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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Dhibka wuxuu imaan doonaa guddiga doorashooyinka ma madaxbanaanaan doonaan, siiba tan lagu dooranaayo madaxweyne maamul goboleedka iyo ku xigeenka? Soomaali waa isnaqaan waala faragelinaa.
  2. 1 point
    Scapegoats. Mahad Qalaaye markee soo xiraan ayaa ogaaneynaa inay run ka tahay.
  3. 1 point
    A lot better than HSM's tyrannical two-party system idea. I hope regions adopt this and put pressure on the center. Thanks for the summary.
  4. 1 point
    They even fought the British before Sayid Mohamed with huge loses. They fought the Ethiopians and there is no Habro history without them. Muuse and his ilk were always thieves who stole livestock during the British. Our Xaaji Hanjuf and company were our guests in Djibouti and we used to give the identity cards. We will start the whole thing from zero.
  5. 1 point
    Dadka maxay u haystaan gaas dhagooleyaashani. They looted everything in a day light yet talking nonsense . They put a HJ election commission while the senile Saleebaan Gaal is holding the illegal guurti. Muuse holding the military chief and the money bag. Where you? to court? another Jeegaan is judging by the one man court.Where else you go? to the parliament? Ina Haashi another Jeegaan member who stole $40 million owns a quarter of the parliament and controls the parliament with the stolen public money. How all that possible: Dahabshiil. Rather than deposit the money to the bank from Nairobi or Brussels, they deposit the money first at Dahabshiil in Narobi since the Somaliland bank is illegal or non recognized bank, Dahabshiil is the place to deposit. Even Somali federal governmt during HSM earlier term did that. That is the only to explain the richest man of politics today. There is no hope but to destroy this illegal cartel and start from clean slate. In 1975, West Burco controlled and run the Somali intelligence from coast to coast. Most of the ambassadors were from them. A couple of enterprising and Mikevelian guys from Puntland and HJ told convinced them to join the anti Siyaad Jabhad. In eighties, Siyaad told them: Waar Habraha SNM dagaalka ma wadi karaan Garhajis la'aantiiye, dagaalka joojiya , wadanka maalgashada, wadada Hargeisa iyo Burco anynu isku xidhno. Waxay ergadii ugu jawaabeen , Siyaad Barre ayaanu dalka ka xoreynaynaa. Ninkii ergada u ahaa ayaa ku yidhi, Dalkaas aad sheegaysaan armaa bari la idinka xoreeyaa. Sidii baa dhacday oo just after 8 years dagaal baa lagu qaaday. There was even an agreement which claimed that "if we allow HY to lead , they might rule us for the next 100 years". THey are every where except Awdal. Now a hungry clan who dwelled just east of Burco without history of culture is looting everything with help of Hargeisa oligarchs who have been using the system for the last 20 years. This fool called Game is even saying they have money and military , but that will end soon. Enough is enough. This project had run its course. Even if elections are held they will rig it in a daylight. A freind whose wife was in Hargeisa told me that his 12 years old son had voted last election in Hargeisa for the ruling party. Even in Gabiley 10 years olds had voted. He was telling me I am claiming Lughaya, Wajaale an so on. He thinks everyone is just like his landlocked hungry guys from the east.75% of elected city council of Lughaya is ours including the mayor and our farms are in Wajaale and our buildings are in Downton wajaale for generations.. Jigjiga is ours and my own family farms are west of Gabiley. Those who are ruling today are the criminals of 1988, the instigators of 1992 civil war, the Maryo Alool wars of 1996/96. They fought Cigaal until he eliminated him, and Rayaale they tried everything, and finally they used Al-shbaab to assassinate him by blowing a bomb laden truck killing many of his staff. Folks, these group will only leave by a barrel of the gun .Furthermore, we want the looted money back.
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