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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    First of all there shouldn't be many civilians in Las Anod they should have been evacuated to nearby towns. Secondly they should have mined the main road from west, destroy bridges etc at the start to make it harder for the enemy to move equipments. Thirdly with so many armed forces with technicals they should have been sent to missions in say Qorilugud and Caynaba to draw out the Muse Bihi forces.All that is just basic military strategies nothing sophisticated. Look at the Gacanlibaax forces for example they took out 30 Muse Bihi forces in one day without losing a single soldier.The motto is work smarter not harder.
  2. 1 point
    Oo show Qofkii danahiisa Ku mashquulaba waxad qortaan qof dhuuntay. Keligaa maahee Laangaab yada kalena yagoo waxaa soo qorqorayan arkayey.
  3. 1 point
    Marka kuleelka xabadeeda kugu badato ka dhuumo from SOL. Abwaan markii la dilo ama dad kale lagu xasuuqo Laascaanood soo orod. Keep hiding and if you think killing this abwaan gives you a chance, wax badan riyooneysaa ee dhuumashadaa iskaga noqo. Go disappear again.
  4. 1 point
    Ma go'doon la galiyo godkaan, nothing comes out and goes in. No re-enforcement, no cunto and no biyo. Waa fahmi la ahay sababta wali jid ee maraan u heystaan marka lagu wareegsanyahay.
  5. 1 point
    As for Gacanlibaah, it is able apple and orange, the landscape is different, SOOL is very much open, hard but possible to do Guerrilla warfare Gacanlibaah is a natural fortress
  6. 1 point
    I believe with new leader in control, he will change things very soon.
  7. 1 point
    Waxay u eegtay inaad adigu is yeelyeelaysid. Sadaam Xuseen dawladdiisii reer ayaa samaystsay, tii Siyaad Barre sidoo kale, tii Qadaafi sidoo kale, tii Tigreyga sidoo kale. Kulligoodna reerihii samaystay waxay ku riyoodeen inay dagaal ku difaaci karaan. Mudane waxaan kugula talinayaa inuu caqligaagu shaqeeyo. Colaadda dhulkeena ka socotaa ma'aha video game aad madaddaalo ka dhigan karto. Adigu haddii aad dhul shisheeye dugsanayso dadkaagii ayay fitnadaasi damqaysaa. Waxaad ogaataa dalka shisheeye aad nabaddiisa iyo horumarkiisa dugsaysid in ragga asaaggaa ah ee dhulkaa u dhasay ay dhisteen adna kaagii ayaad rabtaa inaad dumiso. Ilaahayoow garaadka ha naga qaadin.
  8. 1 point
    Laascanood is for the most part surrounded east west and north only the southern flank is open how long do u think the so called jamahir can keep up with this goojecadde is 7000 meters away from laascanood wa xabad sigaar ah
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