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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    This reminds me of a repartee between B. Gates, and S. Jobs in the mid 2000s, where Jobs was talking up the smart device, and Gates opined: why on earth does any one want a boxy palm device when one could have a thin laptop - MSFT was secretly incubating the Surface tablet idea at the time; here, Gates could not envisage the paradigm shift on the horizon, albeit mostly financed novel, if critical Apple projects (the two being close friends). Now, S. Wozniak's take, the de facto Apple engineer, who built the first Mac, was of a different kind. Garacad port facts (metre): Depth: 10.25m - 15.5m (berths A - D) Width: 120m - 157m Freight tonnage: 10 - 30 thousand ton ships (berths A - D). Depth of other local ports (metre) *: Kismaayo: 11m serves** 511 thou Mogadishu: 10m serves 1.4 million Berbera: 10m serves 232 thou Bossaso: 8m, the smallest in the country, serves 1.2 million. * to be confirmed. ** Serves in terms of population. Distance to (km): Galkacyo 240, Tuur Dibi (Xadka DDS) 303, Boosaaso 920, Muqdisho 750, Berbera 1,400 Funds earmarked for the project were 305 million with less than a third of the funds being used, and even though unconfirmed, the first toll-based private road might be built to connect Garacad to Tuur Dibi. The Wadaagsan group are advised to consider funding the road project, since they have got the funds in hand, and fold it into the bigger port project. As costed, they could recoup the investment in less than 10 years. A worthy investment, methinks.
  2. 1 point
    I agree. Free market, competition and competent leadership is what made the Asians rich. Besides, they have open access to the richest market in the world, The United State. Yet, no one can ignore the constant meddeling, dictatorship empowering, and resource looting of the developed countries. When I visited Kampala, Uganda, the main airport was the one built by the British in the sixties. THere were no four lanes higways except the one started by the Chinese. They will tell you that Uganda is a close ally of the US, for what really? On the EU, of course it is a win win for both, but the rich countries are giving the eastern European backwaters billions of dollars to reach medium level developmenmt. Imagine $10 billion a year of ivestment in the horn, it could transform. Yet, all they talk about is aid. $2 billions were donated to Somalia in 2018/19 alone by EU and US, where did that money go? Of course blame goes to us Somalis and others. Everyone is trying to regain what they destroyed. When my son asks what is going in Somalia? I simply say: We had free education, free health care, even walking clincs ( Bukaan socod eegto), secure borders and peace, and everyone is trying to gain again what was destroyed. We have been waiting for 30 years just to be able to walk in the streets.
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