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  1. 1 point
    Baydhabo: Streamable Video STREAMABLE.COM Watch this video on Streamable.
  2. 1 point
    Saaxiib, as a former SSDF , I know you have a soft heart for the Habro. You don't want them to rule your cousins in SSC, but you want to keep these project going at the expenses of Reer Awdal. Isn't 32 years long enough to measure the viability of this project? Are we demanding special privilege or forcing anyone? No. We just want to be neighbors with the Habro and manage our affairs'. Is that too much to ask? Garoowe was a small village less than a fifth of Borama 1988, today it has grown. I also know that many of you thing Awdal as a small region, but our farms are north of Gabiley to Wajaale. Do you think the people who flooded Mogadishu before or after are all HAG? hell no. Within few years we could have a port full of people in the coast, a regional capital in Fardaha or Baki and Borama as the commercial, transport and educational capital. Why are you denying for our people to have a voice in the Somali jungle? We already took the moral ground and saved these savages from murdering each other before many times. Those in South Mudug had murdered your people in Gaalkacayo in the early nineties and you fought them battles, then Aideed and C/laahi made a truce. Yet , when you established Puntland you decided not to add the HAG neighbors due to that history or other reasons. You wouldn't even add South Gaalkacayo to Puntland. Here is what we did in 1991. They entered Borama and Dila and killed over 800 people in 48 hours including the mayor and his nine member family. YEt, when the rebels kept murdering each other in Hargeisa , Burco and Bebera, we sent emergency elders to reconcile. Ma maqashay " Gurmad nabadeed". We forgave the atrocities and considered them as the result of " Soomaalidii waalatay iyo dagaal Sokeeye". Then in 1993 single handedly established Somaliland maamul inta Soomaalida waalatay ka soo raynayso. The little institutions you see today in Somaliland were built by us including fair elections. Despite all that they recycled their unrepentant warlords and elected him president with devastating results. Liliya, how long you want us to ride this horse. The sane voice of the Habro C/qadir Jirde has even called a long war, so does Faysal Waraabe, Edna and every politician. We lost hundreds in Goojacade with 120 prisoners of war that we are begging SSC and the great Garaad to release to us. You know have no beef with the people of SSC and we don't want to be part of a clan revenge war. Biixi and company are maneuvering day and night how to deny the GX the power by moving the goal posts either through fake parties, through prof. Samater or Omar Geelle. Do you think the hungry GX will fare better? No. They might loot us much as the rest and then ride the wounded horse to Mpogadishu. Biixi is negotiating also under the table. We can't watch this as it happened in 1991, we must have a contingency plan Furthermore, we are different outlook than them. Faysal Waraabe said we need a unity government like Netanyahu, and Sacad Shire, the finance minister said what happened in Goojacade was similar to October 7 in in Israel. We have been a member of a hate cult for too long, and their aspirations are deferment than ours. Waxaan rabnaa nabad in aan nabad kula noolaano Habraha iyo Soomaalidaba. By the way, we didn't start this Awdal Maammul thing today. We have been rumbling for years. Our silent revolution has bloomed enough to burst and no one can stop an idea whose time came. So, don't sound like those who say: how dare these guys are asking out. THeir contempt for us is universal. Even the little mayor of Hargeisa said, " Kuwa aan inagu dhici jirin ayaa xataa microphone inoo soo qaatay", means how dare these unwashed Awdalites are asking to be out. I repeat, we have nothing in common to HJ and their vulgar nature. Reer Zatyac iyo Bariga Burco maxaa isku keenay. I also thought you had enough experience with fake olive branches from Somali clans and their bad intension's. We don't need ministers, or fake generals. We need to build our ports, roads and airports. We need to open Lawyacado with no head taxes. We just want to manage our affaires and we are not requesting this. We are taking it. Saaxiib codsi arintu mahan. We will take Awdal and nothing will be the same.I have no doubt we will surpass both the 32 years old project and the 25 years old project in Puntland which are debating how to conduct elections after a generation. I might add that 90% of Puntlanders and 100% of SSC support our efforts. Enough , waxoogaa bal heestan ku raaxayso. As our old sage Che said this isn't about our village is better than yours.
  3. 1 point
    Mate, what happened to you? You sound as bad, if not worse than the average hard-core secessionist, more like XX, if worse than Oodweyne still waving the beloved Republic's flag on Mars. Habro have come down to planet earth, and are more than willing to sit down, listen, negotiate, and compromise than ever before. So, calm heads, and patience wins the moment. Unless of course, this is a case of reer Galbeed "gadooday" once in a life time with no one able to calm them down till the house is being burnt to the ground? Or is this a case of "Xantii reer Galabeedka ee hadday ku lagdaan kaama kacaan". Surely, Habro are down in a way they have not been in 30+ years. You do not keep kicking a man, when he is down. Instead, extend an arm, left them up, be magnanimous, and take the moral high ground.
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