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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
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  5. 1 point
    THOUGH i have to say that Hassan sheikh is the first ever president since the late dictator afweyne. To call Ethiopia an enemy of Somalia , that it self is some courage u know. though its meaningless because ethiopians are inside somalia. How ever it is very significant because its a change of words. its a change of attitude there has never been a president from the Bunker who opposed ethiopia with such language. So kuddos to Hassan
  6. 1 point
    If the debacle in Goojacadde ka faa'ideysan waayeen politically against a very weakened, defeated and demoralized Muuse Muqayil and population, so-called Wadani never will. Cirro asaga naftiisa ayaaba isaaminsaneen. The mucaarad in Garoowe and Baydhabo do much more damage than Cirro in two decades as an 'opposition leader.' Feysal Dhurwaana warkiisa ha sheegin - he is just there to weaken the already feeble Cirro by dividing their clans. Muuse pays him, I think.
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