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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It’s also I realization that he can not do in another way. The Habashi already tried to help him by showing up in Garoowe. But it is different days,. Zenawi tactics are not working anymore for the Xabashi. Also Muuse tribal supporters don’t trust the opposition and do not want to transfer power to them. They will rather have Muuse than Ciro for the example. The economic corridor between Berbera to Wajaale is controlled by Muuse people. That is their problem. Unless they find people they can control or trust like Siilaanyo and Riyaale. Muuse tribal base do not want change and they want xabashi for many reasons
  2. 1 point
    Xaaji knows what is coming but he is hoping the benefits will outweigh the setbacks. For the first time, armed Ethiopians are rooming around Hargeisa. Imagine how the Oromo families in Hargeisa feel. Their army is literally driving around the city.
  3. 1 point
    When Xunjuf is very quiet, xaalka aad u xunyahay. Perhaps he will pull a vanishing act once again, just after ibtiladii Goojacadde ku qabsatay secessionists. He, like many hardcore secessionists, disappeared four months from online sphere.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I have not laughed this hard since August.
  6. 1 point
    The Turks favor one Somalia, but more importantly, they don't want to put in a position to choose between Ethiopia (Oromia at this point) and Somali proper.
  7. 1 point
    Xaaji, There are only two groups (Muse's supporters who benefit from his admin and diaspora extremists) who are excited about this supposed aqoonsi, the rest of reer Sheekh Isaaq are exercising their common sense. Let's hope he goes away before he lights up the place.
  8. 1 point
    Xaaj, That might be true, but the man has become unhinged. Unfortunately, no one from his community (clan) or opposition has the guts to confront him. Nothing he has done so far is in the interest of anyone.
  9. 1 point
    yes, we knew , the guy is solely driven by humiliation of the century, 25th of August He will indeed get another "Waxbaa baa lahayga YAACAY" The problem is,impunity , he got away with it, helped by his community, instead of asking real questions, why he drove 100s of their boys to certain death and imprisonment . Same faith is waiting for him in Awdal
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