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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Gadafy denounces Barack Obama as 'black man with inferiority complex' Ian Black, Middle East editorguardian.co.uk,Thursday June 12 2008 The Libyan leader, Muammar Gadafy, has reinforced his reputation for plain and provocative speaking by suggesting that Barack Obama is a black man with an "inferiority complex" and might behave "worse than whites" if he becomes president of the United States. Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. "Obama's announcement that a unified Jerusalem should be the eternal capital of Israel and that he will support it with $30bn during the next 10 years has disappointed our hopes and that of the Africans," Gadafy said in a speech marking the evacuation of the last US air base in Libya shortly after he seized power in a coup in 1969. "The statements of our Kenyan brother of American nationality Obama on Jerusalem ... show that he either ignores international politics and did not study the Middle East conflict or that it is a campaign lie." Obama should promise to give Africa the money Washington allocates to Israel to "build a dam on the Congo river to supply the whole African continent with power", he said. "We fear that Obama will feel that, because he is black with an inferiority complex, this will make him behave worse than the whites … This will be a tragedy," Gadafy said. "We tell him to be proud of himself as a black and feel that all Africa is behind him." The man Ronald Reagan once denounced as a "mad dog" has cleaned up his act almost beyond recognition in recent years, halting support for terrorist groups, handing over the men accused of the Lockerbie bombing and paying compensation to its victims — while surrendering his nuclear weapons programme after the invasion of Iraq. Freedom for the Bulgarian medics accused of infecting Libyan children with the Aids virus was the final hurdle to improved relations with the EU last year. Diplomatic relations with Washington were restored in 2006 after Gadafy became a quiet but valued ally in the US-led "war on terror". In return he has seen western leaders and investors flock to Libya - Tony Blair was there briefly this week - though domestic political change in the Jamahiriyah (the "state of the masses") has not kept pace with its accelerating re-integration into the global economy. In December, Gadafy was feted in grand style during a state visit to Paris, ferried around in a white limousine from a heated Bedouin-style tent pitched near the Elysée palace. His host, the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was criticised for playing down concerns about human rights while pursuing lucrative deals in Libya. On Wednesday, at a mini-summit he convened in Tripoli, Gadafy dismissed a French proposal for a Euro-Mediterranean alliance as an insult to Arabs and Africans. "This is taking us for fools," he said. "We do not belong to Brussels. Our Arab League is located in Cairo and the African Union is located in Addis Ababa. If they want cooperation they have to go through Cairo and Addis Ababa." Overall, though, he struck a less confrontational tone: Libya's past conflicts with Washington were due "to bad management" from both sides, Gadafy admitted. "The United States have learned their lessons and so have we." No comment was forthcoming from the Obama campaign, but it seems unlikely that Tripoli will not be an early port of call if the Illinois Democrat does end up in the White House next year.
  2. ^ Even you don't believe that crap. Your warlord uncle admits he is a key player in destruction of Somalia so come off it. De Gaulle baad ku waalatay ma Djibouti baad kusoo maqashay? Anyways, good night collaborateur. I hope you don't see shabaabs in your nightmares. In the meantime, more comical conspiracies pls...
  3. De Gaulle baa soo gaal cad mahaa? How thick can one get? If you're De Gaulle, where are collaborateurs?
  4. De Gaulle and The Resistance were fighting occupation. Never thought I'd say this; you're thicker than I thought.
  5. Alla maxaad dhaandhaan tahay! How can you claim to be "strong" while cowering under Ethio and Ugandans balls?
  6. lol@ but Neither do I. Nor is SL propped up by foreign balls unlike certain transitional warlords. More conspiracy theories please...
  7. ^^ Says a man who pledged allegiance to her... Is that not the case cheerleader-next-door?
  8. ^^ If you had an ounce you'd caught the train Sophist, Samurai, Mansa etc boarded. Xinniyo Amxaar baad ku faanta you ain't got nothing to lose so stick around and entertain us. Anyways anymore conspiracy theories from tabloid clannish websites?
  9. ^^ Maybe "attacking" Djibouti was this "angry" man's "beating the wife". What other conspiracy theories do warlords-cheerleaders-next-door have? Go on...entertain us...
  10. Originally posted by Emperor: The sources say that Isias Afawerki has threatened to Sharif of premeditated killing against him. lol@has threatened to Sharif of premeditated killing What next?
  11. The culprit is TV not the internet. Even kids who hardly go online are affected by channel-hopping. Never mind reading, they can't even sit down for 5 minutes without being "bored".
  12. Teacher admits leaving pupils behind as he fled Chinese earthquake By Richard Spencer in Beijing Last Updated: 12:51PM BST 02/06/2008 A secondary school teacher has set himself dramatically against the tales of heroism arising from the Sichuan earthquake by describing how he callously abandoned his pupils to their fate. In an act of moral foolhardiness, Fan Meizhong set out on a blog his guiding principle: in matters of life and death, it's every man for himself. When the quake struck, rather than overseeing an orderly evacuation, he said he just shouted "Stay calm, it's an earthquake!" and ran for it without looking back to see if his pupils were following. "I ran towards the stairs so fast that I stumbled and fell as I went. When I reached the centre of the football pitch, I found I was the first to escape. None of my pupils was with me," wrote the man now known across China as 'Runner Fan'. When his pupils began to arrive, they asked: "Teacher, why didn't you bring us out?" His explanation was simple. "I have a very strong sense of self-preservation," he said. "I have never been a brave man and I'm only really concerned about myself." While newspapers have largely followed instructions to concentrate on uplifting tales of rescue work since the earthquake, the internet has seen a wild variety of tales emerge. It was internet sites that first reported the quake, and where some of the first pictures of collapsed schools were posted. Internet users have debated how to apportion blame for shoddy building work, as well as rallying praise for emergency services and politicians seen to have done a good job. Other local officials have been vilified by name for a variety of offences, some relatively trivial, such as smiling too much during visits by their superiors. Some plotlines have been wild, such as those which have discussed whether fortune-tellers could have foretold disaster, but few have hit upon such a sensitive topic as Mr Fan. He was not the first to raise the issue. Many news reports have focused on stories of teachers putting children first, almost certainly representing the vast majority, such as that of another teacher, Tan Qianqiu, whose body was found shielding four of his pupils, all of them alive. But some schools were uneasy that their teachers had a higher survival rate than pupils. One such was Juyuan School, where hundreds of pupils died - parents say 500 to 700 though the official number is 278 out of 900 - but only six out of 80 teachers. Parents pointed out that teachers stood nearest the doors. But Mr Fan went further, attempting to justify his abandonment of his pupils, who all survived the quake. "I didn't cause the earthquake, so I have no reason to feel guilty," he said in an interview. "When I got back to the classroom, the students were all fine." He also risked angering those closer to him, saying he would not have tried to save his own mother if she had been present, though he might have made an exception to his general rule for his one-year-old daughter. He pointed out that education law does not demand that a teacher save his pupils during an earthquake. "If every teacher was like Mr Tan, then we'd have no more heroes," he said. "I admire heroes like Mr. Tan, but I can't do that myself. I love my life more." Now the head of the private school where Mr Fan worked is under pressure to fire the teacher, and publicly questioned Mr Fan's wisdom in being so frank. Running might be a normal reaction, he said, but talking about it afterwards was something else entirely. One commentator in a state newspaper, the Shanghai Daily, described Mr Fan as a "courageous coward" for admitting what happened - but added that his courage was not sufficient to exonerate his cowardice. Mr Fan may as he said have been trying to prick the hypocrisy of "insincere tears", the commentator said. "Yes, there are insincere tears but you, Fan Meizhong, should have challenged hypocrisy with sincere tears," he wrote. source
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: I seriously think the admin needs to setup a SOL Problem Section. Dear Rudy-Diiriye?
  14. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: I am thinking of changing the name actually. Laakiin ma tolnimaa waxaad samaysay. Maad hoos iigu sheegtid. Anyway, I will choose between these five. Suggest one: -Macallin Dugsi - Wayso Cadde - Yaa ii Bixi - Adan Xashi Ceyroow - Oonyood Jekyll & Hyde(J&H)?
  15. Originally posted by Nephthys: hmmm! Can you spit through that thing? or carry a chicken leg in it, or other food particals? Now that I think about all the fun stuff you could do with a gap, I'm thinking I might very well want one. Bad idea... Security Gap in Condoleezza Rice's Front Teeth Exposed By Jason Simpson Washington D.C. - Members of the American Dental Association testifying before the 9/11 Commission identified the gap in Condoleezza Rice’s teeth as a major security threat. Dr Regis Lasko, DDS, showed the problem by displaying dental records of Dr. Rice. "As you can see here, between the incisors, along the apex of the dental arch," Lasko pointed at a large projection of Rice's smile, “Here is the wide area where any number of dangerous objects could penetrate." "You can clearly see how this could be compromised," Lasko continued. "One way of exploiting this might be to slip a tiny microphone into Rice's mouth. It would be disastrous to have our National Security Advisor’s every word recorded by terrorists." Others have suggested similar scenarios in which a microphone as well as studio recording and editing equipment could be placed into Rice's mouth through her front teeth. This could result in a puppet version of our current Security Advisor, who would say anything her controlling infiltrators commanded. This evidence confirms earlier testimony by former antiterrorism chief Richard Clarke. He testified that he wrote several memos expressing concern the gap could be compromised, but they were ignored because the Bush administration was more concerned about Dr. Rice's hair. mind the dental gap
  16. Mareekan (Mareykan) = America/American. Ma ogtahay inay Sawaaxiligu ba Marekani yidhaadan?
  17. And then there is ...
  18. ^^ I'm more worried by your unprovoked giggling. Make sure you take something to control it when using public transport.
  19. Why is Somalia (Hannah Montana nude) in crisis? Struggle Against Islamism Gets No Media Attention BY ANDISHEH NOURAEE For nearly a year and a half, the United States has been at war in Somalia. The bulk of the fighting is done by the military of Somalia’s East African neighbor, Ethiopia. It’s part of the U.S. War On Terror™. The operation has been a humanitarian and military catastrophe — inflicting untold suffering on the people of Somalia without achieving its stated goal of stopping the rise of Islamism in Somalia. You’d think a major theater of fighting in a war our twice-elected(ish) president has called a “struggle for civilization” and “a conflict that will set the course for this new century” might have garnered some serious media attention. Strangely, it hasn’t. Why? It’s because news agencies have so slashed their foreign news budgets over the years that what few foreign war reporting resources these agencies have are being gobbled up by Iraq and Afghanistan. To overcome this media neglect, Somalia needs to go around the corporate media filter. It needs to insinuate its way into the blogosphere. Now, Somalia, I know you don’t have a budget to go hiring Web consultants, designers or even to buy measly banners ads. So I’m gonna give you this one as a freebie. Listen carefully. Somalia, you need to grab the world’s attention by optimizing your country for Internet search engines. Search Engine Optimization is the hot new catchphrase around my office. SEO is the art of placing important keywords in places where search engines and eyeballs are most likely to find them. The easier it is to find you, the more attention you’re gonna get. SEO is basically the Netspeak equivalent of not hiding your light under a bushel. Do you know who said not to hide your light under a bushel, Somalia? Jesus did. During the Sermon on the Mount. You’re Muslim, Somalia, isn’t that right? Muslims love Jesus, too. Because of the seriousness of your predicament, Somalia, I’m gonna recommend that you use the principles of SEO in a way search engine operators really hate. I want you to cheat the system by changing the way you describe people, places and events in your country so they resemble the names of popular search terms. Trust me, it’s gonna work wonders for you. For example, when you explain to people that U.S.-trained and -funded Ethiopian soldiers are mowing down innocent civilians and gang-raping women, you should say it like this: “Ethiopian forces are mowing down civilians Kim Kardashian sweet booty and gang-raping women download Indiana Jones now.” Do you follow me? Good. Now you try. “The U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion free Viagra in December 2006 toppled the first semi-stable Gossip Girl government southern Somalia had in 15 years Brangelina.” Good. “The United States and Ethiopia pushed Somalia’s Islamists from power but did not defeat them R. Kelly pissed on me says 14-year-old girl. The result, an Iraq/Afghanistan-style insurgency and civil war with no end in sight free iPhone.” Don’t stop, Somalia. You’re on a roll. “An estimated 1 million Somalis David Cook have been forced from their homes since the war began David Archuleta.” “Death Cab For Cutie Cialis peace talks between Islamist insurgents and Somalis backed by the United States and Ethiopia have stalled, guaranteeing the fighting will continue Dancing With The Stars.” “Though the Islamists who tried to take over Somalia Miley Cyrus were driven from formal power, the subsequent power vacuum in Somalia hasn’t made the country less hospitable to al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists Heath Ledger drug video.” “Heidi Montag while the United States is training, funding and fighting alongside Ethiopia’s vast army Lauren Conrad, an estimated 3.2 million Ethiopians are in urgent need of Audrina Partridge food aid — up from 2.2 million just last month Whitney Port. Wouldn’t the long-term stability of East Africa be achieved more quickly The Hills if U.S. resources were spent on food aid and economic development rather than an endless war Spencer Pratt?” Trust me, Somalia, your page views are gonna skyrocket next week. web page Somalia's warlord in Paris Hilton - See video. "They (Pirates of the Caribbean) are not my nephews" - Somalia Warlord
  20. Ngonge You don't "understand ", do you?
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: The wiser move would have been to ignore it and hope other emerging news would make it history. Alas, wise and TFG are not words that are often seen together. The "warlord cheerleader next door" is under specific instruction from the Ethio embassy - allegedly. Indha addakaa ma kaluun baa!
  22. Nevermind the low-life stooges. The suffering and the injuries innocent people are taking is terrible.
  23. Abtigiis&Tolka Before you exhaust yourself, please find out where Xiin is coming from. This is what the "reer Magaal" used to argue exactly 3 years ago.
  24. Originally posted by Xoogsade: When I first joined Xiin said I looted his home. After he noticed I may have read Fatxul-Majiid, he slowly backtracked. That's a classic line Mr. Xoogsade. Even better than your legendary "Are you Muslim marka hore?"
  25. Last updated at 10:45 PM on 24th May 2008 Comments (0) Add to My Stories The man in charge of one of Africa’s most feared secret police services worked in Britain for Tesco until 18 months ago. Mohamed Warsame Nur ‘Darwiish’, who has been accused of war crimes in conflict-ravaged Somalia, was employed through an agency to drive trucks and pack peas at the supermarket giant’s depot near Daventry, Northants, until late 2006. Now he is General Darwiish, head of the National Security Agency (NSA), the Somali equivalent of the CIA, which is responsible for detaining and interrogating terrorist suspects. The agency is accused of unlawfully imprisoning and torturing hundreds of citizens and launching many other repressive security operations. Who would have thought innocent-looking Tesco peas would have such a horrible links? "Rice n Peas" would never the same taste again! Every little helps?