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  1. 2 points
    Exactly. C/laahi Dani is the man. The failed policy of Muuse Biixi had empowered C/laahi Dani. On the other hand with HSM going rogue and discarding rules governing institutions by hiring Dahir Calasow and Guutaale to be the main players, Puntland should be the only Maamul for checking and balancing the regional government of Mogadishu masquerading as a federal government. I might even add that the people of Mogadishu had disappointed by his actions. Folks, just wait my incoming article about the whole thing this weekend. I got a lot of information. There was even a sighting of Faroole family members in Kempiski Hotel in Djibouti. We have people in Djibouti.
  2. 1 point
    Maakhir saxiib Sheeko carbeed oo dhiganta tan Deni iyo HSM yaan kuu sheegi Dawaco yaa laf dhuunta uga istaagtay hadda ka hor, aad bay u xanuunsatay, waxay dhex martay habar dugaag oo dhan cid wax la qabata way wayday. Ayadoo luudaysa yaa waxaa ko hor yimid cantalaa ama qalowle lahjadda koonfurta Wuxuu ku yiri dawaco maxaa kugu dhacay ood aad la ciiraysaa? waxay ku tiri war ninyahow laf baa dhuunta iiga taagan, habar dugaagna waan ka waayay cid hadiyad iga qaadata oo lafta igasoo bixisa. Wuxuu ku yiri afka aad u kala taag, markay kala taagtayna luquntiisii dheereed yuu afkeeda geliyay ka dibna kasoo saaray laftii. Markay xoogaa nasatay buu cantalaagii ku yiri aaway hadiyadii aad balan qaaday? Intay jeesjees ugu qososhay bay waxay ku tiri hadii madaxaagii oo bed qaba kasoo noqday dawaco afkeed, maxay tahay hadiyadda kuu dhiman oo aad doonaysid? Lafu waa farmaajo, xasan sheekna waa dawaco Denina waa cantalaa, waa sida wax u dhaceen. HSM makala jecla farmaajo iyo Deni waa isugu mid, laakiin wuxuu u isticmaalay si foolxun oo ah hadii madaxaagii kuu nabad qabo jagadaadii waad haysataa. Waxaa kuusoo haray arrinta xamse. Xamse waa agoon halka maamul oo dhisan oo garab istaagi kara waa puntland Jubaland ayadaa rafaadsan, talo xumada cagdheer darteed. Deni intuu garoowe ugu yeero geed hoostii la fariisto ma'oran go'aanahayn sida isu dhaan oo faas u noqo maslaxadda awood qaybsiga mar hadaan daacad shaqo meesha oolin. Usc markay cid rabta iyo cid lahadlaysa inaysan jirin bay iska maamusheen shaqadiisii. Xamse HSM buu u tagay markuu wuxuu qabto garan waayay wuxuu ku yiri mudane xajkaan rabaa inaan aado HSM wuxuu ugu jawaabay war xaj lama gaarine orodoo cimrada aad, markuu soo noqdayna waxay ku yiraahdeen hawshii inteedii badnayd anagaa qabsanaye orodoo shaaha dabka saar. Hamse beeshiisaa bahdishay walaale, wuxuuna la nool yahay madaxweyne qabiilayste ah oo aan cid kale wax u ogolayn Dhibku waa puntland oo afartii sano halmar madaxweyne buuran soo xusha, shardiga kaliya oo laga rabo waa inuu madax banooni ah leeyahay.
  3. 1 point
    Anigaba geesi waa ahay waa tagi lahaa if garaadada tikidka iyo accommodation iga dhiibaayaan like him.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Ciid Mubaarak guys, a late one sort of. I think the Awdalites have a great potential to declare their own state and leave this project for good. This week I did talk a friend in Canada who had extensive conference call to one of the elders who was a member of the delegates to negotiate with the SSC Garaads. He reached Yagoori first and then he went to Jigjiga to meet C/risaaq Khallif and some Garaads . After those meeting he said to major things. First SSC is gone and it is not coming back. So, the only thing Muuse Biixi is looking for a third party to relocate the forces peacefully without the threat of forces from SSC. While the SSC Garaads are open to the idea the militia commanders will not allow SL army to take any weapons. The second thing is Biixi and company are preparing for a reduced Somaliland of the future. This elder was selling to those who talked to him an idea whose train had already left. He said the Habro leadership is open to re-negotiate a new Somaliland. On the other hand we are preparing a total dismantling of this project which had expired long ago. It is too late For C/raxman Zaylici and company to acknowledge the obvious at this late hour. couple of hundred millions of foreign aid has been pouring to Somaliland since 2010 and we couldn't get even few millions for all these years. No roads, no fishing ports or even a hospital while taxing people from Lowyacado to Boorame to the bone dry. They were building tribal capacity not state or institutions. Thank God for the SSC for exposing the dead clan project who wasted 30 years. The only thing to brag is few hotels in Hargeisa and the big buildings constructed from the looted millions. The two richest men in Hargeisa are Hersi Gaab and Mohamuud Hashi, one was living a welfare house in London for 20 years, while the other was small tech shop owner and Hawala clerk. They looted all that money for seven years when Siilaanyo was sick. From Djibouti to Jigjiga, from Hargeisa to Mogadishu Somalis have failed to build or restore a functioning Somali state. We have seen democracy in 1960-69, we witnessed a well functioning military government from 1969-1991, but we have never seen anything like this.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Salam Calaykum Waxaan salaamaya dhammaan asxaabtaydii SOL ee aanu Inta badan is maqal . Intii i xasuusata Waa walaalkiin Red Sea oo Maanta idin soo booqday
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