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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Galbeedi waa dabadhilif dabadhilif kana dhirbaaxa wax lagu fahansiiya. Ninka iskii kuula dagaalama ee aad wax isku qabataan nin dheh , laakiin ninka maalinta aad rag kale is haysaan lugta kugu dhegaa waa doofaar. Isagaana Kaaga xun kaad is hayseen.
  2. 1 point
    bribing, Dividing and fragmenting SSC community had worked sometime for your ilk, not anymore, yet you are trying to pit the Awdal communities against one another. That too won't work. I am not a tourist , trader or settler in Zaylac or Lughaya. I have large settlements and indigenous population who lived their for centuries. The Jesus community are our brothers and neighbors. "Reer hebel baan idinku soo diri" is not strategy. What solutions you have for Awdal to stay in this corrupt outdated project? One day you cheer Urur Samaale and Calaow, another day for Omar Geelle or C/kariin Guuleed, and now the burden is put on Adna Aadan to claim her British ancestors to rescue the project. The only group of people blowing the war horns are mostly from east Burco boys like you who are afraid of losing the money they looted from the system for the last 14 years. Bring the poor and hungry boys home. Somaliland waxay u gacan gashay Ehlu Naar iyo Oday Saleebaan Gaal. Expect things to get worse unless Biixi resigns. You haven't learned nothing yet.
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