Your call to priorities the issue urgently is justified and I don’t think anyone can disagree with that. And your analysis is not wrong perse, as it’s incomplete. The issue is not only political and religious in nature, as you are pointing out here. But its contains as much socio, cultural and economic underlying factors, which I won’t go in to. But discounting one dimension could easily undermine your direction of thinking and proposed solution, as has happened with previous ‘simple’ solutions and fixes, such as e.g. federalism, foreign troops, weapons support, and creation of half a dozen different military units operating independently from one another.
But you are right that the problem needs to urgently be prioritised, discussed and fully understood, as one can’t simply ignore it anymore. Its the big elephant in the room, and he has grown over the years to become a giant mammoth.
P.S. Ironically it’s mainly international academics thinking and writing on the issue and different underlying factors. Very little is coming out of the Somalis corners in terms of thinking. Wonder why that is?