It did:
The foreign-backed so-called opposition - namely C/raxmaan C/shakuur and Xasan Sheekh - think this issue can be exploited by paying what they say are 'parents.' Xasan and co. are also who openly tried to qabiilize ciidamadii qaranka a mere few weeks ago. That itself is treasonous act.
Again, I have no issue with this haddee run tahay xataa. They are paid Soomaali soldiers and if they fight in Tigrey land to avenge the war crimes they have done in 2006/07 in Muqdisho.
No Xabashi was proresting then, parent or not. No Kiikuuyo is protesting against what their sons are doing in Jubbooyinka. So are Ugaandheeska, Burundiga.
This is a manufactured crisis in third attempt, waana wada aragnaa.