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  1. 2 points
    War yaa Facebook algorithm yaa iga ceshto. Waxaan camal isoo hor dhigaa, aniga 'not interested/block' ku haayaa maba joojinaayo.
  2. 1 point
    Abiy has mastered the art of betraying: Here are the groups he betrayed: 1. Oromo youth who forced out the TPLF 2. Lemma Megersa, the preferred candidate who stepped aside and allowed to become him the PM 3. Eritrea who saved many soldiers from the Northern Command and assisted him in ousting TPLF 4. Amhara and Afar who paid a heavy price in men and material 5. And finally OLF and other rebel groups who laid down and chose peace.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Hamse meyd why does he behave like some jaariyaad who works in the kitcen of culusow i have to say , he is the weakest Prime minister Somalia ever had. Go aan kaliya ma qaadaan karo
  5. 1 point
    I think he will do the latter as long as u show culusow a brief case full of lacag his mood will totally change
  6. 1 point
    Waa kas, gabadhiisa rabaa meesha iskaga xaarxaarto oo isku balaariso by default. Also tells you a major crisis like this for ten days and still wasiir arrimo dibad la magacaabeynin. Another reason to never trust Xasan Socdaal and his useless hadal.
  7. 1 point
    Nicmaan waaye, not Nimcaan. Nicmaan waa nimco/naciimo aan la baxno oo kale, only a male version of Turkiga.
  8. 1 point
    The Tigray and TPLF who got him in to power at the first place.
  9. 1 point
    My take on this? Shock and despair that Somaliland is reduced to a one crazy man show. That no one seems to use their God-given faculties of thought or seem to be capable of stopping an out of control rogue individual. That today, we have reached a stage where even the land and sea are for sale for a cheap price.
  10. 1 point
    These people will one day say xerada iyo dekada Itoobiyaanka shaqo waa nooga diideyn.
  11. 1 point
    UAE ‘might be the next mover’ if Ethiopia recognizes Somaliland January 3, 2024 MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – The United Arab Emirates is likely spearheading Ethiopian plans to recognize Somaliland in exchange for an access to the Red Sea and might be the next country to follow suit, Alex de Waal a British researcher on African politics said in an interview with the BBC. “The key here is the United Arab Emirates and this has Abu Dhabi’s fingerprints all over. They are strongly supporting Abiy Ahmed. They are very interested in Somaliland and its ports. They have a very assertive regional diplomacy that is not respecting the norms and principles of the African Union,” de Waal told BBC’s News Hour. “So, it is possible that the UAE might be the next mover but that wouldn’t necessarily set off a cascade. It might actually further inflame regional jealousies and rivalries because Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a number of other spects are observing the UAE’s activities in the Horn.” UAE ‘might be the next mover’ if Ethiopia recognizes Somaliland | Somali Guardian SOMALIGUARDIAN.COM MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) - The United Arab Emirates is likely spearheading Ethiopian plans to recognize Somaliland in exchange for an access to the Red Sea
  12. 1 point
    After decades of indoctrination, it's perplexing to witness the unwavering support many in Somaliland offer to a deal that seems destined for failure. For anyone raised in Hargeisa over the past 45 years, the narrative ingrained is that "Somaliland-hood is sacred," coupled with the belief that "Somalia is the enemy." This entrenched mindset is the guiding principle for the people of Hargeisa – the pursuit of recognition (ictiraaf). However, those in the South often struggle to comprehend this perspective, naively asserting Somalinimo to a crowd that eyes the concept with suspicion. This has culminated in a situation where a significant and misguided decision, like establishing a military base along the Somaliland Red Sea, encompassing an area larger than the entire state of Malta, is perceived as a positive development, as long as it inches closer to the cherished dream of recognition (Ictiraaf). My concern lies in the uncompromising approach of Biisi, potentially leading the country into instability if we continue to proceed without a clear direction. Unfortunately, I haven't observed any rational leaders in recent days who are willing to voice sensibility amidst the prevailing madness and hatred (Wixii Somalia dhibiya waanu ku faraxsanahay). If there's a possibility of ceding Lughaha or the Saylac Territory to the Habeshas, I fear that this could be the tipping point, igniting another confrontation. Biixi seems confident that he can suppress such unrest, but we all know how that turned out recently.
  13. 1 point
    It was clear from the beginning, that the Oromo narrative was pushed by Ethiopia as the precursor for voluntary and indirect annexation. Ethiopia has for decades used a politics of Oromisation in Somali region solidify its government grip on Somali’s and expand its territorial hold, so this wasn’t anything new, what is new however is this politics being applied or expanded to inside sovereign Somali territory.
  14. 0 points
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