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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Good move, in regards to Policing and keeping the elected officials in place for now
  2. 1 point
    Rooboow trying to sell dalkugalkii xajka vy naming his brother and associates members of this unnecessary guddi. Why even have this guddi other than siphon lacag from poor xaj-goers. Wasiir Roobow oo magacaabay Guddiga maamulaya Tartanka Adeega Xajka ee Sanadkan Wasiirka Wasaaradda Awqaafta iyo Arrimaha Diinta Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali ayaa magacaabay Guddiga Tartanka adeega Xajka sanadka 1444/2023. Guddigan ayaa kala saaraya, soona xulaya Shirkadaha la siinayo Qandaraaska inay Xajka geeyaan Xujeyda Soomaaliyeed oo lagu wado inay ka bataan 10,000 Xaaji. Wareegto kasoo baxday Wasiir Roobow ayaa lagu magacabaay 9 xubnood oo ka shaqeynaya howshan, waxaana xoghaye looga dhigay Nin la dhashay wasiirka. Xubnaha Guddiga ayaa kala ah: 1 - Maxamed Haji Ibrahim Cali Xilka Gudoomiye 2 - Ibrahim Robow Cali Xogheyn 3- Shekh Cali Shekh Mahmuud (Sh Cali Dhere) Xubin 4 - Cabdinuur Macalin Maxamed Xubin 5 - Xaji Maxamed Kheyrow Aadan Xubin 6 - Xamdi Cabdirahmaan Ismaaciil Xubin 7- Aadam Sadiiq Maxamed Xubin 8 - Dr. Khadar Xaji Daahir Xubin 9 - Yuunis Cismaan Axmed Xubin
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Oh they are serving the public falsities, and half-baked truths, as SSC Alliance agreed with SSC Garaado & Leadership Council to halt their advances, and has not since fired a single madfac.
  5. 1 point
    How come Laascaanood does bot have a garoon diyaaradeed, even a little airstrip malaha. Almost every degmo, much smaller than Laascaanoo, has an airstrip now. Did secessionists sabotage it? Come to think of it, secessionists only use the renovated airports dowladii dhexe built in Hargeysa iyo Berbera. The rest of degmooyin in Waqooyiga malaha garoomo yar yar xataa. Boorama malaha, kan Burco looks more like a mooro than a garoon. Ceerigaabo iska iloow.
  6. 1 point
    Here is the latest; I am sure Oodweyne will fabricate raw intel only whispered in the yellow corridors of villa Morgan. The U.S. put Ethiopia in charge of negotiations between SSC and SL with meetings being held in Hargeysa at first, and then in Garowe, where SSC Garaado, and Leadership Council arrived to hold meetings with US Ambassador to Somalia via Zoom, and Ethiopian delegation in person. SSC stance: i) Remove SL militias from SSC territories, with Oog being their nearest bases, ii) No negotiations shall commence till (i) has been satisfied, iii) SSC is part of Somalia, is not, has never been, and will never be part of SL, iv) Negotiations could ONLY commence post satisfying (i), (ii), and agreeing to (iii), and could take place at a neutral venue to be agreed upon at a later time. SL stance: i) Agreed to relocate its militias to Tuula Samakaab, ii) Demanded all non-SL militias pull out of Las Anod, ii) Suggested negotiations with SSC to take place inside SL.
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