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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Kkkkkk Shidheeye kaga dhagtay midkaam maxaan cunaa. Yaan u guulwadeeyaa kkkkk Guulwadayn: Maxamed Siyaad Barre Guulwadayn: Caydiid ilaa iyagii kufsaday Guulwadayn: Ethopia Guulwadayn: Alshabaab ilaa iyo hada oo hal tuulo xoraysan karin. Guulwadayn: Farmaajo a.k.a Villa Somalia squatter. Noloshaada dhan waa yaa igu fariista oo xoogaa ii tuura markaas baad shisheeya ka hadlaysaa kkkk
  2. 1 point
    Here another hunqaac from a mentally-enslaved shisheeye u niikiye. This creature cannot help it, for it has to cheerlead a shisheeye, be it Talyaani, Kiikuuyo, Imaaraad and so on.
  3. 1 point
    One month late, but it is here.
  4. 1 point
    Hi there. Galeyr (or gallayr as you wrote it), which means the falcon bird, is pronounced as gal-eyr, not jal-eyr. G in Somali alphabet is like hard G in English words, like how you say 'game' or 'great' in English. The 'g' letter in Somali does not exist in Arabic. Xiddigta Oktoober (not Oktooher), which means October's Star, was the main newspaper of Somalia in the '70s and '80s, published by the then revolutionary government. X in Somali alphabet is ح in Arabic, like 'hamza.' In Somali, we write Xamsa. Xiddigta can therefore be called Hiddigta Oktoober.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Shiriye = meeting facilitator. Comes from the root shir, meaning organized meeting. A male nickname as well. Shir'iye is the pronunciation.
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