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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    O' dear, the worse possible calamity that could befall a gentleman is a back-hand compliment from a die-hard secessionist like you. My street cred is shot now! Must get back to the heavy bag.
  2. 1 point
    Should not human life always take precedence over procedure and protocol? The principle is: err on the side of caution where human life is at danger. Suppose this: would you have said the same had it been a member of your beloved family, who, Allah forbid, had a stroke with blood bumping to their brain? As despicable as most secessionists are, they are still Somalis with rights, are they not? You sound like a bloody shill with your brain particles removed in a badly performed craniotomy surgery in a dark alley.
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