Real aqoonsi raadis. Iskoolkeeda ee jaamacadda ku sheegto ayee aqoonsiga ugu dalbatay dowladda dhexe, which gave a temporary certification valid for two years.
Islaantiiba haddee aqoonsigaan raadineyao, meesha waa lagu kala tagay.
I knew he was always secessionist extremist, wadaad iyo heesaaba midba ha iska dhigee. Saan ayuu uu labistay shalay, asagoo leh Laascaanood ku duuleynaa.
You see , He profiled Muse, he found out he is very bitter, angry man, nin careeysan, cuqdadeeysan, he played him.Geele will be the happiest man if SL implodes.
Geele is also playing HSM
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