our hopes and pains.Conversation about our tragedy is just another passing moment in your day and doesn't weigh heavily your mind. You're from Puntland, aren't you Che?
  8. MMA That was an embarrassing piece and Mr Saalax seem to have jumped the gun - to put mildly. Pure assumptions and nowhere near constructive criticism. He should have at least waited till RAAD went on air before making his "habar fadhidda" judgement. I doubt it a person who bothered to watch the promo videos would have written that crap. Does he want the journalist to be recruited using the 4.5 formula? Or is he suggesting the people in question have history of biased journalism? Don't know about others, but I think author of that article has only managed to discredit himself and I'll find it hard to take anything that chap comes up with in the future seriously. Others have even questioned the motives of Siciid Saalax's pathetic scribble. C/llaahi Xuseen Maaryaa ``Waxaa nasiib darro ah in TV-ga RAAD oo aan weli hawada soo gelin oo wanaag & xumaan waxa uu xambaarsan yahay aan laga dhursugin in lagala hortago aflagaado” Geel_jire Some self-proclaimed intellectuals believe the internet is a world wide doqon-mawaaye, so don't be gullible.
  9. ^ True say. It all seem natural and sincere. The critics must have watched too much CNN. Zaylici That comment was aimed at Naxar Nugaaleed not you.
  10. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: you look and sound crazy, try a different method. lol Are you TFG's Simon Cowell?
  11. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: The newspaper might or might not referring to Soomaaliya, but the word exists, same as Sansibaar it mentions. Might or not but still a better attempt than the other self-proclaimed wadani. No-one said you have to limit yourself to what's available online to educate me, so feel free. They are purporting the very Soomaaliya name did not exist taking advantage of very few history ku saabsan dalkeena qoran, especially in Afsoomaali. Afsoomaali qoritaankiis only a few decades kasoo wareegatay. Since we know of not only names of old kingdom like "Adal" but also mythical names like "araweelo", illiteracy cannot be legitimate excuse for the difficulty to find the history of the noun "Somalia", can it? Ever wondered why the people who want political unification of Somali lands call it Soomaaliweyn? Just a thought ....
  12. Introduction RAAD TV International’s mission is to provide accurate and impartial news and information to the general public. RAAD TV International will offer unique and dynamic journalism and programming through a multimedia platform across Television and the Internet. RAAD TV International’s objective is based on core principles dear to its management: a spirit of freedom of speech, dialogue and the observation, protection and fostering of human rights. RAAD TV International offers choice to people and negates the unpleasant and monopolistic activities of some large media organizations that seem to control the collection and dissemination of current affairs and information to the general public. RAAD TV International aims to provide an opportunity to reach discerning audiences in the most efficient way possible, by offering a high end and accessible quality programming that will fully meet and match the needs and expectations of our audiences. RAAD T.V. International has put together a team of employees that exude experience and who all share concerted dedication, enthusiasm and a willingness to place RAAD TV International as a fore-runner in the Television and new media rostrum. RAAD TV International will provide the latest and up-to-date local, regional and international news. Our ambition remains: read more
  13. ^ 3 or 4 criteria? So you were just a boy and oblivious to what was happening in 91, fair enough. As for "xaq", well, like "neutral" and "history" depends whom you ask in here. Is fighting repressive and murderous regime/individual xaq? I say yes, whether they Somali or not does not matter. This "ideal Somali" pacifist character can only exist online in my humble opinion.
  14. Originally posted by Northerner: The will of the people. If I say I want my own gobol do I get one? Exactly. If the people asked for it, why is it taking so long to produce an official map telling them which gobol they belong to?
  15. Was this a false alarm or is this a case of reinventing the wheel?
  16. I used to think everyone but the core of the regime wanted change.
  17. ^^ He was "neutral", was he? What about you, commandante?
  18. ^ You can't get anymore boring. *yawns* What's this elusive evidence?
  19. ^^ If you say so commandante. Who were you cheering for in January 1991, surely not SNM. MMA does not want to answer that..
  20. ^^ You want me to tell you what I want you to tell me?
  21. Hornafrique I've deliberately used the word "allegation" so don't make a meal of it. Several people in the clip made the same allegation. Why would they have convinced themselves that their opponents were about to surrender if there were no "wadaads" who made that promise to them? MMA Your claim; "Wixii xiligaas bilowday meel la qabto la'dahay maanta" is as fictitious as anything Hornafrique or anyone else said in this thread. The anti/pro Siyaad violence started years before 1991. Get off the high horse, will you?
  22. ^^ I'm ruling nothing in or out. Let it all hang out.. As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know ~ Dumsfeld
  23. Originally posted by me: Before I go ahead and try to prove this, what will it take to convince you. What will you consider evidence enough. If I have something I consider "evidence enough", would I have asked you of all people for it? Bal amuurtan eega!