Is this the latest tabeelo (boor) the secessionists are prostituting to a newest pimp miyaa? Xataa even the dude they are over-praising never met them or any important people from his government. Before the prostitution was to the Sacuudi king's poster while he did nothing for insecure dying breed secessionists. I guess they have to do something or sell to every once in a while to keep marqaan zombie people in line.
Saalax, you know that Sacuudi king poster haddaa heysid soo gali fadlan. The similarities are very uncanny.
By the way, those cables on that poor pole next to the poster is something. Who owns those? Each small company puts its cables on there, it seems. And some dating from the 1980s even, I guess. It needs to be orgazined before that poor pole and others like it collapse. I am sure the poles date from dowladii Kacaanka.