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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    It is rather embarrassing, to say the least, to observe the difference between reinforcements on the two sides. On the SL side, I see fat guys dressed as security guards on civilian xaajiyad khamsiin clearly unprepared, and afraid, whereas on the SSC side I see hardened fighters giving thumbs up.
  2. 1 point
    More than half of SL army were ghosts/phantom, caglayaal, they could not find them, as BIIH and TAANo used to take money for the non-existence soldiers, when things heat up, and most of the army based in SOOL were eliminated, they could not find the rest. That is why TANI is replaced, but of course, this would not be possible without BIIHI Dadka HARGAISA , Gabiley laga soo raafi, they are collecting as much as they can find, for final attempt, laakin waa ku HOOBAN. My prediction is SL will collapse, dadka masaakiinta ah been iyo KHIYAALI, iyo CAJILAD loo daaro 18th may, Meesha Mucjiso baa ka socota.
  3. 1 point
    Grand Opening of Berbera Economic Zone.
  4. 1 point
    Guys, peace will come, on Somaliland's terms. You can take that to the bank. This whole thing will not last. The Army is not going anywhere. In fact, the Somaliland tax payer is getting a return for their investnemtns into the army. They would otherwise be in a barracks doing nothing, they must as well get something done. But you cannot say the same on the otherside. The children that are given guns, the business men, the teachers, these will have to find a way to make ends meet. It is a wonderful world and it works in ways you cannot imagine. We will keep the pressure and also olive branch at the same time. If we have to, we will try to expand the sphere of war and include Garowe into the calculations. We have time and we have money.
  5. 1 point
    Maakhiri the terrorist are being hunted the somaliland defense forces are winnning this war. Don’t listen to their crocodile tears . They want u to have sympathy with them they attack the sl army and once they attack they hide and expect the sl army Not to respond. Marka wa sidee
  6. 1 point
    How is ssc not an sl issue when ssc lies inside somaliland makes no sense u can oppose somaliland independence but to say ssc issues do not in love somaliland is being disengenous. Ileen ssc dayaxa kuma taale
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