Aan ooyee irida ii xira waaye sheekada. Wax kale aan sheegno ma leh.
It seems since Abiy Axmed landed Xamar, Lafta seems to be emboldened - in the last three days: On Sunday, he met the Xabashi embassy caretaker in Baydhabo; yesterday it was this dabaaldega that is insult to all of us and today he met ciidamada Xabashada tababaraaye ciidamo KG.
Last week baarlamaanka KG suddenly selected xildhibaan Fiqi as a speaker, while not resigning his dowladda dhexe xildhibaan seat. Fiqi was and is very close to Lafta. Lafta is planning to hold a selection sometime between after Ciidda and before Kowda Luulyo.