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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    well the era of Somaliweyn under one group or goverment that ship has sailed. The only way there can ever be a Somaliweyn or union of Somali republics is if there is equality and justice for all 5 equal not one above the other not one better then the other equality is the only way. The closest Somalis ever got or agreed on one thing was that at point the blue white star flag was a sort of ethnic Somali flag. Even that narrative has died in parts of the Somali peninsula in particular in Somaliland. Though some in Jabuuti might still subscibe to it. Now as for the NFD region kenyas north eastern and Somali kilil region this is even more complex the region is so divided after Abdi Ileey, though abtigiis has created some sort of harmony between the various communities and clans there. And as he stepped in in the whole sitte war with affar that has shown some sort of Solidarity between the 2 major clan groups in that region. How ever we still not there. Now the way it is precieved i am not sure how the Somalia government in the bunker now views these region what their so called constitution says about those regions . Though since Abiye Ahmed and Muse biixi signed the MOU hassan sheikh has been calling the border between Ethiopia and Somalia xuduuud beenaaad , something he never uttered before. So not sure maybe he is trying to find another angle there because he is now cornered by Abiye and Muse on one side he him self on the other side of of the equation. The only way for Somaliweyn ever to materialise and i will say it again have said it before is in a sort of a union they feel happy in the french the belgium the dutch the germans fought a brutal civil war but they understood that together they can be stronger which is fine Militarily Economically Financially Socially Geographically . Despite them killing each other butchering each other. If this was to happen and there could be a sort of union between Somalis. It has to be based on trust i am talking about not in our life time ofcourse but maybe in our grand childeren life time .it can be achieved. The Somali state Somalia and Somaliland existed for 30 years. They have been totally separated in over another 33 years and counting the Union that they enjoyed can be broken down in two two era the first part 1960 untill 1969 the honeymoon which was very good dawladi rayidka. Then came afweyne 1969 until 1979 those first years were about all right. After 1979 until 1991 The people of Somaliland were in war with the goverment of Somalia so of the 30 years The Somali republic existed only 19 years were about oke. the other 11 years there was a war. So this doesnt end well most likely . For Somalis to find a way for the future and to think for the Future. They need to cooperate on equality justice and respect equal respect for each other as Sovreign states not one side claiming to be superior or being an integral part of the other this doesnt work and cant work. And we have seen that it cant work. In order for a union to come ,first we need to take a few steps back the European union didnt came just because Germany or France or Britain tried to enforce the others to be under the other First yes The great German Reich was defeated but equally they saw that Germany first had to exist as Sovreignt equal nation and that east and west must unite be as one in order for the rest of the European countries to flourish. The sam way Djibouti Somalia and Somaliland can agree to live side by side and then talk about maxa ina mdiideye maxa isku diidayna can we create one currency maybe yes freedom of movement why not. Can we create a common parliament maxa diidaya hadanu is xaqdhoowrnay. can we create a joint Military union why not inago marka is xilqaamayna oo jaar ah oo walaalo ah oo is ogol oo is ximinayn oo is xumayneyn we can fight for Somali galbeed to be free from Ethiopia NFD TO BE free from Kenya they themselves to become Separate countries and then join the bigger family of cooperation i would have suggested maybe we can call it The UNION OF Somali Republics. U S R . no real borders maybe some political borders to manage it we can even create one passport hada la isla qaato,the sky is the limit how ever first thing first we need breathing space if fahan is ixtram is qadarin is ogalaansho mutual respect side by side no xad gudub no xumaan. One can only dream but we shall see if our grand childeren can do better indeed
  2. 1 point
    I do not have the backstory yet, but when it comes to the surface, it will not serve Somali interest, but US/NATO interest, and none of us will be content, satisfied, or happy with it.
  3. 1 point
    Trully unfortunate, if sad. I must applaud you for once in your life thinking like a true nomad, a son of Somali . Well done, mate. Just do me a small, tiny favour, please, could we just not ever mention colonial legacy? Not in name, nor in passing! And instead focus upon the Somali peninsula, and whatever political configuration or set-up is agreed upon, be it UAE style, German, US, UK, German etc, so be it. I personally prefer Ardu Somal / Dhul Somali (yeed). Pure and simple, Somali affairs ALONE!
  4. 1 point
    waxaasi wa baha baha maakhirow waxa lama dhegeysto SL has the right to protect its airspace from Bunker pirates claiming what is not theirs
  5. 1 point
    Xasan Socdaal waala wada ogyahay qolo gaar ah ayuu necebyahay, mainly because he thinks they might interfere his dreamy grand ambitions. He also thinks qolodaas bas inay degaan Soomaali Galbeed iyo NFD, which is incorrect. Deep down, he really doesn't care dalka la sii kala gooy gooyo. Wants to be a big fish in a small tank. Saas u maangaabanyahay. At 72 years old, he thinks he can be another Carab strongman under the advice of Imaaraadka amd Masar. The very first few months of his second selection, it was revealed he wants Soomaaliya to be a government led by a strongman.
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