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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Odeygaan inta yar taalo ayuuba ka ganacsanaayaa oo si musuq ah u gadaayaa markaas sheekadaan noo sheego rabaa.
  2. 1 point
    Malaa Xamar ku khaldiisa Amxaaradu dowlada Federaalka fadhiisiyeen oo u xoreeyeen. Mise toloow Baidoa, Beletweyn mise Kismaayo ku khaldiisa oo Amxaradu iyo Kikuyuhu u xoreeyeen oo ila maanta ku ilaaliyaan maamulka ka jira. Gooni, eedeyntu ma xuma laakins mid sax ah oo xaqiiq ah ka hadal. Reer waqooyi khaladkoodu banaanka ayuu yaala oo waa ta ka hadlino, laakinse adna runta iyo xaqiiqda ha k tagin oo cadiifad yaaney ku qaadin.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    If anything this shows the irrelevance of these odayaal that lived 1000 years ago. Both scientifically and religiously any blood relation that many years ago cannot exist and it is time Somalis leave this useless tribalism. For example, East Burco Clan and Sool clan are more closer to each other in terms of blood relationship than they are with Marehan & Gabiley Clan, it is a fact Somali tribalism ignore. If advanced DNA could tell I am sure Sool clan and Marehan would have near zero blood relationship or just DNA shared by most Somalis so are the Gabiley Clan & East Burco Clan. This is true for many clans in Somalia who have been fighting for centuries over stupid reasons.
  5. 1 point
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