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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    This what you get when the ‘populous’ doesn’t get direction, clarity, while it’s getting mixed and contradictory messages. People need directions and moral leadership, specially in this kind of times of confusion, otherwise they might explode and take matters in to their own hands, lead to backlashes and uprisings against whomever. It’s to dangerous to let things run it’s own course.
  2. 1 point
    Inaanu jabnay waxa lagu gartaa yamyam iyo qadaadweyn baaba nalaka hahaya. Adiga bal maxaa Ku haya kuwan kale Waxaanu isku hayna waan fahmayaaye.
  3. 1 point
    Once we unite our tol under new leadership , study the reasons we failed , and set new goals. We will lead the the revenge war. Buurmadaw iyo islaan madaw toona isma hor taagi karaan wixii isq isku raaco. Muhiimadu waa in hadaf Ka dagaalku noo cadyahay. Oo aan caadifadi na qaadin . Horta maakhiri reer kiisa aakhiranu u dirayna mar ay ahaataba. Dhirbaaxada 1aad yagaanu Ku dhufanayna. Hadhawba yey odhan waa nala gaaday.
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