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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Just be Glad Mr Baahane will disappear in a few wks forever. Dhaqan & Protocol xumaa - The highest office of Gov as PM, counting an illegally captured bag of $$$ from a foreign diplomat...
  2. 1 point
    Have you ever seen in your life a prime minister carrying back and forth a bag full of money? one he was carrying them and giving to the gulf, the next day the Gulf guy with Rooble is taking back again by touching the dough.
  3. 1 point
    Doc-ka-yeer daankaa la jabiyaa! It's a matter of principle (guess that escapes you). Doing the right thing. Shall I carry on? Yes, any government has its foreign policy allies but how come you are not Aware of Emirati and Saudi zionist policy towards the whole of the Muslim world. I'm not saying every country has its own interest, but how can you compare UAE/SAUDI policies to that of Turkey and Qatar? This is the face of pure effing blind hatred of a man, then throwing the baby with the bath water. Grow the fck up, and call a spade, a spade when you see one.
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