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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Carafaat, No one had sent this guy. He isn't even the top tear of the Oromo council, furthermore he is a member of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia not the traditional Hararghe Oromo who have some Somali lineage. In terms of the viability of airport in Borama, it is a simple thing. small passenger airlines used to land Borama almost 30 years ago in 1994. There were flights to and from Boosaaso who hauled Qat from Borama, there were twice weekly flights from Djibouti and there were some United Nations Development Agencies flights from Kenya. Ina Egal had ordered all NGO's to leave Borama and relocate to Hargeisa while Borama was the safest city in Somalia. If Awdal becomes its own state, our diaspora alone could fill weekly or twice a week flight from Addis or Djibouti or even the gulf. If you build they come. Who could have thought that small village of Garoowe or tiny town of Boosaaso in 1991 would become a the government seat and metropole while Boosaaso is a commercial hub. We have over 1.5 million people just across the border. Just cross from Borama to Awbare and the 90 Km to Jigjiga takes four hours rather than one hour due to bad roads. Furthermore, the settlement from Awbare To Jigjiga is a bottleneck just like Qoryooley, Janaale to Baraawe. If we connect Zaylac to Borama and Jigjiga that alone will create more air and land travel. I do believe that 45 years old projects like Djibouti which is flooded by sewage and garbage and many others will be embarrassed when the Awdal project flies. Just compare Baidoa which has a real Maamul for just three years or so to the 13 years old project of Ahmed Madoobe in Kismaayo and Jubbaland. It is a day and night.It doesn't take much to build a sewer in Djibouti which could drain to the sea as old Italian made in Mogadishu, but the fat man and his crooks are too lazy to even think.
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