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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    There has to be a difference between Realpolitik, pursuing pragmatic or realistic policies, and strictly holding on to Populistic or rather Idealized notions. And what is concerning here is that there is no differentiation between the populistic notions often practiced during elections or other sort of campaigns intended to incite or influence the populace swinging a certain directions, and the politics practiced in office, policies pursued by officials that should be based primarily on considerations of given circumstances and factors, rather than strictly following the thinking dominant among populace in cafeterias and market squares.
  2. 1 point
    Hadey saas tahay marka sheekadan xuduud ayaa difaciina, Garaad ayaa dhib wada, iyo wa na lagu so duulay. waa waxba kama jiraan oo sheeko maweelin ah. Mar hadii 23 degmooyin ee Somaliland sheeganiso, 8 degmo ee jooginba ciidankeedu. Nabadu iyo isfahamku wexe ka biloobmataa runta iyo xaqiiqda ina la isku sheego. Qof been cad ka sheegiya marna kalsooni kuma wada dhaqmi kartiin wada hadalba iska daa.
  3. 1 point
    You nailed it, the first group are scared of second group, and unable to make decisions, all reports point how Farmaajo gave SL a great winning offer, but typically paranoia, like Hajj, and other idi0ts here, they blunder the opportunity , how can we trust D block? Go and get half opportunity from HSM?
  4. 1 point
    There are three groups within the secessionists. The first group is comprised of arrogant and obnoxious types that are currently in power. The second group is the largest; they sincerely believed in the Republic of Somaliland as functioning state and majority of reer Sool as unwillingly members of the state. This group is hardest hit by the events in Sool. They really bought into the idea of Somaliland and were dumbfounded when they realized Sland is just another region as there is no mighty army, sophisticated elite and vibrant economy. The final group is the closest to reality. As Somalis, they appreciate the nature of Somalis, hence they understood no clan can impose their will on another regardless if one clan sees itself as a state or not. This group called for the removal troops from Goojacade from day one. Judging from his comments, Xaaji is in the first group though I personally think he is in shock.
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