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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Well, it is my turn to add my analysis. Muxuu yidhi Darwiishkii: Mashxaradii Shalay, Hadaan Murugo Waydaaran. Dawladii HSM ee 80 maalmood foolanaysay waxay dhashay Roobow iyo Faqi. Knowledgeable people describe this government as those who are " Angry and Al-shabaab". Most of them are the students and aides of HSM, furthermore none of them are expected raise their voices . Yet, the biggest disaster of all is Roobow. This man isn't a rebel who had repented. In his capacity as the top leaders of Al-shabaab, he issues Fatwa proclaiming it is " Legal to cut the neck of those whitin the government and bring their stomck outside ( Waa in qoorta laga bireeyaa oo Calooshooda banaanka la soo dhigaa). He supervised their crimes and filled the airwaves while he was the main spokesman. Does anyone have seen him asking for forgiveness? never. In fact, some foreign leaders including top UN representatives wanted him to be the president of south west region of Somalia. How does he earned that prevelige?. He didn't leave Al-shbaab in early years. He was one of the top leaders from 2006-2015. In fact, he only left the group when he lost the power struggle against Ahmed Godane who used foreign fighters to subdue his enemies. This man has blood in his hands. To add insult to injury , the former Khawaariij had been given ministry of religion and helping the needy. Do they know the meaning of " Waqaf" ? it means helping others in the name Allah and giving for here after. How does a killer who bombe, hotels, schools, universities and markets would became the face mercy and goodwill. These people had destroyed everything, now they want to besmirch the good name of Islam? Our freinds in Koonfur Galbeed tell us the reason Roobow is elevated from prisoner to minister is to declare war on C/caziiz Laftagareen. It is a war. Now let us look the loser called Faqi. Kuwii maqasha loo diray ee ku fatlgroobay ayaa Geelii loo dirayaa. This guy has failed almost everything he touches. He left the federal parliament and went to Galmudug to became security minister. Instead he became the insecurity man who destablized Galmudug. He let Al-shbaab lose to Xeraale and other regions inhabited by the D...r community with deadly consequences.Then when fall out with Qoor Qoor, he got some weapons from Puntland to fight the terrorist group, but transferred to Ehlu Sunnah which allowed them to occupy Guriceel and other places. He did all that to stick to Qoor Qoor and Farmaajo. Now this loser is elevated to manage internal affaires of the nation. Others I could point out is Wasiir Tik Tok who Rooblaawe appointed defense minister will keep his portfolio. He refused to attend the April 12 commemoration because he feared they might stage a coup. Go figure. The deputy premier is a fellow named Saalax who was mentally unstable as I recall many years ago. For HSM and many soother politicians murder, killing or having bloody hands is nothing but an end that justifies the means. Qofkani dhiig buu daadiyey waxba la aha. Folks, while there are few good guys, this isn't a group who could move the country forward. KG is ready to defend, Hiiraan isn't willing to be the buffer zone for the Ethiopian and Egyptian adventure. Puntland is already out, and if HSM continues in this direction, he will definitely becoming the governor of Banaadir. Among these 77 cabinet members , the overwhelming majority belong to either the senate or parliament. It is like let us wash each others hands. This is how the Italian chamber in Rome works. HSM lied about UAE, lied about Egypt, and hided the Qat deal and so on. I don't know when we have to start the campaign to remove him. I guess we have to wait few more months, because it will only get worse. Sadly judging by the way the empire of chaos works, new maps and other schemes to change the horn of Africa had begun. Ethiopia will be dismantled. Even the ONLF leader had openly said . Guys Somalia isn't ready yet.
  2. 1 point
    In 2022, global soybean oil prices, driven by an increase in the demand for biofuels, have been projected to rise by about 4 percent, to $1,425 per tonne; a market report from IndexBox reveals. According to the IndexBox report, the growing demand for biofuels, especially in Asia, will increase the prices of soybean oil globally. The platform put it that in 2021, the average annual soybean oil price rose by 65 percent year-on-year to $1,385 per tonne, from $838 per tonne. Strong demand and high freight rates in China, which is the world’s second-largest importer of soybean oil, resulted in the most rapid price growth of the commodity in the third quarter (Q3) of the same year. Weather-related disruptions to production in South America also caused soybean oil prices to rise fast. In 2020, IndexBox estimates that soybean oil purchases in the foreign markets rose by 7.5% to 13 million tonnes, increasing for the second year in a row after three years of decline. In value terms, soybean oil imports have grown notably to $10.3 billion. India was the highest importing country with a purchase volume of around 3.7 million tonnes, accounting for 28% of global supplies. China ranked second with a purchase volume of 963 thousand tonnes. Algeria (670 thousand tonnes) and Bangladesh (666 thousand tonnes) were ranked as the third and fourth major importing country. The four countries altogether accounted for about 17% of total soybean oil imports. Coming behind as the fifth-highest importer is Morocco (547 thousand tonnes), followed by Mauritania (537 thousand tonnes), Peru (521 thousand tonnes), South Korea (390 thousand tonnes), Colombia (378 thousand tonnes), Venezuela (373 thousand tonnes), Egypt (243 thousand tonnes), Poland (229 thousand tonnes) and Nepal (215 thousand tonnes). India in value terms ($3 billion) being the largest market for soybean oil imports in the world, accounted for 29 percent of global imports. The second position in the ranking was taken by China ($725 million) with a 7 percent share. North African country, Algeria came third with a share of 4.6 percent of the total value. Top Soybean oil exporters In 2020, Argentina was the major exporter of soybean oil (5.3 million tonnes), constituting 42% of total exports. The United States (1238 thousand tonnes), Brazil (1110 thousand tonnes), Paraguay (631 thousand tonnes), the Netherlands (615 thousand tonnes) and Russia (611 thousand tonnes) follow, altogether accounting for 33% of global supplies. Meanwhile, Spain (387 thousand tonnes), Bolivia (377 thousand tonnes), Ukraine (302 thousand tonnes), Turkey (208 thousand tonnes) and Germany (192 thousand tonnes) had relatively small shares in the total volume. In value terms, Argentina remains the largest supplier of soybean oil in the world ($ 3.7 billion), which accounts for 39% of global exports. The United States ($ 979 million), with a share of 10% of the total supply is ranked second. Both countries are followed by Brazil with an 8% share.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    In the US, a mere 10% of all the wheat, rice, corn, rye, oats, barley, sorghum grown is eaten by people. The rest is for animal feed and biofuels. Biofuels like ethanol not only require diverting agricultural production away from food, thus driving up prices and placing unfair burdens on the world’s poorest people, but also present a fake climate change solution that hinders the growth of real solutions to the climate crisis. https://watershedsentinel.ca/articles/biofuels-more-drain-than-gain/
  5. 1 point
  6. 0 points
    Maize for biofuels is specially bred, not the kind we eat. But on the other hand, this part of the resource can be used to grow some edible corn.
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