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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Prof. Sanater could have saved from themselves, but it is too little too late. Meel lagu kalatagay ayuu wax ka raadinayaa. Why would he allow to be used by this Madax faluuq Muuse. Does he know most of the Awdal politicians have been already bought and sold?. They couldn't even kick the ball to the open net when the opposition came up with 32 members for Cali Xaamud. All he needed were 9 votes. Even Cirro is compromised and can't be trusted to wage a real opposition. He had an opportunity organize around the clock demonstration until the election is called , but he secluded himself with his $1.5 million mansion. If GX want to succeed, get rid of Cirro and Faysal and get men with a backbone. If an opposition can't even demand an election whose time has expired what is the reason to exist. Get rid of him. SAmatarow waxaan ku odhan lahaa xabadu yaanay ku leefin meeshan doorasho way ka dhamaataye.
  2. 1 point
    Sxb, Xaaji, you are a slow learner or maybe too arrogant to realize the coming storm. Reer SSC kicked the shaky foundation of an entity led by a man who thinks everything is a nail that needs a hammer. The grievances by reer Awdal will not die and their anger will erupt again. The rightful grudge GX held since 94 is erupting as we speak. Enough with the bravado, and if HA has any intelligent people, they should tell Muse to leave.
  3. 1 point
    Last month we had to worry about awdal and we all know how that ended
  4. 1 point
    That is simply not true, I wish it were, but the culture proves me right.
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