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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Reer Burco are honestly another kind. One reer Burco guy just posted a funny story. He said: Waa hore waxa jiray nin iyo xaaskii oo mudo is qabay. Xaaskii maalintii danbe wiil ayay u dhashay. Odeygii reerku curadkiisi ayuu maalin walba la qoslaa. Hooyadii ayaa masayr dareentay, maalintii danbe ayay ku tidhi odeygi "Horta maxaa la qososha kolka aad cunuga la joogto". Odeygii wuxu ku yidhi: "Cunuga afkiisa bilaa ilko ah ayaan la qoslaa". Dhawr maalmood ka dib Hooyadii ayaa ilko hii dhamaa iska soo wada gurtay (She removed all her teeth). Odeygii ayay si lama-filaan ah intay hor timid afkii kula qaaday. Odeygii nafba maalintaa ayaa ugu danbaysay. Imika sheekada Puntland waa Hooyadii Federalka oo ilkohii iska soo gurtay, Odeygii HSM iyo Jubaland oo Baby yaraa uu la dhacsanyay ah.
  2. 1 point
    Kenya is set to open seven new foreign missions in the latest reorganization of President William Ruto’s government. According to Executive Order No.1 of 2023 by President Ruto, the seven new missions will be based in Djibouti, Bern, Arusha, Goma, Jakarta and Hargeisa (Somaliland). The planned foreign missions in Arusha, Goma, and Bern will be second in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Switzerland. New missions in Djibouti, Indonesia (Jakarta), and Somaliland will the first for Kenya in the respective countries, according to Foreign Affairs ministry data. The six new foreign missions will bring the number of Kenyan missions to 66 from 60. The diplomatic missions will increase Kenya’s representation in foreign countries as the government seeks to double down on developing commercial, economic and cultural relations with other nations. At the same time, the new missions emerge as Kenya increases its interests abroad, including the recent creation of a new State Department for Diaspora Affairs in the renamed Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs
  3. 1 point
    'God ha qodin, ku dhici doontaa ma ogide ' in this case, he dug it deep. HSM has turned Somalia into a tribal fiefdom. Those that say it's a gimmick, what else can he do to waken senses in Mogadishu, which is literally turning into 'unukaa leh'. If things don't change, it'll get worse. I said it before, hsm and his crew will fck up this country.
  4. 1 point
    My 21+ years of SOL. it never gets surpring of my tuulo and qabiil is bigger than your tuulo and qabiil by dad degan dalalka Reer Galbeedka.
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