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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    You are absolutely right Che, this despicable tyrant wants to use the Xabashis to subjugate us for him. He is planning to give away both our country and freedom. It is just unbelievable.
  2. 1 point
    It is 'very successful' because millions of Soomaalida are flying with it. I have always refused to fly this Xabashi airline as a principle. Never did it once, albeit it being a direct flight to Toronto straight from Adisababa. Soomaaliya waa dalka kaliya diyaarad qaran lahayn. Liibiya, Yeman, Afgaanistaan, Burundi, Suuriya iyo dalalka kale caalamka - dal walba diyaarad qaran leeyahay. Not Soomaaliya, waa yaab yaabkeeda. All these airlines from Xabashada, Kiikuuyada, Imaaraadka, Qadar, Turkiga, Ugaandha, Jabuuti dalkeena waa iska imaadaan, bilaa kantarool. Worse is Xabashiland that goes straight to Soomaali cities without first visiting the country's capital. To them, Soomaaliya waa iska gobol gaar ah. This is not sustainable oo dhaqaalihii ummadda Soomaaliyeed shisheeye iska aruursanaayo. Soomaalida, being a hugely diaspora community, fly higher proportion than than all these neighbouring countries' citizens. Dowladda shirkadaha waa weyn - sida Jubba iyo Daallo - wey ku qasbi kartaa midoobaan and create a single flagship national airline, taking a public share as well.
  3. 1 point
    You failed to mention the witch hunt of journalists, the jailing of anyone who criticises him, his unelected gangster criminal sons using state resources to terrorise citizens, the killing of protesters, the harassment of private businesses for shares and cuts, etc, etc. It is not the term extension XX keeps talking about, all the previous presidents had extentions and we had no problems at all, but it is the sheer monstrosity of this arsonist tyrant which is new to us.
  4. 1 point
    The people are the same, very similar looking to Somalis,
  5. 1 point
    here is one from Amhara, beautiful region too, there was simple funeral, either they are all very connected or has nothing to do, why would thousands show up for simple funeral? hard to understand
  6. 1 point
    Heart-breaking, the tragedy and scars of war are very evident, and painted on the faces of the people, young and old. At minute 2800, the young tour guide lady was reduced to tears by the sad state of the orphans. This region looks a lot like eastern part of Sanaag. Despite our differences, people of the Horn are the same. The landscape, cities, countryside, and the people are no different from what one might see in any region in the Somali peninsula. Postscript: I like this vloggers, as he comes across as down to earth, even when disappointed for not seeing / meeting the virgin guards, and his final message is heart warming.
  7. 1 point
    Xamza is sharper, to the point, and more articulate than Xasan, after all, as the PM, he is the sole undertaker, and it is his responsibility to engage in, and discharge all matters related to the Executive branch. This donkey warden is out of order. Some wise person needs to sit him down, tear up his passport to never travel, keep him away from mosques to never make stupid speeches, and ban him from the microphone to never speak rubbish.
  8. 1 point
    Soomaali Xabashi kama adkaan, but dhabarjabinta Ruushka iyo xirtiisa shuuciga. Plus the betrayal of Jimmy Carter, the Christian religious who secretly sided with his fellow Christian Xabashi, albeit being communist regime.
  9. 1 point
    Maxay ugu faanayaan 77? Miyaynaan ku khasaarin?
  10. 0 points
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