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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Farmaajo uu aflagaadeyn jiray, when this Dhurwaa met him in Biljam in 2018, he was very timid. My family knew his wife's father in Baydhabo. He was a wadaad sheekh ah masaajid Baydhabo ku yaalay ka ahaa sheekha. He didn't want his daughter to marry this alcoholic. But she insisted. Dowladii Kacaanka uu maalin walba caayo, it was this very dowlad u shaqeyn jiray and lived public housing owned by Kacaankii, Afrikaan Filaj (African Village). Relatives lived there and knew him as well.
  2. 2 points
    It is escape mechanism, madness from facing real hardwork, his time will Finnish, him flying around, and now he s oppsessed with extension. Nothing is being done, Somalia Waa ayaan daran, what in the world were they thinking to select this fool again
  3. 1 point
    Doolar, dirham, shilin, riyaal, my friend. Farmaajo didn't pay enough and was too confident. Shariif does not pay nor had enough. Kheyre iyo Deni are the biggest losers ugu shubeen and received nothing back - in the name of Farmaajo ka carar. In fact Kheyre's tol qeylada iyo cabaadka ka dhamaaday because dowladaan kama dhex muuqdaan as they were in Farmaajo's ee raa'isul wasaare ku lahaayeen.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    The SSC community must sue the UK government for funding a military secessionist faction in Somalia and supporting a murderous warlord. They interfered a sovereign country's affairs without consulting the national government and hence took sides. I believe there is case to answer and they must be forced to pay compensations to families who lost their loved ones and their properties destroyed by warlord Biixi.
  6. 1 point
    They really angered many people for many years now. The last few days hundredth of Ogaadeen and Geri fighters from Warder region arrived in Buuhoodle. They said we don’t come here to go to Laascaanood. Locals convinced them to stay and wait for directions. Huge bloodshed may stopped. They underestimated the new reality in Somalia Pennsylvania and overestimated their capacity. The secessionist may signal unification talks as well. The game is over for now.
  7. 1 point
    The Ethiopian security personnel is involved a ceasefire and a deal is in place. Muse will be allowed to leave peacefully.
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