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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Runtii waa ceeb iyo fadeexad la isku daray, beyond sadness. Look at their madaxyo. Marooyin biyo qaboob ku shubtaan ayee saarteen qoraxda kulul see iskaga celiyaan while nimankii dhalinyarada ahaa ee Berbera hurdaan, markee soo toosaana jaadka meesha ka bilaabo. Waa jaad shaxaad lagu gatay even. Waa dad physically nool laakiin maanka ka dhintay waa hore. Ceeb looma dhinto ileen.
  3. 1 point
    Waxa kaga daraan waxay laso taganyihin "DP World created jobs for us" yes... for Indians.
  4. 1 point
    Ask them markee soo toosaan ay maqlaan soo dhacyeey. Waa zombies 24/7 u fadhiyo marqaan, shisheeyihiina qoraxdaas taagan shilimaantii shisheeyaha keenana ku cunaayo. Such a shamefulness.
  5. 1 point
    Saalax, fadlan haku deyan qashinka boosaneerada ku nool for the sake of SOL. I hate to bring out budka weyn to clean the site, but the wretched stench sometimes gets too much.
  6. 1 point
    I can actually list the topic I posted here and when he stopped posting his favourite topics, CeelAfwayn, Tukaraq, Col. Caare, Mustafe Martin... He consistently searching for a new Daddy. Meeshan General Duke ayaa ka cararay. When he lost his Daddy too.
  7. 1 point
    Exactly, what I was trying to say, when I said specifics. meaning it was only used when required for a specific purposes. Which is totally different from indiscriminate planting of mines to cause maximum casualty to civilians - which is what Afwayne done. Saalaxo is desperate rat. He actually thinks he can fool anyone with quotation taken out of context.
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