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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2025 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Xaaji, Don't confuse HSM and his minions for Southerners. HSM is no better than Biixi, in fact, he's worse!
  2. 1 point
    Observations: a) The original plan was to weaken Dacish's man power in 6 months, and possibly eliminate their presence in the region for a year at a minimum. Phases I & II had been concluded in 8 weeks despite regional powers warning PL of being unable to defeat Dacish in the mountains, b) Size of Bari region is mind-blowing; to get a sense of its size, troops traversed a land mass equivalent to Beledweyn to Xamar ( that was not even 1/3rd of the region), c) Evident in the organisation & coordination of the campaign has shown Deni's leadership capacity, which his nemesis could not have imagined, and are still yapping about it, check Cawad & ina Sharma'arke, even after his successful execution of a) elimination of al Shabab in Mudug, and b) defanging of the secessionist project in Sool, and c) dismantling Dacish's grand plan of establishing Islamic State in PL, and by extension Somalia, d) The power of rallying people, both Diaspora and locals, behind the project was overwhelming, the first of its kind I have seen in Somali territories in recent years. I do not think it is unique to PL (we have seen it before in SSCKH), where people have shown remarkable generosity, care, and power under the right leadership, e) Dacish, and by extension al Shabab could be defeated, i) Other FMSs could replicate this pattern birthed, tested, and proven in PL (ku dayo PL), - No more Macawisley, but FMSs professional armies eventually representing a National Army, if ever the nation decides, and agrees to its formation, f) The irrelevance of the now defunct Fed. gov't, of which role has technically been reduced to that of spectatorship from the stands, a mere FMS in Xamar (a roughly 20 mile radius between Afgoye - Balcad), g) With institutions, there is no need for personalities, and as with this conflict, we have witnessed a semblance of institutional discharge of services from varying branches of the army / police to civil society to elected district Councillors all of whom delivered as much, if not more than the three branches of State gov't, h) The Puntland First project is a reality with sizeable followship, and I would be surprised if a political party has not been formed in the coming days, i) If never been clear to the talking heads, there is a distinct contrast between frothing in between ranting stints by legless civilians ( and costume-adorning dunderheads stampeding in between fleeing trips abroad) versus real boots on the ground led by army Commanders. j) Masterless. roaming pseudo intellectuals had been resigned to bordellos, spas, and shisha parlours. k) And finally, the loony crowd, who almost always camouflage their true colours under the Somaliweyn banner had been exposed as closeted pro al Shabab dunderheads in disguise.
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