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  1. 1 point
    https://www.hiiraan.com/news4/2023/July/192179/egypt_to_host_summit_of_sudan_s_neighbors_on_july_13.aspx?utm_source=hiiraan&utm_medium=SomaliNewsUpdateFront A sudanese friend of mine from port Sudan who was part of establishment in the 80-ties to the 90-ties shared to me whats truly happening. A post-colonial nightmare is happening in Sudan. That man said to be frankly that Sudan was tightly controlled a small elite of the army of jaáli arabs but that mass education and the islamic revivalism held together vastly diffirent communuties and tribes. He said that whats happening in Sudan has allways occured mainly civil war but that it was constrained to distants parts of the countrey. The only viable instutution of the countrey that held together the nation according to was the army and the civil servants and the islamic clergy. He clearly said and the historical records supports his claim. Sudan chose to take another path of trying to become a nation that matured. Omar Hasssan Al Bashir path to China and Sudan rejecting the global order of the IMF and its way of flooding the nations with western goods could not be accepted by the west. Slapped with sanctions that countrey withstood but greedy Omar Hassan al Bashir underminded the only viable instutution that Sudan knew about, mainly the army. The guy fearing coup when rebels advanced to omdurman in 2004 dismantled the army. The muslim-non arab sudanese civil servants published the most well read book of Sudan. A book called the black book of Sudan with statistics that showed how the nile-delta arabs dominated every scope of the nation. Omar Hassan Al-Bashir played with fire and recruited camel herders while dismissing professional soldiers. Many dont know about this but Sudan is the only known nation with viral mineral needed to create chips. With the rejection of China the west looked upon Sudan. Making a nation a faiiled nation makes it easier for Sudan becoming the next congo. A vast African nation, larger then Europe with european companies looting and getting contacts with weak government. Now my friends things are getting uglies. The sudanese army been unable to defeat the jackal Hemeti and is bunch of camel herders. They are in controll of the areas that the elite reside in. Today on 10 july, a sign of the desperation of Sudanese army a general mobilisation have been made The worst scenario of that we could imagine is happening in sudan. "Mass mobilisation" was seen by non-khartoum people a tribal plea and RSF under Hemeti made the same thing and the arms depot has been opended to the people, Qof walbo Soomaliya waxii ka dhacay 1991 knows what happens when no one is control and weapons chaches are freely distributed, Its sad to see a nation that gave Somalis during their worst times in history, opputunities to study, freely. Sudan and Syria were two nations that Somalis could enjoy free education No has 12 weeks gained the upper hand. Even RSF is composed of diffirent factions only on bent upon destoying. No one has heard of Xamati since a month, We might being a Somalia scenario for Sudan. Ilaahay Ummada Suudan ha badbaadiyo. The Europeans have allready made up plans a "sudanese federarion" aka a political bypass word for the looting of Sudan. I truly belive if the army is unable in the coming 2- months to take full controll of khartoum, they themselves with their command controll order will collapse. Mark my words, a grandiouse conferance in europe into a bantuninised "federation" is in the work of the EU. Question begs if Turkey that invested a lot in Sudan will accept it?
  2. 1 point
    majority of SLers will believe him, this is very closed society, and very much brainwashed
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