Impossible for Amxara to have anything in terms of territory.
There is no Amxara Ethnic by ancestry. All Professors politicians agree on this.
They are scattered every wehere. Amxara is a class of people that were soldiers, functionaries, tax collectors..etc for rulers in old. Agew, Tigray, Oromo are the main components that form Amxara. Its like the Turks, Ottomans, Arabs. Mercenaries of Sulatanates becoming a tribe. In some cases these tribes take over the Sultanate.
Everybody called Amxara is really other Ethnic by ancestry. That is their main problem. That is why they stopped the census, because their real number is estimated less than 10 million.
They have never had a stable political party that last more than 4 years. Regional division is very deep.
Some are interested only on Addis Ababa and never care of the rest.