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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    My favourite part was the victory lap by Garaad "Dagaalka Galla" in Bari & Sanaag!
  2. 1 point
    The Turkish led negotiations between Somalia and Ethiopia in Ankara ended without any results. The Somali delegation is traveling to Egypt tonight. https://x.com/dhoorebbc/status/1823320826449449224?t=scclkvBiBF_W8_hlLqKmEA&s=19
  3. 1 point
    Approach, if wise diplomats and sharp political leaders were in charge of our affairs: a) Lead with the SL deal with FGS acting as the guarantor, and final authority, i) Bring SL into the fold, as the State (FMS), ii) Bring reer Awdal into the negotiations, as stakeholders. b) Tie the case of S Galbeed to the "access to sea" deal, and into the conversation, where Ethiopia shall legally agree S Galbeed being Somali territory. i) You want sea? Give up our occupied land! Check mate. Let Abiy chew on that. Unfortunately, we neither have wise nor intelligent political leaders managing our affairs.
  4. 1 point
    The Rwanda leader who 'received' 99.20 percent of the votes. Last (s)election in 2017, Kagame received 99 percent of the votes. Even North Korean leader shies away numbers like this. Amazingly, the hypocrite Western leaders are quiet and don't question him since he is a follower. They even give huge contracts, like the U.K. asylum seekers being sent back to Rwanda. Yet they dare to go after Madura of Venezuela because he helps his people. Imagine if Madura was declared to receive 99 percent of the votes.
  5. 1 point
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