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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    This is an interesting portrait of Abiy Ahmed, from a month ago before this latest saga on the Red Sea deal with Somaliland started. What is quite contradictory about Abiy is that while he seemed quite genuine at first about Horn of Africa integration, and building a political and economic Union in the region that moves towards gradual integration and harmonisation, he does the opposite by this latest move bringing the region on the brick of a potential war. Furthermore, what is even more antithetical is that through an integrated Horn of Africa Union, Ethiopia would have gotten access to the lands, markets and sea of its neighbouring countries and would have been the centre and powerhouse of the region, instead its risking now to become the pariah shunned by the whole region and further dividing the region with all erecting measures against eachother. Che, was right all along Abiy is not the man we all thought to belief he was, perhaps its even worser that he seems to be a maniac driven by hubris and day dreams of chasing grandiosity.
  2. 1 point
    I am not sure about the Sheikh. And speaking about impartial countries, all of them will favor one group over another, but that's the whole point of negotiations. I think Turkey, Kuwait, South Africa, Germany, and members of the Security Council would do. Even if Somaliland was to become an independent country, giving a naval base and port to Ethiopia would still pose an existential threat to all Somalis. It doesn't matter if we live in one country or two.
  3. 1 point
    There is no reason to be there. If Sland wants guarantors, impartial countries are needed. That said, Somalis as a nation are spoked, and rightfully so. Any negotiation can't be done with a man who gave a large chunk of Somali territory to an old adversary. The next Sland admin will be in a better position. And there is the issue of pro-union clans and even pro-Somaliland clans who now feel threatened by Muse's craziness.
  4. 1 point
    Mate I really understand the capacity and capabilities of Slers, if only they dropped this secessionist idea, the civil war may not have lasted this long, they are massive block of Somali Republic and huge potential, human resources to great Somali Republic, meesha wax kaa qaata, ummada Somaliyeedna wax Tara, no to isolations. This idea of succession has not only wasted opportunity of you guys contributing to rebuilding Somalia, but also lead unnecessary distruction and killings, and ever worse invited Somali enemy number one to our shores. Dadkiina dhinaca ka raaca. And for south people, specially HSM folks , the culture is rotten to the core, very corrupt, thieves, zero understanding of basic governance, without very very strong legal agreement, in wax Lagu darsado maaha
  5. 1 point
    One small step at a time till gradually the nation is strong enough to assert itself regionally. We are at the lowest point in our history, and shall need to trot slowly to rise up from the ashes. We are in no position to do much except advocate, lobby through organisations like the Arab League, and through legal pressure to slow Habasha's grand plan down till we could challenge them.
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