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  1. 1 point
    Cabey Axmaro is walking the line the of amhara chauvanism. The brutal TPLF weyane , like it or not made a last ditch at famous 1985 Adwa conferance with the EPLF of how to handle the question of the of "Ethiopianism" and adpoted a ethno-centric based ideology. Ofcourse in those days every rebel group had to adopt a "marxist" outlok. The slick Meles choise marxist-leninist hoxaist line as a mirage for his TPLFS goal: either the dismantlement of Meneliks Ethiopia or a ethno-based Ethiopia that will never surrender to Amharas. Looking from a broader perspective from Somali viewpoint what Abey Ahmed is doing is actually silently supported by the amhara elite of addisabeba. Remember that that it is the Amhara -assimiated urbanised of Addis Abeba that form a majority in the capital and who have vast supremacy in the ethiopian adminstration in the capital. They are the technocats. In summary, Abey is pursuing "Itoobita Tikdem". The slogan of the Mengistu. The Amharas of Gondar and Bahridahr are not relevant. The analysis that Abey Ahmed is embracing oromo nationalism is flawed. 2 things dont add up. Being an oromo nationalist and desiring a national army and minimising the federal concept of Ethiopia. During the war he waged upon the Tigrayans the western media overlook the harsh measures that Abey Ahmed took against oromo armed militias. Something is fishy here. Galbeedi whats your insight? 1-Does it add up? Looking for an "ethiopian identity" that aka means amhara identity and a national army and minimising the federal concept of Ethiopia that gave the 30 oromos 30 years of breathing space to establish unieversaties and and a generation of ethnic concious oromo youth. The Somali factor. 2- We Somalis are gullable, emotionally driven people. While the Wahabi inspired itihad movement UWSLF accepted treason and big bearded "Sheikh Ibraahim Dhere" accepted the horrendous murder money of Weyane throgh Cabdi Iley the ONLF just gave up, Most rebel organisations create a political fraction that continues its natural right for freedom but they didnt have that political gymnastics. The communist kurds of Turkey made that political gymnastics. They created the HDP that gained 13% percent in Turkeys parliament and at the same time had close contacts with the many splinter groups of the communist seperatist kurdish seperatists whose number enemy 1 now is the islamic awakening of Turkish kurds. The Splinter groups is ideologicaly driven and mainly focuses on extreme kurdish seperatism and hatred of religion. This did not happen in Soomali-Galbeed. Make a breakway fraction that firmly continues with the struggle by rasing a new generation of pan somalism. 2B. What has really changed? The governnor is installed by Addis abeba as all previous were Sh Ibraahim Dheere, Cagjr have all embracing the idea of an "inclusive" Ethiopia that somalis would be an actor. They dont even understand that the ethiopian mindset or should I say Amhara mindset that somalis exist in the republic of Somalia. In conclusion Che and Makhir, Ethiopia is violitile. Abey Ahmed has been gone for FGS and given somalis some breathing space. At the same time his chooing the old track of the old order. This does not add up. Either the man is a conman trying to please everyone or he is what I said wolf in a sheep clothes. An Amhara in oromo clothing. If he is the first one mark my words. The guy will be gone in a year once he loses those who shed their blood for him. Mainly Oromos. Anyways Lets see how round 2 goes. But something odd is happening in Ethiopia
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