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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Waaguu RRA ka tirsanaa ee soo xasuusiyeen Laftagareen. Asaga iyo Saransoor waagaas soo halgameen.
  2. 1 point
    Nin kan ha laga gar-baxo. He has a point, when they overlooked the daylight robbery which took place in Bosaso for example and Kismayo, they shouldn't be so picky on what took place in South West. In fact, the South West was probably much more cleaner than the other two. Good to see SW folks standing up for themselves.
  3. 1 point
    Full Laftagareen speech - speaking forcefully, direct, and didn't mince his words - leadership at its finest. For almost 20+ years, Sharif Hassan held KG hostage & set it up to be used as a pawn and be obedient to the will of others, with zero development. The clueless Rooble - actually thought he could rush thru the election without KG...
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