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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Maakhiri and Galbeedi, we are talking about two HSM, the xasan after the "Golaha" who was adamant that the agreement is final and will not stop for anybody, and the Hasan after he saw the backlash and qeelo dhaanka dadka soo yeeray, dib u gurtay. In that sense, he is better than farmaajo and should be given credit to him, for listening the people. But he listens when it suits him, when he has no friends, if he has some unuku around him he wont listern. time will tell. the biggest obstacle will come in next three weeks, when each state including Puntland suppose to send 2 delegate to become part of the new Electoral commissioner. i can tell you puntland will not sent it, and the money he is banking on from the international community to conduct the election will not come if Puntland is not on board. i can tell you also, there will be no election of 1q1c during HSM precedency, because daacad kamuu ahan and he does not want to do the hard work. If he moves the conversion forward that at least is good thing. if Shariif was in power, i would have more confident we would have 1q1c by the end of his presidency, because the guy is listener and works on concuss. the other differences for the two is Hasan sees Puntland an arch enemy that should be isolated on any cost, Shariif on the other hand sees Puntland and asset that can not be ignored. Sharif was the only recent president who done something tangible and moved the government from Transitional government to full government with Garowe 1 and Garoowe 2 agreement with support of Puntland. If you want to know how president is thinking, listern to his advisors. I was listening to one of HSM advisor today, and i was hopping, after listening the president considerately remark, he will say we will bring Puntland on fold and will listern to their concern, he done a u-turn. Instead he said we not going to stop for Puntland and will go ahead, the gentemen seems he did not even read or know what is in the constitution, or may be thinks we don't need it. the bottom line is, somali is khiyaameen ma jecla, lamana khayaameen karo, marka hasan hadii uu daacad ka yahay wax waa u qabsoomin hadii uu san daacad ka aheena oo uu cuqdad iyo xukun jaceel ka tahay, we will stay where we are...
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